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35 Cards in this Set

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the process of taking over and consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers


explain in detail how life changes as industry spreads

grown into industrial towns and cities.

bought clothes and food instead of making them.

trains and steamships.

increase in population

explain in detail how agriculture spurs industry

a change in the farming fields.

a second agricultural revolution took place that greatly improved the equality and quantity of farm producers.

explain in detail how farming methods improved

smaller fields and larger ones made better use of land.

exchanged news of experiments through farm journals.

turnips = restored exhausted soil

explain in detail how enclosure increases output but causes migration

facilitated enclosures through legislative

large human cost

farmers were forces off of land because they couldn't compete with large land holders.

explain how population multiples

agricultural revolution reduced the risk of death because it created a surplus of food.

batter hygene, medical care, and slowed deaths from diseases

explain the new technology becomes key

aided by new sources of energy and new materials, these new technology enabled business owners to change the ways work was done.

money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprises


a person who assumes financial risks in the hope of making a profit


why Britian?

natural sources such as iron, ore, and coal. Great Britian had many natural harbors for trade. Rivers for transportation and sources of power.

explain in detail Natural Resources Abound

water power - canals

increased accessibility for trade

supply of coal was fundamented to its industrialization and was used to power steam engines.

explain in detail the effects of demand and capital

eger to meet the growing demands.

$ was necessary for starting a business

capital, enterprise!

many business men were ready to risk their capital in new ventures.

stable government

explain in detail the textile industry advances

cotton cloth imported from india became popular.

tried to organized a cotton cloth industry at home

putting-out system.

movement to people from rural areas to cities


workers organization

labor union

social impact of the industrial revolution

brought great riches to most of the entrepreneurs who helped set it into motion.

proverty and harsh living conditions

benefits from industrialization

explain in detail the new social class emerges

a new middle class

owned and operated the new factories, mines, and railroads

faced through working conditions.

explain in detail the Industrial middle class

entrepreneurs benefited the most

created a new middle class

grew profits in facotires

took pride in their work

women didn't leave, took care of the kids and the house

explain in detail factory workers face harsh conditions

the grim factories of industrial towns, workers faced a rigid schedule set by the factory whistle

12-16 hours 6-7 days a week

might lose a finger, limd, or even their life

damaged their lungs

more women worked than men


who is Thomas Malthus

- british economist

- saw effects of the population explosion

- published an essay on the Principle of Population

- tried to understand the staggering changes taking place in the early industrial age

who is Jeremy Bentham

british philosopher who advocated utilitarianism saw the need for government to become involved under certain circumstances.

idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the happiness for the greatest number of people


a system in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses


means of production

farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produced and distribute goods.

who is Robert Owen

he set up a model community in New Lanark, Scottland, to put up his own ideas into practice


who is Karl Marx

- German philosopher

- condemned the ideas of the Utopians as unrealistic idealism.

- formulated a new theory "scientific socialism"

- "scientific socialism" claimed was the based on scientific study of history

- created communism

a form of socialism advocated by Karl Marx; according to the Marx class struggle was inevitable and would lead to the creation of the classless society in which all wealth and property would be owned by the community as a while


working class


a political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent over throw of the system,

social democracy

explain in detail laissez - economics

natural laws should be allowed without interference

government shouldn't interfere in the free operation of the economy

the "hands off" approach

a free market will help everyone

explain in detail Malthus holds bleak view

population would out peace the food supply

natures "natural" method of war

thus urged families to have less children

factory system changed peoples lifestyles for the worse

living conditioned improved - people = fewer children


explain in detail Ricardo Shares View

- dedicated himself to economic studies

- economics became known as the "dismal science"

- Ricardo pointed out that wage increases were futile because when wages increased it would only cover the cost of necessities

- wages were high, families had more children

- individuals should be left to improve their lot through thrift, hard woe, and limiting the size of families


explain in detail Owen's Utopia

- believed there was a way to change society for the good.

- to prove his point he set up a cotton mill

- homes for workers and schools for kids

- industrial age brought harsh living conditions and poverty as people crowded into cities

explain in detail socialist thought emerges

other thinkers focused on the good of society in general.

the evils of the industrial capitalism, created a golf between rich and poor


operated the means of production

socialism grew out of the Enlightenment faith in progress and human nature and its concern for social justice

explain in detail Owen established a Utopia

poor welsh boy became a successful mill owner

refused to use child labor

campaned laws for limiting child labor