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65 Cards in this Set

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Harrappan and Mohenjo-Daro
- First major cities in India
- 2 major cities in India
- no written political order
- still considered "sophisticated; walls, housing, districts
- larger than Mesopotamia
- exactly the same;built
Civic sophistication
- walls = defense
- citadels = military
- grainery = pop. growth
- markets = economy
- res. dist. = occupied space
Caste System
- poems & songs
- shared orally
- religious in nature
- way to track history
Aryan Religious Beliefs
- Religion is reflected in the Rig Veda
- polytheistic
-involved ritual sacrifices
Dravidian Religious Beliefs
- spin off Aryan culture/ religion
- everyone was part of a universal soul called Brahman
- Samsara =reincarnation
- Karma = reflection of your behavior on earth
- Moksha = Deep, dreamless sleep of permanent liberation; Eternal ecstasy
- 1,000 BCE; merged w/ Caste
once you die your sols goes to the fathers and goes back to return into reincarnation
is your behavior; it’s your morality; you chose by how you live through your actions
Loess soil
- Soil in the river is easy to cultivate
- Fertile
- easily worked
- rice, wheat, barely, millet
Chinas sorrow
another name for the Yellow River since it always floods.
Yangshao society
- 5,000 BCE
- small village society
Banpo Village
-discovered in 1952
- was self governed
- had it's own infrastructure projects
- irrigation
- own govermnet
Shang Oracle Bones
- Discovered in 1890’s
- Writings on shoulder blades of sheep
- Turtle shells
Diviners for Shang elite
- example of early Chinese Writing
Mandate of Heaven
- Divine power given to ruler; ruler born into it; right to rule
- As long as he took café of people
- If they forget my mandate (benevolent leader); mandate lost, people have the right to rebel
Period of the Warring States
- 403-221 BCE
- it was as search for Ideal order
Confucius and his ideas
- Action based
- individuals should become Junzi = superior man
- Analects - Book written by his diciples
- Moral, ethical, and political character would ease chaos
- 3 values - Ren, Li, Xiao
- we can bring peace to the cosmos
– all power an peaceful at the same time; does everything and nothing all at once
- Laws > than ritual, custom, education or propriety
- Strict laws =‘s Collective responsibility
- unpopular but effective
- ended warring states period
-superior man
- defined as educated by reading documents, psalms, rights, and believe in his primary values
- believed in 3 primary values
- Ren, Li, Xiao
- Book written by Confucius's disciples
- Moral, ethical, and political character would ease chaos
- Three values - Ren, Li, Xiao
Book of Songs
Book of History
Book of Rites
believed everyone was good and born benevolent
Benevolence = kindness to others
treat everyone with respect
Filial (family) piety; you have respect to the elders in the families
- Classic of the Way and of Virtue
- Where Laozi & Zhuangzi philosophy is written
- has self titled book
- Daoist
- Passive based
- Give up active pursuance of gain
- You can passively exist &everything you need will be provided for you
- Spend time in meditation; no medication
- we don’t need to fight
Qin dynasty
- Re-unifier of China
- Beginnings of Great Wall of China
- Criticism of strict legalist doctrine
- Standardized - Laws, Currency, Weights and measure
Qin Shihuangdi
Ruler in Qin Dynasty who created these soldiers he had them built in order to protect him from spirits
Han dynasty
Before- restored order to China
Han Wudi
- Established Imperial University; 124 BCE
- prepped men for gvmnt services
- Confucian curriculum
- Legalist government kept confucianism alive
Great Wall of China
- built as a form of defense from nomadic peoples
- built from packed earth
- came in at decline of Harrappan Soc.
- post 1900 BCE
-noble, came through Hindu Kush
- herders
- came due to shortage of food and forrest
Mauryan dynasty
- 268-232 BCE
- Ashoka was a G-son of Chandagrupa
- Empire included all of India
- Most successful ruler;most inclusive ruler
- 321-185 BCE
- Over throws Magadha Rulers;establishes Mauryan E.
- Created one unified Indian empire
- G-son of Chandagrupa
- high point of rule - 268-232 BCE
- Expanded E. to all India except South
- poilcy will help expand economy
- roads = distro of trade, military, law, food
Gupta dynasty
- based in Magadha
- 320 CE
- slightly smaler than Mauryan E.
- less "hands on" than Mauryan Dynasty
- regional gov., taxes were a must
Chandra Gupta
- founded Gupta Dynasty
- not related to Chandragupta Mauryan
- regional kingdom
- N. India - Cen. Asia
- 1-300 CE
- maintained Silk Road
Four Main Castes
• Brahmins = priest and most revered
• Kshatriyas = warriors and aristocrats
• Vaishayas = artisans, cultivator, merchants, traders
- Shudras = Landless peasants; bound by occupation
- Caste sub-group
- Determined by specialization of labor
Occupation Soon defined whole life
Marriage Welfare
Self-governing Future of children
- religion born out of resentment of caste
- taught by Vardhamana Mahavira
- Emphasis on selfless living, concern for all beings
- Principle of extreme non-violence
- Ahimsa continues to inspire modern movements (Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr.)
- Taught that everything has soul
- Purification comes from extreme non-violence
- Siddhartha Gautama, c. 563-483 BCE
- Encountered age, sickness, death, then monastic life
- Abandoned comfortable life to become a monk
Siddhartha guatama
Founder of Buddhism
Four Noble Truths
all life is suffering
there is an end to suffering
removing desire removes suffering; eliminate the desire eliminates suffering
this may be done through the eight-fold path
8 Fold Path
- Call for leading a balanced and moderate life
- Reject luxury seek the right way or goodness
- Have the right (correct) views of life
- only speak with kindness
- Act morally and ethically
- Take up the right occupation or likelihood;
- Give the right effort
- Make time for reflection
Mahayana Buddhism
- newer development
- India, China, Japan, Korea, central Asia
- Saints
- made charitable donations to monastaries
- Gradually replaced Buddhism in India
- Gupta dynastic leaders extend considerable support
Composition of epics from older oral traditions
As part of Hinduism these were a composition of epics from older oral traditions
Bhagavad gita
- “Song of the Lord”
- Centuries of revisions, final form c. 400 CE
- Dialogue between warrior and driver
Emphasis on meeting class obligations
Pursuit of economic well-being and honesty
Enjoyment of social, physical and sexual pleasure
Salvation of the soul
Han dynasty
- Administrative centralization & centralized imperial rule
- Bureaucratic government
- Levied taxes for public works