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144 Cards in this Set

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In India, what creates a distinctive northern and southern differences?
the central plateau
when did the upper division in India develope?
as early as the third millinium
where did a sophisiticated culture flourish in India?
along the northern river valleys
what were the two great cities in India that fkourished along these river valleys
Harappa and Marhenjo-Daro
In India, what caused the division of different classes
Harappa and Marhenjo-Daro
How were the early Indian cities set up?
in grid form
What technology did the early Indians have?
granaries, irrigation, pottery, metallurgy, baths, hospitilization, trade
What seals were on traded Indian things?
Sumarian seals
What did the Indians trade the Greeks for?
the cross and swatika
What kind of language was spoken in southern India?
dravidean language
What could have caused the first ancient Indians disappear?
environmental factors
When did the Aryans enter Indai?
about 1500 B.C.
How did the Aryans get into India?
the Kyber Pass
What was the Aryans place fo origin?
probably the Caucusus near the Caspian Sea
Where did the Aryans go?
west to Europe, east to India, east to Japan
What language did the Aryans speak?
What became the main language of India?
What language today has many of he same words as the Sanscrit language?
many European languages
What type of people were the Aryans?
warlike poeple
What did the Aryans do to the Dravidians?
enslaved them or drove them into southern India
Where is the Dravidian language still sometimes spoken?
southern India
What language is sometimes used in northern India?
Indo-European tounges
Where did the Aryans make their home?
nortern river valleys, Indus River Valley
What was the region where the Aryans lived called?
What religion did the Aryans create?
What does the word Aryan mean?
noble or rajah
What social system did the Aryans create?
The Varna System, srict
What religion was The Varna System considered?
Could someone change classes in The Varna System?
What did the Aryans believe in?
What were the four classes of The Varna System?
What was the fifth class?
What happened if somebody touched an untouchable?
they became an untouchable
What was the Jati?
a caste system
What helped bind people in the Jati?
dietary rules and a common occupation
What was unlawful in the Jati system?
What was the Jati determined by?
by birth and could not be altered by man
What could alter the Jati System?
regional differences and historical evolution
What was a consequence of the Jati System?
What kind of society did the Jati make?
a pluralistic society based on peaceful coexistance
What kind of people were the Aryans?
polytheistic people
What were upanshishads?
dealt with religious writings
Why were the upanishads diverse?
came from many sources
What was Rig Veda?
ancient collection of hymns handed down orally
What does Atman mean?
HIndu word for human soul
What does the word Brahman mean?
reality of the world
What did illusions lead to?
an endless cycle of rebirths
What was death considered as?
the stage between lives
When did the cycle get released?
when Atman is rejoined with Brahman, happens through a disciplined effort of meditation/ spiritual exercises
What was the Law of Karma?
fail to attain release
What does the Karma bring forth?
a reaction for every human action
What does Karma insure?
a person to remain on an everlasting cycle of rebirths
How could the wicked retuen?
in animal form or insect form
How was the Law of Karma accepted?
What was Janism
religious doctrine came from a search for release, based on a doctrine of nonviolence and all things being animated
What was Guatama Siddhartha?
surpreme meditation to find release
What was Gautama Siddhartha's story
What was Gautama Siddhartha's solution?
middle way
What did Guatama Siddhartha say?
one should avoid extremes and walk a middle path, without desires pain can be avoided
When did the Mauryan Empire exist?
321-181 BC
In the Mauryan Empire, how many kingdoms arose out of tribes?
sixteen kingdoms
In the Mauryan Empire, what was the largest of the sixteen kingdoms?
Where was Magadhan located?
Ganges Plain
What empire lay to the west?
Persian Empire
Who reached Magadhan during his conquests?
Alexander the Great
Did Alexander the Great retreat when he attacked Magadhan?
Where did the Mauryan Empire expand to?
all of India except for the extreme south
What did the Mauryan Empire contain?
a complex administrative complex
What did the emperor own in the Mauryan Empire?
all the land
How did farmers pay taxes in the Mauryan Empire?
by giving 1/3 of their crops
How was the water used paid for in the Mauryan Empire?
by cultivators
What was one tax that the merchants had to pay in the Mauryan Empire?
foreign goods
Who was the greates of all Indian emperors?
