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49 Cards in this Set

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What is a monarch?
A king or queen
How do monarchs gain power?
The inherit their throne from their mothers/fathers
What is a revolution?
A change in government
Example: French Revolution, American Revolution, Glorious Revolution
What is nationalism?
A deep loyalty to ones country
When did nationalism increase?
It became very strong in Europe after the middle ages
People started defining themselves as English, French etc.
What is a Absolute monarchy?
When the king or queen has complete power over the country
Examples of Absolute monarchs?
Kings and queens like: Elizabeth I, Mary I, Henry VIII, Ferdinand & Isabella, Louis XIV, Ivan the terrible
What is Absolutism?
When leaders have complete control over a country
Why did kings and queens believe they had this power?
Kings and queens believed that g-d gave them this right
What does magna carta mean?
It means great paper
What did the magna carta say?
It started the king must follow the laws of England
It was the first limit on the king’s power and the idea led to constitution
Which monarchs were in the tutor family?
King henry the VIII and his 2 daughters, Mary and Elizabeth and his son Edward the VI
Why are the tutors important?
They each made huge changes in England
Who was Elizabeth?
Protestant daughter of Henry the VIII mom was Anne boline
Why didn’t Elizabeth never marry?
Never married protect her power and England
What important things did she accomplish?
Made England’s navy the strongest
Made it safe for all religions
Who was Mary I?
Henry the VIII first daughters
What is she known for as queen?
Bloody Mary – she killed many protestants during her rule
Very unpopular
Why is henry so famous?
Married six different women - some he had beheaded, others he just divorced
He invented the church of England (Protestant) because the pope wouldn’t let him divorce his wife
Where did Ferdinand and Isabella rule?
King and queen of Spain
What two important things occurred during there rain?
She funded Columbus voyage to the new world
The united Spain and made it a catholic country – then forced the Muslims and Jews out
What was the glorious revolution?
When William and Mary took power in England
Why was it called the glorious revolution?
There was no war - they were protestant and they agreed to have less power parliament had more
What did peter the great do?
Made Russia more modern and European (calendar, military and newspapers)
Who was napoleon?
He was powerful military leader
Where did napoleon take over?
Took over France after reign of terror
Took over most of Europe
How was napoleon defeated?
Went far into Russia
Defeated at waterloo
When was the Age of Enlightenment ?
18th century
What was Age of Enlightenment ?
Middle class grew and started ideas about government
Helped cause the us and French revolution
what is feudalism?
A political system in which a powerful noble granted land to a lesser noble
Why was feudalism needed in middle ages?
Needed to protect their land because there wasn’t strong government to do it for them
what is a fief?
Land granted by the land lord
what is a vassal?
Person who received the Fief
what is chivalry?
Knights code of honor
what is primogeniture?
Land was passed down from father to oldest son
what is excommunicate?
Kicked out of church and not receive your last prayers cant be buried on sacred ground and cant be married
What happens to someone who is excommunicated?
made them an outcast
what is regular clergy
why is it called regular
what is the point of regular clergy
The clergy who didn’t talk to any one “Monks(Nuns)”
what is secular clergy
The clergy who dealt with the daily problems
What were the crusades?
Which won succeded?
How were they good for Europe
The knights and men who went on crusade (a holy war)
Only the first succeed but helped Europe
Stented the king improve weapons and knowledge and helped the renaissance
What was the name
What animals carried the plague
A illness that spread rapindly and killed thousands of people ½ of the people in Europe
Rats and fleas
Black death
What is a heritic
What happened to the heritics
Someone who went against the church and was considered a traitor
Forced to confess if they didn’t they were killed
What was the role of the church in the Middle Ages?
In the middle ages the church was a strong back bone of almost every thing
How did the Crusades change Europe?
The crusaders left Europe peace full which allowed it to grow and prosper
Trade incressed – people from Europe wanted spices and silks – fewer wars
Gve two reasons a man might join the Crusades.
For the riches/land
Or the honor
How did Chivalry affect each class during the Middle Ages? Why were the effects of Chivalry somewhat limited?
It was a way to live there life and made the woman and children fell safer but it was only applied to people of the same class
Why did a manor need to be self-sufficient?
The manor needed to be self sufficient because there was no trade at all
Why was the feudal system needed in Medieval Europe?
They needed a setem to try and start up trade but it didn’t work and also they needed hope