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58 Cards in this Set

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What is the the religious Muslim leader called?
Who said the new Caliph should be in the Muhammad blood line?
Who said the new Caliph should be a person who has Nobel beliefs?
Who was a secret society that could be Shiites or Sunnis Muslim and had mystial beliefs?
Who was know as the Dervish?
Frontier warriors whose mission was to wage holy war against the Christians were called what?
Ghazis States
Who was the most powerful state in the entire Islamic world and became the Ottoman empire which was the largest and most powerful in the world?
The Ghazis
What empire stretch from North Africa to Russia under one rule?
The Ottoman Empire
Who took Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul
Mehmed the Conqueror
What was the capitol of the Ottoman empire?
Who is the highest authority in the Islamic religion?
The Ulama
Who the scholars of law (Sharia) in Islam?
The Ulma
What is the law of the land for Muslims that comes from the Koran?
What started a war in the Balkans during the 17th century that continues to this day.
The mis-treatment of the non-Muslims. The legacy of this is: The war and the ethnic cleansing continues to this day
• This was the height of the Ottoman empire under ____ ____ ____ that stretched from Africa to Russia.
Suleiman the Magnificent
The leader/ruler of the Ottman empire was called what?
Who started the tradition that a mans woman should never be seen by another man so they stayed in the harem?
Suleiman the Magnificent
What is a Eunuch?
A eunuch was a castrated male
What was the Eunuch's job?
The eunuchs job was to watch over the women in the Harem
Suleiman broke tradition and married who?
Suleiman was convinced to kill his first-born son Mustafa by whom?
Who was Mustafas Mother?
Rose of Spring
What was the downfall of Suleiman and the Ottoman empire?
Roxelena who convinced him to kill his firstborn son and best friend.
It is in Iran and Iraq and was the second most powerful empire in the Muslim world?
Safavid Empire in Persia
The Safavid Empire in Persia was Sunni or Shiites?
The leader of the Safavid Empire in Persia was called?
The Shah
The Muslims that took over India were called?
Who brought Islam to India?
Who was the leader of the Mughals?
Akbar the Great
Who brought a tolerance for other religions to India
Akbar the Great
One of the seven wonders of the world came from the Mughals was called?
The Taj Mahal
Who built the Taj Mahal?
Shah Jahan
The Taj Mahal is a tomb for whom?
Shah Jahan’s wife. • The Shah Jahan is also buried there
The European settlement of the African Mediterranean Coast was called?
The Informal Empire
Why were the Europeans on the Mediterranen coast from 1200-1800?
They were there to trade
The history of Africa came from?
The trade and the money that could be made there
What became the mightiest and largest state of the great Sudanic states in west Africa?
Who was the leader of the Songhay when it was at its peak in the 1500s?
Askia Muhammad
Who was very devoted to Islam and built numerous Mosques?
Askia Muhammad
Who said that Islam would co-exist with pagan rites?
Askia Muhammad
Who had problems converting people Islam?
Askia Muhammad
What was called the City States for the sons of the prince?
What was the difference with Hause empire from other empires?
It was made up of City States that were in a wall and all the farming was on the outside
Slavery can be described as?
The ownership, buying, and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced unpaid labor and sex
The first Europeans to remove slaves from Africa were the?
Slaves were purchased with?
Guns and gunpowder
What enabled the slave traders in the 1400's to increase the amount of people that could be carried across the ocean?
Ship design
What was the Atlantic Slave Trade?
In 1518 the Portuguese brought the first slaves across the Atlantic
The term chattel means what?
Reducing a human being to animal status
What plantations were built in Africa and used slave labor to run them?
In 1807, Britain wanted to end what?
The did not want to end slavery but wanted to end the slave trade and stop taking people out of Africa
Who wrote a letter to the King of Portugal that said: slavery was the downfall of Kongo?
King Affonso II of Kongo
The Dutch who settled in south Africa were called?
The Boers
Hunger for land was the theme for South Africa this started the?
Dutch East Indian Company
The biggest people the Boers displaced were the?
Khoi Khoi
The Dutch people who moved future inland in South Africa were the?
Trek Boers
The Trekboers ran into who on there trip inland?
The Xhosa
The Xhosa were herdsman and their cattle were wiped out due to?
A lung disease that also spread to humans.