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55 Cards in this Set

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What is the concept of universal laws (natural laws), and what did philosophers want to do?
Natural law is rules discoverable by reason, and philosophers thought that since their were rules for gravity (Newton) they thought there were laws like this for how society is supposed to be run.
What was Newton's book?
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Who was Thomas Hobbes and what did he believe?
He believed in a big powerful government, and that people needed controls, that people were naturally cruel, selfish, and greedy. Also he believed in the social contract.
What book did Hobbes write?
Who was John Locke and what did he believe?
He believed that everyone was born with natural rights, and had an optimistic view of human nature. "Tabula rasa", ppl are who they are based on expirience
Who was Montesquieu and what did he believe?
He had the idea of checks and balances, and a three branch government.
What book did Montesquieu write?
The Spirit of the Laws
What book did Locke write?
Two Treatises of Government
Who was Voltaire and did he believe?
He was outspoken and spoke his mind, he said to be tolerant of others beliefs
What did Diderot's Encyclopedia contain?
All the major philosophers of the day's writings
Who was Rousseau and what did he believe?
He believed that some controls were necessary, but they should be minimal. Also, that elected officials should impose the controls. General will, or the best conscience of the people (the good of the community)
What book did Rousseau write?
The Social Contract
Who was Mary Wollstonecraft, and what did she write?
Women's rights activist and writer. Wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman". Equal education for girls and boys.
The ancien regime is also what period?
The period before the revolution
Who made up the three estates?
-1st Estate=clergy
-2nd Estate=nobles
-3rd Estate=everyone else
Who was the bourgesoisie and what did they want?
The upper middle class, they wanted more government representation (agreed with philosophers)
What was the bulk of the 3rd Estate made up of?
-Rural peasants (not poor, just farmers)
-Urban workers (poor)
What was an event that triggered the French Rev. and who caused it?
Deficit spending by Louis 14th, spent too much $ on wars, and Louis 15th didn't do anything about it.
What made people more equal?
The abolishion of feudalism
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?
Issued by the Assembly. Modeled in part on the American Declaration of Independence. Natural rights to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression".
What was a key enlightenment goal?
The equality of all male citizens before the law
Who was Olympe de Gouges?
A women's journalist, wanted women to be eligible for all public offices, positions.
Who set up the Reign of Terror?
What were the four stages of the Revolution/government?
-1st=National Assembly, Tennis Court Oath
-2nd=National Convention, Reign of Terror
-3rd=The Directory
-4th=Napoleonic Period
What is Nationalism and what were it's effects?
A strong feeling in pride in and devotion to one's country. It spread throughout France, when monarchs centralized power and ppl were loyal to monarchs (rather than local govs.)
Who painted "The Third of May", and what message was he conveying?
Goya, the horrors of the French Revolution
What government did Napoleon try to make the French gov. like?
The Roman Empire
What did Napoleon do?
He won battles, they stages a coup and overthrows the gov., then starts an empire.
What did Napoleon do when he conquered an area?
He imposed his code of laws on them (Napoleonic Code)
Why was the Continental System actually good for England?
B/c they opened up more trade roots in other areas, so it helped in the long run.
What battle was Napoleon defeated at?
The Battle of Nations at Leipzig
What is the Concert of Europe like these days?
The UN
What three things happened to make the Industrial Revolution?
-Increase in population and goods
-Production of goods became mechanized
-Machines (steam coal, water)
What machine increased slavery?
The cotton gin
What are the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
A new middle class along with the working class. The middle class owned the railroads, factories, and mines and their life was more comfortable than that of the working class.
What two things did labor unions do?
-Rights of the working class
What is "Laissez-Faire economics"?
That natural law should be allowed to operate w/out gov. interference. "Hands-off" approach
What book did Thomas Malthus write?
An Essay on the Principle of Population
Who was a Laissez-Faire economist?
Adam Smith
And what book did Smith write?
The Wealth of Nations
Who was Ricardo and what did he believe?
That wage increases were futile b/c increases would only cover the cost of necessities. This lead to families having more children instead of raising the standard of living.
Smith, Malthus, and Ricardo made up what?
The Manchester School of Economics
What book did Ricardo write?
Iron Law of Wages
What were the three types of socialism and who is associated with them?
-Utopian Socialist=Robert Owen
-Marxist/orthodox=Karl Marx, Frederick Engles
-Social Democracy=(allowing ppl to have a voice, natural reform.)
What type of theory is Socialism?
"No man has received from nature the right to five orders to others. Freedom is a gift from heaven, and every individual of the same species has the right to enjoy it as soon as he is in enjoyment of his reason."
Denis Diderot
"Man is born free, and every where he is in chains."
Rousseau, The Social Contract
"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
"In a democracy, tho the people may be deceived, yet they at least love virtue. It is merit which they believe they put in power as substitutes for the rascals who are the very essence of monarchies. The vices, concealments, and crimes which are the diseases of republics are the very health and existence of monarchies."
"1. What is the Third Estate? Everything.
2. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing.
3. What does it want to be? Something.
Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes
"Since one must take sides, one might as well choose the side that is victorious, the side which devastates, loots, and burns. Considering the alternative, it is better to eat than be eaten."
"the greatest happiness for the greatest number."
Jeremy Bentham
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity..."
"It is so comfortable to be a minor..."
"All that is required for this enlightenment is freedom..."
Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment"
"I believe in one God, and no more..
I believe the equality of man..."
Thomas Paine, Age of Reason:Deism
"The problem is to find a form of association which will defend and protect with the whole common force the person..."
Rousseau, The Social Contract