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65 Cards in this Set

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(Homo sapiens) Early people who lived during the Old Stone Age
Where was Sumeria located?
What does "Mesopotamia" mean?
The land between the rivers
Where were the Akkadians located?
Where were the Babylonians located?
Tigris-Euphrates Valley
Who were the first people to smelt iron?
The Hitities
Where were the Assyrians located?
Ashur and Ninevah
Who were the first people with coined money?
What is the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution?
Shift in human history from food gatering to food producing during the New Stone Age.
What are some characteristics of a civilization?
Geography, economy, art, architecture, education, religion, science, math, medicine, society
Who was Hatshepsut?
One of the New Kingdom's female pharaohs. She was a strong ruler who kept Egypt's borders secure and built trade with other lands.
What is Polytheism?
The belief in many gods
What is Monotheism?
The belief in one god.
What are commodities?
Goods that have value, especially relating to barter economies.
Who founded Judaism?
What's the Exodus?
The escape of Hebrews from Egypt led by Moses.
What's a covenant?
A solemn agreement.
What is monoism (NOT monotheism)?
The belief in the unity of god and creation.
What is Dharma?
Doing moral duty.
What's another word for Nirvana?
In Hinduism, which god is the preserver?
Which religion had the Four Noble Truths in it?
What was the first dynasty to evolove in Indian History?
The Mauryan Empire.
Who was Asoka and what did he do?
He was the 3rd ruler of the Mauryan civilization. He kills 99/100 of his step-brothers. After 8 years of ruling, he adopts Buddhism after a bloody battle. Then is never violent again.
What is Polgymy?
When a man has more than one wife.
What is Filial Piety?
Respect, devotion, dedication, and knowing your place in family.
What is the Panchatantra?
The collection of five books of animal fables and magic tales. Their main purpose is to educate the sons of royalty. It's also known as India's most influential contributors to world literature.
What did the Indains discover in medicine?
They were the first ones to discover that giving a little bit of the disease could strengthen the immune system, so the worse form of the disease doesn't kill them.
What civilization established the civil service system?
The Han dynasty.
What are the Analects?
Books full of Confucius's teachings.
True or False:
Yin represents; male, bright, active
True or False:
Yin represents; famale, dark, positive
What did Daoism belive in that Confucianism didn't.
Daoism shunned politics and was more about nature.
What's Legalism?
Legalism is the school of Chinese philosophy that concerned itself with politics.
Which emperor followed Legalism?
Cheng, the emporer of the Qin dynasty
Which dynasty first developed bronze weapons and ceramics?
The Shang dynasty
Which dynasty established a centralized service system?
The Han dynasty
What dynasty was the shortest and longest? (Shang, Han, Qin, Zhou)
Shortest: Qin (Ch'in)
Longest: Zhou
Which civilization was located on the island Crete? (Minoans or Mycenaens)
What an Agora?
a market place
What's an Acropolis?
a "hill"
Which epic came before the Trojan War? (Iliad and Odyssey)
The Iliad
What kind of government did Athens have?
In the Athenian society, who are metics?
Non-citizens who pay taxes and can't own land.
Who created Athens's first written law code?
Drace (malfoy), but his laws were harsh and severe.
Which archon tried to settle disputes between creditors and debtors be erasing all of their debts?
Solon did, but his attempts didn't end Athens problems.
Who is Peistratus?
He ruled over Athens as a tyrant and improved Athens's economy, but clashed with nobles.
Did the Greeks believe that their religion could save them from sin?
Why did the Greeks believe in myths?
To help explain their world.
What are oracles?
They are special places where the ancient Greeks believed gods spoke through priests and priestesses.
Who were the Hoplites?
They were heavily armed Greek infantry who carried long spears and fought in closely spaced rows.
What's the relationship between Xerxes and Darius?
Darius was Xerxes's father.
Which Athenian leader did the Persians surrender to?
Who won the Peloponnesian War?
Sparta did, with the help of Persia.
Who were 2 of history's greatest sculptors?
Myron and Phidias
Who was and Athenian who taught that education was key to personal growth and asked questions that forced students to test their own values and ideas?
Who was a wealthy, young aristocrat who believed that all material things were imperfect?
Who was Aristotle?
He believed that every field of knowledge had to be studied logically. Also, Aristotle wanted to combine all of the forms of government and create his own.
Who was Pythagorus?
He was a philosopher who believed everything could be explained in terms of mathematics. Pythagorus also created the Pythagorean theorem
Who was the "founder of medical science?"
Hippocrates, he wrote 60-70 medical studies.
Who was the "father of history?"
Herodotus. He was Greek and the first historian and he sometimes exaggerated.
Who was Sophocles?
He wrote tragedies.
Who was Euripides?
He was a writer who showed more realism in his plays.
Who wrote comedies and was known for his sharp wit?
How did the Hellenistic culture spread?
It spread from Alexander and wherever his armies marched.