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48 Cards in this Set

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What is the daily water consumption for a Rabbit?
5ml to .........
What is the daily urine production for a Rabbit?
10mls to .........
What is the Latin Name for a Rabbit?
Second word ......... Morph
What is a male Rabbit known as?
Rhymes with Hook
What is a Female Rabbit known as?
Rhymes with Roe
What is the life span of a Rabbit?
5-8 years, can live to 10 years plus
2.5 is half of the first number and 4 is half of the second number
What is the sexual maturity of a Rabbit?
16-24 weeks old
Starts at 16 to ............
What is the gestation period for a Rabbit?
28-31 days old
Starts at 28 .........
What is the litter size for a Rabbit?
3-4 approximately
Is not 1 or 2
What age are a Rabbits eyes open at?
8-10 days
Starts at 8 .......
What is the weaning age of a Rabbit?
4-7 weeks old
Starts at 4 .........
What are young Rabbits known as?
Young is otherwise known as Juvenile Rabbits
What is the average weight of a Rabbit?
1-10kg but depends on breed
Starts at 1 ..........
What is the average weight of a newborn Rabbit?
Does not exceed 80g
What vaccinations are required for Rabbits?
Myxo and VHD
How often should vaccinations be given to Rabbits?
Every 6-12 months depending on vaccine
Starts at 6 .......
What is the temperature for a Rabbit?
38.5 - 40 Degrees Celsius
What is the heart rate for a Rabbit?
130 - 325 Beats per minute (depending of size)
What is the respiration rate for Rabbits?
30 - 60 Breaths per minute
What is the dental formula for Rabbits?
2 x I = 2/1, C = 0/0, PM = 3/2, M = 3/3 = 28 teeth in total
Higher than 25, think x 2
What common diseases do rabbits have and symptoms?
Obesity = if stopped grooming, incorrect diet, use body score

Myxomatosis = Caused by ectoparasites, carried by fleas and mosquitos. Swelling, blindness, disorientation and even death.
Make sure vaccinated
What diet does a Rabbit require?
Constant supply of fresh hay
Long grass
Small amount of good quality high fibre kibble
Fresh clean water
Fresh vegetables and fruit
A variety
What should fibre and protein for a Rabbit be no less than?
Between 10 and 20%
Are Rabbit vaccinations live or dead?
What housing and bedding are required for Rabbits?
- Good size to allow movement
- Safe and secure accommodation inside or out
- Dust free wood shavings
- Shelters/hides and toys for enrichment
Follow the Animal Welfare Act and 5 freedoms
If obese rabbits stopped grooming what disease
could be contracted and symptoms?
Fly strike - dirty bottom, look at diet, may not be eating ceocotropes.
Help by socialising and treating with rearguard or xenex. Correct name is Myiasis.
What is myxomatosis caused by and symptoms?
Caused by ectoparasites, carried by fleas and mosquitos. Swelling, blindness, disorientation and even death.
Make sure vaccinated
What does viral haemorrhagic disease cause in rabbits?
Internal bleeding, shuts down internal organs, depression, collapse, bleeding from nose and lethargic.
What disease is Encephalitozoon Cliniculi?
A microscopic parasite, which affects many internal organs like the kidneys and brain.
A microscopic what?
What are the symptoms of Encephalitozoon Cliniculi?
Polydipsia, weight gain, convulsions and paralysis of hind limbs
What are the symptoms of dental problems in Rabbits?
Drawling, off food and teeth overgrown and do grow frequently
What is the correct name for respiratory problems?
What are the symptoms of respiratory problems in Rabbits?
Thick white discharge from nose and mouth, forelimbs appear matted and will try to keep cleaning itself.
What are respiratory problems in rabbits caused by?
Dusty bedding - to treat will need antibiotics and dust free bedding.
Needs to be free from ......
What is the number of vertebrates a rabbit has and what it is broken into?
7 cervical vertebrae
12-13 thoracic vertebrae
7 lumber vertebrae
4 sacral
16 coccygeal vertebrae
What is the number of vertebrates a rabbit has and what it is broken into?
7 cervical vertebrae
12-13 thoracic vertebrae
7 lumber vertebrae
4 sacral
16 coccygeal vertebrae
What shape is the scapula in a Rabbit?
Triangular shape, but in the same locomotion.
Are the radius and the ulna completely fused?
Are the rabbits radius and the ulna completely fused?
Mucous membranes are paler, TRUE or FALSE
Are rabbits mucous membranes are paler, TRUE or FALSE
In the hind limb, the fibula is half the length of the tibia, and is Lao fused is this CORRECT or INCORRECT?
You should never starve a rabbit why?
This may result in Gut stasis.
You should never starve a rabbit why?
This may result in Gut stasis.
What does hind gut fermenters mean?
The chamber which breaks down digestible foods and is located in the large intestines.
Rabbits are unable to vomit, why is this?
Because the arrangement of the sphincter in relation to the stomach.
The duodenum and ileum are elongated, TRUE or FALSE?
Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers?
They breath through their nose as opposed to their mouth. This is more common in prey animals, giving them an ability to feed while preserving their ability to detect predators a by scent.