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63 Cards in this Set

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aerial shot
shot taken from crane, plane, or helicopter. Not necessarily a moving shot.
art director
designer, in charge of sets and costumes
camera angle
the angle at which camera is pointed at the subject... low, high, or tilt
director of photographer... responsible for the camera and lighting - quality of the image
shot of the subject's face only, or any close shot
crane shot
a shot taken from a crane, a device resembling the "cherrypickers" used by the telephone company to repair lines
the list of technical personnel, cast, and crew of a movie
intermingling the shots of two or more scenes to suggest parallel action (intercutting)
a switch from one image to another
deep focus
technique favored by realists, in which objects in closeup, medium shot, and long shot are in focus at the same time
detail shot
usually more magnified than a closeup... a shot of a hand, eye, mouth, or subject of similar detail
direct sound
technique of recording sound simultaneousy with image
man behind the camera, who determines what we see and when. he, not the producer, is the significant creative artist in a movie
superimposition of a fade out over a fade in. sometimes called "lap dissolve"
dolly shot
taken from a moving dolly (set of wheels and platform) - almost the same as a tracking shot
the cutter; the person in charge of splicing the shots of a movie together into final form
establishing shot
generally long shot that shows the audience the general location of the scene that follows, often providing essential information and orienting the viewer
fade in
a punctuation device - the screen is black at the beginning; gradually the image appears, brightening to full strength
fade out
the opposite of fade in
follow shot
a tracking shot or zoom that follows the subject as it moves
a measurement of the amount of film actually shot (or to be shot)
any single image on the film, or the size and shape of the image on the film, or on the screen when projected
freeze frame
a freeze shot, which is achieved by printing a single frame many times in succession to give the illusion of a still photograph when projected
a single specific picture
a detail shot that gives specific and relevant information necessary to a complete understanding of the meaning of a scene (a letter, a tell-tale physical detail)
jump cut
a cut that occurs within a scene rather than between scenes, to condense the shot. it can effectively eliminate dead periods, such as that between the time a character enters a room and the time he reaches his destination on the other side of the room
long shot
a long shot includes at least the full figures of the subject, usually more
medium shot
a shot intermediate between a closeup and a long shot
adjacent shots related to each other in such a way that they combine to produce another meaning - often used simply to mean editing
a recurrent thematic or visual element
over-the-shoulder shot
a shot commonly used in dialogue scenes in wich the speaker is seen from the perspective of a person standing just behind and a little to one side of the listener, so that parts of the head and shoulder of the listener are in the frame, as well as the head of the speaker
movement of the camera from left to right or right to left. Not the same as a tracking shot (in a pan, the camera is not transported anywhere)
point of view shot
a shot that shows the scene from one character's point of view
process shot
a "trick shot"; a shot rigged in the laboratory rather than on the set
reaction shot
a shot that cuts away from the main scene or speaker in order to show a character's reaction to it
reverse angle
a shot from the opposite side of a subject. In a dialogue scene, a shot of the second participant
a complete unit of film narration. A series of shots (or even a single shot) that take place in a single location and deal with a single action.
the music for a movie
the script of a movie
the location of a scene
a single piece of film, however long or short, without cuts
slow motion
the camera is overcranked, so that the film runs through faster than the normal speed; when it is later projected at the normal speed the action will seem slowed down (the opposite is fast motion)
soft focus
filters, vaseline, or specially constructed lenses soften the delineation of lines and points, usually to create a romantic effect
sound stage
a specially contructed building in which sets can be built for studio filming
everything you hear in a movie - dialogue, sound effects, and music
stock shot
a library shot, i.e. a shot that is literally borrowed from a collection and inserted into a film, e.g., establishing shots of NYC, fottage of jet planes in flight
subjective camera
a style that allows the viewer to observe events from the point of view of a single character
tilt shot
the camera tilts up or down
tracking shot
generally, any shot in which the camera moves from one point to another. The camera can be mounted on a set of wheels that move on tracks or on a rubber-tired dolly, or it can be hand-held. Also called travelling shot
a shot of two people
the narrator's voice when the narrator is not seen
a shot using a lense whose focal length is adjusted during the shot (long lenses are telephoto lenses; short lenses are wide-angle lenses)
principal subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a usually youthful main character.
reform director
1 good adult role model - changes environment to change behavior
deep focus
lense allows you to focus on all 3 planes - creates depth before focus on foreground, middle ground, and background - can be used for expressionism
major philosophical movement in 20's - adopted by artists after the war in response to horrors of Stalin, Holocaust, Hiroshima... post-religious - we live in a vacuum, no God... put values in actions, they define who you are
film noir
crime - dark in tone and visual sense - shows the seedy underbelly of society... always urban
love death
dramatic version of existenialism
action interrupted to remind us we're watching a movie/play
Bertol Brecht
wanted audiences to go out and change the world - he didn't want to have audiences identify with the characters
Cinema de Papa
french films in the 50s
cinema de papa
cinema in the 50s