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103 Cards in this Set

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possession of the structural and functional traits of sex
Sexual Orientation
One's natural preference in sexual partners
Sexual Scripts
what leads up to sexual encounters are learned interactions
biased for heterosexuality and against homosexuality; the US is very heterosexist and includes a presumption that everyone is heterosexual
Compulsory Heterosexuality
assumption that men and women are innately attracted to eachother emotionally and sexually and that heterosexuality is normal and universal; essay by adrienne rich in 1980
Lesbian Continuum
term coined by Adrienne Rich to break down ideological barriers between men and women, regardless of their sexual-object choices, share certain woman-centered experiences and feminist desires that have been historically dismissed as insignificant or immoral by the defenders of the patriachal privilege
irrational fear or aversion to homosexuality and those perceived to be
Lesbian bating
the attempt to control women's unacceptable behavior by labeling them as lesbians
First Sexual Revolution
1920s, some blamed it on Freud, flappers, etc, jazz age, victorian era fades away
Second Sexual Revolution
1960s, pop culture emphasizes sex
Issues surrounding LGBTQ
Idea that homosexuals are denied many rights given to heterosexuals, largest number of teens committing suicide are LGBTQ
Coercive Sex and rates of violence
every two minutes a woman in the US is raped, violence rates are higher here than europe, Virility mystique is that men should associate violence with power
Rape-free, Rape Prone, Rape Rare
rape free societies are when women have power, rape prone societies are women are challenging power (ex: US) Rape-rare societies- women who don't have power and are not challenging it (Japan)
Attitude important in sexual violence
Traditional views about gender roles, the idea of no meaning yes, the idea that the victim asked for it
Wife Abuse
Correlated with child abuse, ppl who abuse wives abuse children, many states still consider wife abuse a misdemeanor, not a felony. 40% of abused wives are raped, 15-25% of pregnant women are battered
Child Abuse
most cases are either plea bargain or dismissed especially if a relative was the abuser
Domestic Violence
patterns of behavior that include the use or threat of violence or intimidation for the purpose of gaining power and control over another person
Who are the victims? the perpetrators?
85% of victims of violence are women, 95% of perpetrators are men and usually when females are perpetrators the violence is done in self defense
What is domestic violence? How is it characterized?
physical, emotional, verbal
Time of greatest danger for women
when they try to leave the man
75% of women are raped by men they already knew contrary to the belief that it is by strangers. Half of rape victims are minors. Media often portrays rapists as strange and psychotic but most are indistinguishable
Profile of a Rapist
characteristics are a low, socioeconomic status, witness fathers hit mothers, abandoned or abused by fathers, most are married or living with a woman so it's not out of a need for sex, its out of a need for power
Fraternity Gang Rape
When these happen on campuses which they do relatively often, but it is not publicized often
Rape as War Tactic
Used historically, direct blow to the self esteem of men who can't protect women and children
Misogynistic killing of women by men, usually an expression of sexual violence, 72% of women were murdered in their homes (Juarez Murders)
History of Women and Work(preindustrial and Industrial)
Pre- Gendered, women in charge of home and children, educated children, fields for women, both womens and mens work was considered valuable, families wanted many children for work at home

Industrial- children worked long hours in factories, 1836 first child labor law passed, early factories hired young, unmarried women,
2 Paths of Men and Women since industrial revolution
women were considered temporary employees, given dead end jobs, women of color were expected to be domestic women while white women had clerical jobs, women were fired when pregnant, males expected to have a career with a lot of promotions and work long hours, men of color had trouble finding work
Wage gap
Women earn 80 cents to the male dollar; reasons: gender discrimination, level of education, number of hours worked, occupational segregation
Glass Ceiling
When a person is unable to attain upper management
Sticky floors
When a person has no chance of promotion
Current Issues in the Workplace
