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50 Cards in this Set

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The Han Synthesis was...

A Confucian ideology that blended ideals from other philosophies

Sun Quan was

The Ruler of the Wu King

Teotihuacan was...

An Aztec City

Capulli was...

An Aztec city

The Tlingit were located at

Pacific NW

The Cherokee were located at

The Appalachian mountains

The Pequot were located at

Modern day Connecticut

A Native American social grouping including burial rites, symbols, and trade was called

The Hopewell tradition

Muslims call god


The Ethiopian Empire...

Founded by Mara Takla Haymanot, the Zagwe Dynasty in 1137, Capital was at lalibela and it was a Christian empire

Ramadan is

A musilum event where people fast

Two major Muslim cities were

Damascus and Baghdad

The Abbasid Dynasty experiences a flourishing in

All of the above (Math, Literature, and the arts)

The Abbasid Dynasty experiences a flourishing in

All of the above

The Seljuks were from


The first "world" civilization is considered is considered to be

The Mongol Empire

Great Zimbabwe

All of the above (A South African city-state, a wealthy city, and a collection of stone buildings)

The Mali empire was rich in...


The Kongo empire dated from

From 1390 AD to 1891 AD

The capital of the Ghana Empire was

Kumba Saleh

Temujin was also known as

Genghis Khan

A tumen was

10000 mongol soldiers

The Mongols conquered Baghdad in


The Pax Mongolica was

A period of peace brought about by Mongol trade

The Yuan Dynasty

All of the above (The richest part of the Mongol Empire, was the part of the Mongol Empire in China, and was the largest of the Chinese empires)

The Inquisition was

Tasked with rooting out the heresy

One of the first universities was in


The black death was

The most massive epidemic on record and spread by fleas and rats

Joan of Arc was

A woman warrior in the Hundred Years' War

Ivan the terrible

A czar

Prince Henry the navigator was

A patron for explorers

Who were the first to reach Asia by sea


Who was the first to circumnavigate the globe

Ferdinand Magellan's crew

Which crop directly started the Atlantic slave trade


The Anglican Church was

The Church of England

Kubilai Khan was

The emperor of China

The German Civil War ended with

The peace of Augsburg

Zheng He was

A Chinese admiral

Who founded the Qing dynasty

The Chinese

Oda Nobinga was

A daimyo

The capital of the Tokugawa state was at


Kabuki is

Japanese theatre

Chinese manufacturing saw important gains in production of ____ during the song period

B and C (Silk and porcelain)

Prince Shotoku was

A Yamato leader and Buddhist

The Fujiwara clan

Were the shadow rulers of Japan

The shogunate was

A Japanese form of government


Was the samurai code of living

The tale of Genji was

The worlds first novel

Kampuchea was

The name of the Khmer state

Serfs were

Peasant farmers