What did Ashoka convert to?
How did Ashoka promise to rule?
Buddha's love and peace
Where did Ashoka send missionaries?
China and beyond to carry Buddhism
What wer stupas and who built them?
stne pillars honoring Buddha, Ashoka built them
What did the stupa Sanchi honor?
Buddha's first sermon
What was each stupa inscribed with?
an edict telling of new royal policies
Who was Ashoka compared to?
Emperor Constantine
What did Ashoka have in common with Emperor Constanine?
both showed religious toleration and allegiance to a great religion
How did Ashoka consider himself?
a universal ruler
How many years after Ashoka's death did the empire crumble?
When did the Kashans enter India?
180 BC
Where did the Kashans come from?
Central Asia
How long did the Kashan Empire last?
240 AD
What religion did the Kashans adopt?
BUddhism and developed a new Buddhist art
What did the Kashans continue?
the missionary work into East Asia
What trdaitional religion of Hinduism was transformed?
What was assembled?
rich pantheon of gods and deities
Who was the creator?
Who was the preserver?
Who was the destroyer and sometimes the creator?
What was part of the Hindu religion?
Where was the Gupta Empire located?
Gangetic Plain
What did the smaller kingdoms touched by the Guptas have to do?
pay tribute
Who was Chandra Gupta?
most famous of the Gupta Empire, expanded the Gupta Empire
Who was Fa Xian Hsien?
Chinese monk that visited Gupta India and wrote of the prosperity and safety of the empire, and chariteis and house of medicine that he saw
What else did Fa Xian Hsien write about?
1. no animals were killed
2.no one drank intoxicating liquor
3. few ate onions or garlic
In the Gupta Empire, who used onions and garlic?
wicked men
What did the Gupta people do when the wicked men were approaching?
alerted everyone
How would the wicked men announce their arrival?
strike pieces of wood
What was the evidence of their prosperity?
Gupta coins
What did the government hold a monopoly in?
salt and metal mines
Who was the last of the great emperors of Gupta?
What did Skandagupta do?
held invasion of the Huns, had a great administrative officialdom
When was the decline of the Gupta Empire?
after Skandagupta's death
What weakened the Gupta Empire?
internal disputes over succession
What was not in use to prevent the disputes?
What attracted more Huns to attack the Gupta Empire?
lack of a strong central government
What was Gupta India noted for?
its cultural brilliance
Who was Kalidasa?
period's greatest playwright
What were tow areas of scientific advancement in Gupta?
mathematics and astronomy
What did the Gupta's develope?
numbering system and decimal system
Who got the Gupta numbering system later?
the Arabs
Where did the Europeans get the numbering system?
the Arabs
Who developed the value of pi in 499?
an Indian astronomer, also formulated that the earth was round and rotates on an axis
Who studied the moon?
What else was studied?
lunar eclipses
What did the West think of these ideas?
thought they were nonsense
Who did extraordinary work in Buddhist sculpturing?
Gupta artists
When did India's wealth of wall murals date to?
the Guptas
Where were the rulers from that imported the culture of India?
Southeast Asia
What rose in Southeast Asia?
Indian knowledge and Buddhist monuments
What was Angor Wat?
largest religious building in the world
What was The Shang?
first truly civilization in China
What did The Shang have the ability to do?
build protective wall surronding capital
How big was the protective wall that The Shang built?
2385 ft. long, 60 ft. wide, 30 ft. high
How long did it take to build the protective wall?
10,000 working 330 days a year for 18 years
What was Angor Wat?
largest religious building in the world
What was The Shang?
first truly civilization in China
What did The Shang have the ability to do?
build protective wall surronding capital
How big was the protective wall that The Shang built?
2385 ft. long, 60 ft. wide, 30 ft. high
How long did it take to build the protective wall?
10,000 working 330 days a year for 18 years
What were found in the Shang tomgs?
items to accompany the deceased
What else was developed in the Shang Period?
writing system
What did this writing system contain?
Chinese characters
What were the early characters used for?
inscribe oracle bones as divination
What were the province of the wealthy?
language skills
What overcame provincial speaking?
writing system