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57 Cards in this Set

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What is pragmatic sanction?
Where all members of the Holy Roman Empire swore that they would accept Maria Theresa as Empress of Austria
Why couldn't Maria Theresa run Austria very well?
The Austrian Hapsburg kingdom had been poorly run.
What did Maria Theresa do to strengthen Austria?
She copied Prussia's laws by increasing taxes and taxing nobles.
What land was split into three and disappeared off the map for 200 years?
How was the Seven Years War initiated?
Frederick the Great thought he could take advantage of Maria Theresa because she was a woman so he tried to take Silesia from Austria.
In what kingdom was Joseph II?
The Austrian Hapsburgs
What three things did Joseph II do to try to make Austria better?
He tolerated all religions, wncouraged learning among the non-noble classes, and abolished serfdom.
How were Joseph II's actions not appreciated?
The nobles wanted to keep their feudal rights and the serfs wanted to keep the tradition.
What was Joseph II unsuccessful with?
Dealing with other countries and wars. He always lost.
What happened immediately after Joseph II died?
All his changes were undone.
The only thing that sort of changed was that serfs no longer wore collars.
What kingdom was Frederick William "Great Elector of Brandenburg" from?
The Hohenzollerns of Prussia
Frederick William(great elector) was the first to 'nibble' around....
..Marriage and war.
Frederick I changed what title to what?
Holy Roman Emperor to King of Prussia.
Who starts the absolute monarchy in Prussia??
Frederick I
Frederick William "Soldier King" established Prussia as what kind of power?
A Military power.
What is the canton system?
How Prussia relies on the Junkers for their military supply of people. The Junkers gave up serfs and peasants to be in the armies.
What are Junkers?
The Prussian nobles
Junkers were granted estates in return for.......
Providing peasants for Prussian armies.
Junker male nobility were required to send whom into military training?
Their sons at age of ten
Who established the canton system?
Frederick William "Soldier King"
Frederick William "Soldier King" replaced feudal levy with....
...taxes on Junkers estates and land.
Frederick II-Frederick the Great-siezed what land from whom?
Selesia from Maria Theresa of Austria.
What is enlightened despot?
Where one ruled absolutely but made reforms for the good of the state.
What did Frederick the Great call himself and why?
The "first servant of the state" because he only served the STATE, not the people in the state.
What was Prussia nicknamed?
The Sparta of Europe!
Ivan the Great was part of what kingdom?
Who was Maria Theresa's father?
Charles VI
Ivan the Great was Prince of...
In 1480, Ivan the Great declares Russia free of __________________________ and declares it ________________?
Free from Mongol control and the 3rd Rome.
Who centralized Russia's operations and government powers into only his own hands?
Ivan the Great
What became extremely important in obtaining office and power in Russia?
Manners and status
Who declared that all of Russia's rulers would be called Czars?
Ivan the Great
Who was the first Czar of Russia?
Ivan the Terrible
Who are the Boyars?
The Russian nobles
Who broke the power of the Boyars and encouraged the rise of military service landholders in Russia?
Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible expanded Russia where?
To the Baltic Sea
Who had what built because he wanted to have a bigger more beautiful place than Louis XIV's palace Versailles?
Ivan the Terrible had St. Basil's Cathedral built.
When Ivan the Terrible died, who was his successor?
His wife's brother's kid, Michael Romanov. He was elected as new Czar
How long did the Romanov Dynasty rule?
300 years!
What characteristics made Peter the Great a good ruler?
He was bright and had a passion for the practical and useful. He was a practical joker but he was really cruel.
Who was Peter the Great in relation to Michael Romanov?
His grandfather was Michael Romanov
Who visited Western Europe in disguise as a carpenter to learn ship building and how to be more western?
Peter the Great
Who built the first Russian navy?
Peter the Great
To where did Peter the great extend Russian territory?
To the Black Sea so they could have warm water ports in the winter.
What did Peter the great do to modernize Russia?
He shortened the lengths of men's beards and of women's clothing.
Who built St. Petersburg?
Peter the Great of Russia
Who brought Russian Orthodox under his control?
Peter the Great
Catherine the great was ______, not Russian
Catherine the great wanted to free the ________ but they reacted how?
Serfs - they revolted
Under who did Russia to go war with Turkey?
Catherine the Great
Why did Russia got to war with Turkey?
To gain the northern edge of the Black Sea
How did Catherine the Great copy the courts of Europe?
She made everyone dress and act like the French did because they were allies.
For whom was Catherine the Great a regent?
Her infant son
Who was Prussia's ally during the War of Austrian Succession?
Who was Austria's ally during the War os Austrian Succession?
Who was Prussia's ally during the Seven Years War?
Who were Austria's allies during the Seven Years War?
Russia and France