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44 Cards in this Set

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Government by which the ruler believed they ruled by divine right from God and therefore they should not be challenged.
A goverment run by the people.
A political system in which the citizens of a region elect representatives to run a government.
King of France from 1643 to 1715; known as the Sun King, he built the Palace at Versailles as a means to consolidate absolute power; a series of wars at the end of his long reign drained France's wealth. Lived from 1638-1715.
King Louis XIV
Queen of England from 1558 to 1603; a skillful politician and diplomat, she reasserted protestant supremacy in England. Lived from 1533-1603.
Elizabeth I
King of France from 1774 to 1792; his unpopular policies, including harsh taxes, helped trigger the French Revolution. Deposed by the National Convention, he was executed by guillotine. Lived from 1754-1793.
King Louis XVI
King of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1625 to 1649; his conflict with Parliament started the English Civil War. He was beheaded in 1649. He lived from 1600-1649.
Charles I
Believed in the divine right of kings and wanted to rule as absolute monarchy . Wars raised by his predecessors combined with his own spending left him low on funds.He did not get along with Parliament. He was rude and arrogant.
King James of England
Transfer of power from James became known as the Glorious Revolution. Had to sign the English Bill of Rights before taking the throne. He was central to England's growth as a constitutional monarchy rather than an absolute monarchy.
Mary and William
Lived from 1564-1642. He was an Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist;his discoveries, including the law of motion of falling objects, put him into conflict with the Roman Catholic Church.
Lived from 1642-1727. He was an English mathematician and natural philosopher; he discovered the law of gravity as well as laws on the physics of objects.
First European to attempt to sail around the southern tip of Africa.
Italian explorer sailing for Spain who reached the Americas in 1492 while searching for a western sea route from Europe to Asia.
Spanish conquistador from 1519-1521, he defeated the Aztec Empire, conquering Mexico for Spain.
The storming of the ancient prison by a mob of Parisians on July 14, 1789. He became a powerful symbol of the French Revolution.
The Bastille
A government of revolutionary France which met in 1795. It was weak, corrupt, and inefficient. It was run by a consecutive branch of 5 directors. It ended in 1799 when Napoleon seized power.
The Directory
Leading figure of the French Revolution. He was known for his intense dedication to the revolution. He became increasingly radical and led the National Convention during its most blood-thirst time.
Maximilien Robespierre
A device used during the French Revolution used for beheading people.
Members of the National Convention that supported the Revolution. Members were most radical.
She killed Jean-Paul Marat. She was a leader of the radicals who had taken over the French government. She believed his death could save France's Republic.
Charlotte Corday
A member of the National Convention who was a leader of the Radicals who had taken over the French government.
Jean-Paul Marat
A Crowd of 7,000 women marched through the rain from Paris Versailles. They demanded bread and broke into the palace. Louis returned Louis returned to Paris to make peace with the crowd.
October Days
A revolution against the government that was established by a revolution.
Abolished the monarchy and declared France a Republic. Supported the Revolution.
The National Convention
A period during the French Revolution in which the Robespierre-led government, Executed thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens.
Reign of Terror
Queen of France, wife of King Louis XVI. She was queen during the French Revolution and was disliked by many French citizens. She was found guilty of treason and guillotined.
Marie Antoinette
French jurist and political philosopher. He explored democratic theories of government. He proposed a government divided into three branches and greatly influenced the United States constitution.
The 4 major reasons for the French Revolution
1. Inequalities in Society
2. Ideas of Enlightenment Writers
3. Poor leadership of Louis XVI
4. Financial crisis, Widespread Hunger, and Record Cold
Where did the 3 Estates in France initially meet.
The National Assembly
Made up of catholic clergy and 1% of the population.
1st Estate
Made up of catholic clergy and less than 2% of the population.
2nd Estate
Made up of Borgeoisie, Sans Culottes, and Peasants and 97% of the population.
3rd Estate
What was the Chronology of government leadership during the French Revolution?
1) National Assembly- June 17, 1789
2) Legislative Assembly- September 1791
3)National Convention- September 1792
4. Directory- 1795
Can you list the Order of the Feudal Pyramid?
1. King
2. Lord/Noble
3. Vassel/Knight
4. Serf/Peasant
What were the 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?
1. Baptism
2. Holy Eucharist
3. Confirmation
4. Penance
5. Holy Orders
6. Extreme Unction
7. Matrimony
Everyday life during the Middle Ages centered around the ____ ____ of the Roman Catholic Church.
7 Sacraments
4 Details about the roles of men and women during the Middle Ages:
1. Farmers
2. Blacksmiths
3. Carpenters
4. Service head of the household

1. Cooked and Cleaned
2. Worked in the fields and land
3. Watch the Children
4. Weaving, mending, and making clothes
What was another name for the Byzantine Empire?
The Eastern Roman Empire
Can you list the 7 reasons for the Fall of Rome?
1. Christianity
2. Economic Problems
3. Deficit and Hoarding
4. Lead Poisoning
5. Barbarians
6. Decay
7. Division of the Empire
Who was the Last Roman Emperor?
Emperor Romulus Augustulus
Who was the Germanic invader who deposed Romulus Augustulus?
Who were the 3 invaders who threatened the Carolingian Empire?
The Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims
The Middle Ages focused on the ____ and ____
Group, Religion
The Renaissance focused on the ____ and ____
Arts and Learning