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22 Cards in this Set

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Why is Greece considerd a western nation?
western culture was formed by ancient greece .
example: democracy
what 3 ethic groups make up Bosnia-heregovia?
Serbs, Croats and Muslims they hate each other very poor country.
what 2 countries were formed from the "Velvet divorce" in Czechoslovakia?
Czech Republic and Slovakia.
what is national idenity?
A people's sense of what make them a nation.
what 2 countries were formed from the "Velvet divorce" in Czechoslovakia?
Czech Republic and Slovakia.
What 2 countries feared an invasion by macedonia?
Greece and Albania most us trade routes over land.
What is a "velvet revolution"?
a revolution without bloodshed.
What 2 countries feared an invasion by macedonia?
Greece and Albania most us trade routes over land.
What 2 industries is greece known for?
Commercials shipping trade over water.
Define inhabitable?
Able to support permanent residents.
what is a perishable good?
goods that don't stay fresh long.
what is sudsidence?
a geological problem of sinking ground- happens in Venice Italy.
what is ethnic cleansing?
process of driving out other ethnic groups=mass murder. Happened in Bosina by the Serbs.
What is privatiztion?
selling government owned industries and business to private owners.
what peninsula is in a eastern Europe?
The Balkan Peninsula.
What is Balkanize?
to break up into small mutoally hostile political units.
what is a tsunamis?
giant wave caused by an under sea earthquake.
What is Albania's nickname?
"Europe's Hermit" nexto Adriatic sea- it is moontainous- very poor
what country took control of poland after WWII?
The Soviet Union
Is Greece Flat or Mountainous?
what is a collective farm?
Government pays workers and the also share in the profits
What is karst?
An area made up of soft limastone