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94 Cards in this Set

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Back (Definition)

Be/go on the wagon

To not drink...


Someone who never drinks alcohol


A slur on my reputation


The crowd gasped in astonishment


Walk in a noisy way because you are angry


Illegitimate child

Grinding from ear to ear

He was grinning from ear to ear


An imaginary perfect world where everyone is happy

Slip your mind

I meant to call you but it completely slipped my mind

Differentiate (v)


Most people couldn't differentiate between the two types of soft drink

Fatigued (adj)

Extremely tired

Box in

My car was completely boxed in by two big trucks.


Back (Definition)

Ralph harbors no bitterness toward his ex wife


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Back (Definition)

Droll (adj)

Amusing in an unusual way


People are taller nowadays


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Puritan (n-adj)

Someone who has very strict moral standards and thinks that pleasure is unnecessary or wrong

A puritan upbringing


A member of your family who lived a long time ago

Most of luck's ancestors were itallian

Wager (n-v)



Back (Definition)


Real , sincere

Mrs.liu showed a genuine concern for the children

Thrill (n)

A sudden strong feeling of excitement

Winning the gold medal was a thrill

Unruffled (adj)

Calm and not upset by a difficult situation

After two hours of questioning by the police he remained unruffled

Scruple (n)

A belief about right and wrong that prevents you from doing something bad

He has absolutely no scruples about claiming other people's work as his own


Back (Definition)



Flutter (v)

Butterflies fluttered from flower to flower.

If your stomach or your heart flutters you feel very excited or nervous .

Flutter your eyelashes at smb, if a woman flutter her eyelashes at a man, she use her sexual attractiveness to influence him


To say sth suddenly because you are surprised or angry

What a beautiful house! She exclaimed.


Kay chuckled at the idea



Morally good and fair(formal)

Extremely good (spoken)

Splendid (adj)


you are all doing a splendid job.



Bland (adj)


A few bland songs on the radio.

Tofu is a bland food made from soybeans

Elude (v)

=avoid =escape

Jones eluded the police for six weeks.


If something invariably happens or is invariably true, it almost happens or is true so that you expect it.

It invariably rains when I go on vacation


A chemical substance used for killing insects


A mental illness in which you have a desire to steal things


It's not ladylike to swear

Steer /stIr/

Guid sb to a place especially while touching them.

She took my arm and steered me into the room.


A picture or pattern printed on a page of a book especially in past times


An open space that is completely surrounded by walls or buildings.

Our hotel room faced out on the courtyard.


It's regrettable that this has been allowed to go on for so long.


To ask someone for information.

Why are you doing that? He inquired.

I'm writing to inquire about your advertisement.

With every fiber of your being

You feel it very strongly

I regret my decision with every fiber of my being.

Secietal. Adj

Relating to a particular society or the way society is organized


To imagine a situation or what something is like

No one could have conceived a more romantic first meeting

Variable adj

Likely to change often

Variable weather conditions


A type of drug that contains opium and makes you sleepy


A type of drug that contains opium and makes you sleepy

Stealthy adj

Moving or doing something quietly and secretly


To break something or be broken into a lot of small, separate parts

His day was fragmented by interruptions and phone calls


Sallow skin looks slightly yellow and unhealthy


Looking pale, weak,tired

She looked wan and tired

Excessive adj

Much more than is reasonable or necessary

Don's wife left him because of his excessive gambling


A new business activity that involves taking risks

His latest business venture

Diverting adj

Entertaining and amusing


To look at someone in an angry way

Nancy scowled at me from across the room


Physical or mental strength that lets you continue doing something for a long time without getting tired

Brooks just doesn't have the stamina to play the whole game

Husky adj

A husky voice is deep,quiet and rough sounding often in an attractive way

A husky boy or man is big and strong


=/ victory

An election defeat

Dimly adv

She was only dimly aware of the risks


1. Used to show that what you are about to say is a result of what you have just said: people are dying,hence the need for urgent action.

2. Ten days/ two weeks hence: frim now

Animated (adj)

Showing a lot of interest and energy: we had a very animated discussion about women's rights.


A flat comfortable shoe made of soft leather


A large area of low wet land near a river, where wild plants and trees grow

Deplorable (adj)

Very bad, shocking and deserving strong disapproval:a deplorable mistake.


A short sleep in the afternoon: we finished lunch and went inside to take a siesta.


The time just before it gets dark: the street lights go on at dusk.

Crimson (n-adj)

A dark slightly purple res color


A long piece of cloth that you were around your waist like a belt


An informal photograph : I sent some snapshots of the kids.

A piece of information or a description that quickly gives you an idea of what the situation is like at a particular time: the look gives us a snapshot of life in the Middle Ages.

Spur (v)

To make an improvement or change happen faster: lower taxes would spur investment.

Spur on: to encourage someone to try harder in order to succeed: the teammates spurred each other on.

Her misfortunes spurred her to write.

The thought of losing our house spurred me into action.

Get a Grip (on sth)

To start controlling your emotions when you have been very upset: get a grip, you're overreacting.

Take stock (of sth)

To think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next: while in the hospital, jeremy took stock of his life.

Take stock (of sth)

To think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next: while in the hospital, jeremy took stock of his life.


Escape:the act of avoiding a dangerous or difficult situation by leaving or escaping: the flight of refugees across the border.

Futile (adj)

Useless because there is no chance of being successful: rescue workers made a futile attempt to save the people trapped in the collapsed building.

Futile (adj)

Useless because there is no chance of being successful: rescue workers made a futile attempt to save the people trapped in the collapsed building.

Inevitably (adv)

If something will inevitably happen, it is sure to happen and can not be prevented: bad economic conditions inevitably lead to crime.


Intricate adj

Containing many small parts or details: the intricate working of an old watch.


Sth dishonest that you do to avoid a responsibility or a low: he used his medical condition as a dodge to avoid testifying. 2.a sudden forward or sideways movement to avoid someone or something.


Very tired: she looked weary.


Blunder v

To move in an unsteady way as if you can't see well



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Utmost (adj)

I have the utmost respect for his research.


To Throw sth violently and with a lot of force, especially because you are angry.

Vandals hurled rocks through the windows.

Pungent (adj)

A pungent taste or smell is strong and sharp: the pungent smell of onions