Sexual Harassment happens in a variety of ways, good and affordable child care is difficult for parents to find, Family Medical Leave Act: requires employers to give employees paid time off only for mothers, and father often feel uncomfortable asking for time off
Second SHift
the idea that after a women works her 8 hour work day, she has to put in another 8 hours at the home
The Politics of Reproduction
Menstruation, Venereal disease, birth control, sterilization, abortion, fertility, pregnancy, child birth, adoption, custody, menopause
History of Contraception and Abortion
1840's is when women begin trying to control size of families and first medical procedures become known, 1860's AMA leads first successful campaign against abortion, by 1890 every state had laws against abortion, 1910- reversal in attitudes toward birth control,
Herbal remedies taken orally to induce abortion, used since antiquity
Eugenics Movement
pseudo scientific idea, the idea that contraception was deemed more favorable for immigrant women, women of color, and handicap women
Comstock Law
forbade the distribution by mail of contraception and information about contraception
Margaret Sanger
coined the term birth control 1913, campaigned for women to get information about contraception or information about contraception
The Pill
1961, changed womens lives, they were able to enter new fields of work, meaning there wasn't as much discrimination based on the fact that bosses thought women were going to get pregnant
Changes in Attitude regarding abortion and contraception
Roe vs. Wade
1973, made it so that women had complete control in first trimester, state had most control in second trimester, women had little or no control in 3rd
Responses to Roe v. Wade
From 1973 to 1990s some radical groups murdered clinic workers and bombed clinics who used violence to stop women from entering clinics
FACE 1994
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, Face act made the radical groups who blocked the entrances illegal
RU 486
Abortion pill, not the morning after pill
Ways womens choices have been restricted without overturning Roe v. Wade
1989 Webster and 1993 Casey Decisions, laws banning counseling, husband and parental notification laws, informed consent, 24 hour waiting period, bans on public facilities,
Current Issues in the Workplace
Sexual Harassment happens in a variety of ways, good and affordable child care is difficult for parents to find, Family Medical Leave Act: requires employers to give employees paid time off only for mothers, and father often feel uncomfortable asking for time off
Second SHift
the idea that after a women works her 8 hour work day, she has to put in another 8 hours at the home
The Politics of Reproduction
Menstruation, Venereal disease, birth control, sterilization, abortion, fertility, pregnancy, child birth, adoption, custody, menopause
History of Contraception and Abortion
1840's is when women begin trying to control size of families and first medical procedures become known, 1860's AMA leads first successful campaign against abortion, by 1890 every state had laws against abortion, 1910- reversal in attitudes toward birth control,
Herbal remedies taken orally to induce abortion, used since antiquity
Eugenics Movement
pseudo scientific idea, the idea that contraception was deemed more favorable for immigrant women, women of color, and handicap women
Comstock Law
forbade the distribution by mail of contraception and information about contraception
Margaret Sanger
coined the term birth control 1913, campaigned for women to get information about contraception or information about contraception
The Pill
1961, changed womens lives, they were able to enter new fields of work, meaning there wasn't as much discrimination based on the fact that bosses thought women were going to get pregnant
Changes in Attitude regarding abortion and contraception
1960s, the pill, more women working, global concerns about population, thalidome(given to women to prevent morning sickness and then linked to birth defects), 1964 German measles epidemic associated with birth defects
First Wave Feminists
1848 to 1920- first campaign held by lucretia mott and elizabeth caty stanton at ceneca falls argument was that men and women are different and the main goal was suffrage,
Factors that set the stage
1. Republican Motherhood: idea that women had a civic duty to raise decent children and support their husbands
2. Education opportunities for women
3. Women forming voluntary associations
4. Women networking with other women
5. Second great awakening
Maria Stewart
African American, first public representation of black feminism, NEMLA
Mary Wolstencraft
Wrote a Vindication for the Rights of Women, Argued that women and men are similar,
First Women's Right Convention
1840's, Seneca Falls
Lucretia Mott
