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84 Cards in this Set

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What are the two methods used to determine the age of artifcats?
*radio carbondating
*thermal luminescanse
Who discovered the bones of hominid 1.8 million years old at Olduvai Gorge?
*L & M leakey
Paleolithic peoples were nomads because they had no choice but to?
*follow animal migrations and vegetation cycles.
Anthropology is the study of?
*human life and culture
What is the name for the period before writing was developed?
Farmining in ancient Mesopotamia resulted in an abundance of food, which did what?
*enabled civilizations to emerge.
The sumerians believed gods and goddesses did what to the cities?
A government by divine authority is called?
The invention of cuneiform is credited to whom?
Hammurabi is remembered for his?
*law code-collection of laws for Mesopotanian society.
The first empire in world history was the
Hammurabi is remembered for his
*law code-collection of laws for Mesopotanian society.
The history of Egypt begins around around 3100 B.C. when who did what?
*King Menes united upper and lower egypt.
Modern historians have divided Egyptians history into three major periods, known as
*old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom
The religion of judaism differed from the other religions of the time in that it was
Cyrus the Great showed such wisdom and compassion when he conquered Babylon that who did what?
* everyone accepted him as a ruler.
Which leader of the Persian Empire extended it to become the largest empire the world had yet seen?
What contributed to the efficient system of communication that was crucial to sustaining the Persian Empire?
*well maintained roads and way stations that provided food, shelter, horses for the officials.
By the time of Darius, the Persian Kings had created what called what because why?
*a standing army known as the Immortals. when a member was killed, he was immediately replace.
The Indo-Eruprean written language was started by the early Aryans around 1000B.C
India's ___ was created by the Aryans.
*caste system
Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
*founder of Buddhism
Who is generally considered to be the greatest ruler in the history of India?
The silk road was a
*trader route between the Roman Empire and China
In the Chinese culture, priests mad_____ to communicate witht he gods.
*use of bones
The Zhou dynasty claimed it ruled China because?
*It had the Mandate of Heaven.
This dynasty ruled for almost 800 years and is the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history
The period after the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization is called the
*dark ages
homers Lliad and Odysseys were
*epic poems
By 750 B.C., the _____ or city-state, became the central focus of Greek life.
The main gatherin place int he Greek city state at the top of a hill on a fortified area was called
What is the sequence for cause and effect?
1. Lack of farmland
3. spread of culture
4. trade/wealth
The government of Sparta was an oligarchy, which means that is was
*ruled by a few.
After Cleisthenes, the government of Athens became
*the foundation for Atherian democracy
Who is considered by many historian today to be the greatest hirstorian of the ancient world?
The conquests of Alexander the Great created what era that saw the expansion of?
*Hellenwtic Era (spelling?)
Greek ideas, non greek world.
What form of government has a leader who is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote?
By the end of the second century B. C. what group had become the governing body of the Roman State?
the first Triumvirate was made up of whom?
*crassus, Pompey, Julius Caesar
What name is given to the period of peace and prosperity that lasted almost 200 years?
*Pax Romana
This jewish prophet traveled and preached in Judaea and Galilee
What did the Edict of Milan proclaim?
*Official tolerance of christiantiy.
Who became the first christian emperor?
Under which emperor did rome adopt christiantiy as its official religion
*Theodosius the Great
Diocletian and Constantine's policies were based on what two principles?
*control and coercion
Muhammad began to mediate in the hills because why?
*troubled by the gap between the honesty of most makkans and the greediness of trading elites in the city.
One of the five pillars of islam, the hajj is about what?
*pilgrimage to Makkah
The crusades had little lasting impact on Southwest Asia except what negative impact?
*breed centuries of mistrust between huslims and christians.
It was through the mustlim world that Europeans recovered what ?
*works of aristotle and other greek philosophers.
The Kush civilization declined because of the rise of
*Axum, a new power located in modern Ethiopia.
Who was the first of the great trading states to emerge in West Africa?
Many africans societies were matrillineal meaning
*decent was traced through the mother.
Technological developments during the Tang dynasty included
Who brought much of the Eurasian land mass under a single rule, creating the largest land empire in history
What philosophy waw at the heart of the Chinese state government from the Song dynasty tot he end of the dynastic system in the twentieth century.
Between the Tang and Ming dynasties, Chinese lieterature flourished because
*printing was invented.
Saint Benedict founded a community of monks that established what
*basic form of monasticism in the catholic church.
The vikings were made part of European civilization by what policy that did what
*Frankish policy of settling them and converting them to christianity.
The most important gift a lord could give a vassal
*a piece of land.
At the heart of feudalism was
*vassalage which meant warriors swore loyalty to a lord who took care of their needs.
In 1066 William of Normandy invaded
*england defeating King Harolds forces at the Battle of Hastings.
The magna Carta was a document that was used to do what to monarchs power
*the idea that a monarchs power was limited not absolute.
What kingdom was created by the vikings
The push for the crusades came when who asked for what
*Alexius 1 asked for aid from christians
Serfs were different from peasants in that serfs were
*legally bound to the land which they lived and worked.
The struggle between Henry lV and Gregory Vll was known as
*Investiture controversy
To achieve his political ends, Pope Innocent lll often used an interdict
*prohibited priests from giving sacraments.
The inquistion was
*a court created by the catholic church
The black death killed nearly 38 million people resulting in
*severe economic consequences.
Which conflict resulted int he loss of political power by the catholic church
*great schism.
Joan of arc brought the hundred years war to a decisive turning point
*inspiring the french army with her faith.
What was the name given to the areas of Mexico and Centrol America where ancient empires flourished
Which mesoamerican civilization carved giant stone heads
The Maya civilization was composed of what type of government
*city states, each ruled by a hereditary ruling class.
What Mesoamerican civilization created a sophisticated writing system using hieroglyphs
The Aztec captial of____ was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco
The Aztec practiced human sacrifice in order to delay what
*final destruction of the world
Since the Inca lacked a writing system they kept record by doing what
*Knotted strings, quiper
To Portuguese explorers, the southern coast of West Africa became known as what
*gold coast.
Why did Vasco da Gama's discovery of a route to India by sea prove to be valuable
*because he returned with cargo of spices and horses.
Originally, African slaves were brought tot he Americas to supply labor for what
*sugar cane plantations.
What was the name for the journey of slaves from Africa to America
*middle passage
What is the correct order of social classes from colonial Latin America
1. peninsulaves,
2. creoles
3. mestizos
4. mulattoes
Who aided the European powers in exploiting the Native Americans
*Catholic missionaries.