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19 Cards in this Set

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Gamble (v): skipping or leaping about in play.

sentence from the story:
And brain grease works inside the lobes like cat grease works inside an engine. P. 1

Seizures (n): the state of being seized. It is a attack (as of disease) P. 3

Statement from the story:

First of all, I had seizures. At least two a week.

Words that use with the word:

Type of seizures

Absence seizures

My won statement:

My younger brother had seizures several times when he was very young.

Vacuum (n): An electronic machine that cleans the dust from the floor.

Sentence from the novel:

...when the doctors cut open my little and sucked out all that extra water with some tiny vacuum. P. 2


Mom, I need to clean my bedroom, so where is the vacuum.

Stutter (n): to speak with involuntary disruption or blocking of speech (as by repetition or prolongation of vocal sounds).

Statement from the story:

I also had a stutter and a lisp.

Words that are used with the word:

Bad stutter

My own sentence:

When I was studying in the elementary school, one of my classmates had a stutter.

Stutter (n): to speak with involuntary disruption or blocking of speech (as by repetition or prolongation of vocal sounds).

Statement from the story:

I also had a stutter and a lisp.

Words that are used with the word:

Bad stutter

My own sentence:

When I was studying in the elementary school, one of my classmates had a stutter.

Stutter (n): to speak with involuntary disruption or blocking of speech (as by repetition or prolongation of vocal sounds). P. 4

Statement from the story:

I also had a stutter and a lisp.

Words that are used with the word:

Bad stutter

My own sentence:

When I was studying in the elementary school, one of my classmates had a stutter.

Lisp (v): to speak falteringly, childishly. P. 4

Statement from the story:

And if you are fourteen years old, like me and you are still stuttering and lisping, then you become the biggest retard in the world.

My own sentence:

I feel sorry for those who lisp when they speak.

Lisp (v): to speak falteringly, childishly. P. 4

Statement from the story:

And if you are fourteen years old, like me and you are still stuttering and lisping, then you become the biggest retard in the world.

Word that is used with the word:

Slip Nicely , badly...

My own sentence:

I feel sorry for those who lisp when they speak.

Dam (n): a barrier preventing the flow of water or of loose solid materials (such as soil or snow) P. 6

Statement from the story:

I think the world is a serious of broken dams and floods, and my cartoons are tiny little lifeboats.

Word that is used with the word:

Massive dam

my own sentence:

We need to build a dam to prevent the water from coming to the city.

Magician (n): one who performs tricks of illusion and sleight of hand. P. 7

Statement from the story:

Nobody can do that, not even the hungriest magician in the world.

Word that is used with the word:

Man magician

My own sentence:

I don’t believe magicians because they lie to people.

Whimpered (v): to make a low whining plaintive or broken sound (to complain). P. 9

Statement from the story:

He was lying on his bed with red, watery, snotty eyes. He whimpered in pain. P. 9

Word that is used with the word:

Pain (whimpered in pain)

My own sentence:

She didn’t like to watch her mother who was whimpering, so left home at that moment.

Outsource (v): to get services you need from outside sources especially from foreign suppliers.

Statement from the story:

And none of their owners outsourced the mowing jobs. P.10

Word that is used with the word:

Foreign: you should outsource from a foreign lawyer.

My own sentence:

The country is in a bad situation, so we need to outsource from our allies.

Gamble (v): skipping or leaping about in play.

It is not like they gambled away their family fortunes. P. 11

Gamble (v): skipping or leaping about in play.

It is not like they gambled away their family fortunes. P. 11

Gamble (v): skipping or leaping about in play.

It is not like they gambled away their family fortunes. P. 11

Gamble (v): skipping or leaping about in play.

It is not like they gambled away their family fortunes. P. 11

Word that is used with the word: away

Don’t gamble away your money 💰

My own sentence:

Because of gambling, some have lost all their funds.

Destined (adj): headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'

Statement from the story:

And because you are Indian you start believe you are destined to be poor. P. 13

Word that is used with the word:

Smart: you are destined to be smart.

My own sentence:

I thought that I am not destined to be a professor, but I swear I will be in about 5 years.😎

Lick (v): to take into the mouth with the tongue. 👅

Statement from the story:

He licked my face because he loved and trusted me. P. 13

Word that is used with it:

Nicely: She licked her ice cream nicely.

My own sentence:

Don’t lick the spoon like a baby. Come on, grow up.

Depressed (adj): affected by psychological depression.

Statement from the story:

After Oscar died, I was so depressed that I thought about crawling into a hole and disappearing for ever.

Word that is used with it:

depressed boy

My own sentence:

I do not like to be depressed, so I attempt to do every crazy thing that will get me away from depression.