attended anti slavery convention in London in 1840
SUsan B Anthony
when the 14th amendment was passed in 1866, it used the word male for the first time in the constitution and she and stanton were outraged, she also created nwsa(national women's suffrage association) more radical than awsa
Elizabeth Caty Stanton
was also at anti slavery convention, banned from participating because of gender so together (she and mott) they formed the first womens rights convention 8 years later
Charlotte Perkins Gillman
argued that womens economic independence is the key to womens rights
Margaret Sanger
Coined term birth control
Ida B. Wells
introduced lynching
STANTON/ANTHONY, CHAPMAN CATT...National American Women's Suffrage Association
Alice Paul, National Women's Party
initially a member of nawsa but split off to form a more radical party
CarriE Chapman Catt
president of NAWSA, she was conservative, she and paul brought suffrage to public attention
Second Wave Feminism
60s, early 70s, occurring alongside civil rights movement and lesbian gay rights, goal varied depending upon which group feminists identified with
Phyllis Schafley
opposed feminism and equal rights movement
Betty Friedan
wrote the feminine mystique in 1963 and this book talks about the problem that has no name, the problems of white middle class housewives
Liberal Feminism
earliest form of feminist thought, came first, based on idea that women have natural rights and it also came from enlightenment thinking
Radical Feminism
Caused by control of female sexuality
has to do with nature
Cultural Feminism
celebrate feminine qualities, stress difference between men and women, think women’s oppression is caused by a devaluation of the what is feminine (Carol Gilligan wrote In a Different Voice)
Marxist Feminism
source of women’s oppression is capitalism
Freudian Feminism
also known as psycho analytic feminism, believe that source of oppression is the reproduction of gendered behavior and an example is nancy chodarow wrote reproduction of mothering
Post Feminists
claim to be feminists but are really critiquing it, claiming that ppl get what they deserve
Senorita Extraviada
example of femicide, murders occurring in juarez mexico. Example of globalization spinning out of control, example of police corruption
Will and Grace
very few tv shows feature homosexuality but those that do tend to be comedies, with this show will and jack are not considered threatening unlike ellen
Scope of the Problem Andrea Parrott and Carol Bohmer argue that because of changes in the formal legal system that make it easier for victims of campus rape to come forward and report their rapes, more acquaintance rapes are being pursued successfully
Most forms of violence is social control
violence is built into the fabric of american cultur except
the fact that we take crimes of violence very seriously (we don't)
Legal Images of Battered women
argues a and d
in n “Abortion through a Feminist Ethics Lens,” feminist concerns about abortion include all the following except:
the morality of abortion
in tough guise, jack katz argues
all of the above
sherry Ortner’s main thesis in “Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?”
b and c
In her article “Oppression,” Marilyn Frye uses what metaphor to illustrate why it is so difficult to recognize oppression.
a birdcage
Simone DeBeauvoir argues that in patriarchal culture, man is considered the norm, the standard, and woman is considered
the other
According to the video about GI Joe, which physical feature marks Joe?
a backwards thumb
race class and gender are all
socially constructed
According to Johnnetta Cole in “Commonalities and Difference” the ways in which all women are oppressed is exactly the same.
Which author in the readings describes herself as “a 49 year old, black, feminist, lesbian mother of two, and a member of an interracial couple?
audre lord
The freed slave who delivered the “Ain’t I Woman?” speech at a Woman’s Rights Convention in Akron Ohio in 1851 was
soujourner truth
According to the introduction to the section on “Commonalities and Difference,” if we examined the history of the mainstream women’s movement, we would not be able to find any examples of racism.
In her article about feminism, bell hooks argues that we often tend to think about relationships and social arrangements as dichotomous, including
all of the above
Ynestra King argues that we need to understand how an ecological crisis is related to what?
both b and c
According to your book, there is only one set of values, principles, and perspectives that make up feminism.
According to your book, the future of feminism may be moving toward:
none of the above
According to your book, some of the backlash against feminism has come from women