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53 Cards in this Set

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Margaret Atwood
Wrote the Handmaid's Tale
Anti-Perfect Society, uses exaggeration and the future to discuss current issues.
-Failed Utopia, Satire of Present, A Warning
Dialectic Argument
A complicated, multi-voice, not exactly straightforward argument. Socratic and Hegelian
(Plato) Had different characters discussing an issue from different views. Argument comes from cross-examination of characters.
Has a Thesis (extreme left?), Antithesis (extreme right?), and a Synthesis (middle ground).
Susan Faludi
Wrote Backlash (1991)
Backlash (1991)
About the media latching onto careerwomen, calling them depressed and claiming that there was an infertility rise (hyped by fertility clinics). Said there was a man shortage and that chances of marraige decrease violently as you get older; careerwomen hurting children by sending them to daycare.
Ronald Reagan
President during the Conservative Backlash
Evangelism, Religious Right, Fundamentalist Christianity
Topics adressed in the handmaid's tale, and present in the conservative backlash: Spreading the Christian faith by televangelism, etc (?)/ Conservative Christians/ etc
Naomi Wolf
Wrote The Beauty Myth (1991)
The Beauty Myth
Says that there is a standard of beauty that holds back women's advancement
Sirena Riley
Wrote "The Black Beauty Myth" and "Two Traditions"
"the Black Beauty Myth"
Says that there are high standards in the industry for black women as well
A.M. Homes
Wrote "A Real Doll"
"A Real Doll"
story about a boy using a Barbie doll to get off, also uses it to address sexual abuse and gender confusion
Clarence Thomas Scandal
1991 - Justice accused of sexual harrasment by Anita Hill
Anita Hill
Accused Clarence Thomas of sexually harassing her
Multicultural/Global Feminism
Deals with Feminism on a global basis: female genital mutilation, arranged marraiges, etc
Proud of differences between women and men. Says that 'girly" things such as fashion, barbies, etc are not forms of oppression.
Power Feminism
Women can be powerful, as opposed to weak and helpless, are compeditive
Victim Feminism
Women identify with powerlessness, believes women to be naturally noncompeditive/cooperative/peaceloving, women are closer to nature, are usually sexually judgemental.
"Two Traditions"
Discusses the attack of women's movements as whiny. Goes against the
Beauty Ideal
A standard of beauty that holds back the advancement of women through compeditive behavior and oppression.
Body Image
A subjective picture of one's own body
Intimate Partner Violence
Violence against women is most often caused by their boyfriend/husband/intimate partner
Sex without consent
Date Rape
Rape committed by the victim's escort
Pornography (different views on)
Anti-porn and Sex-positive
Sex Tourism
(most often) Men travel to different countries to visit their brothels and other sexual entertainment spots.
Militarism and Sexual violence
- 1 in 3 women in the military are sexally assaulted, mostly by a superior officer.
-Ritualistic rape of the women of the enemy side, to break up the community.
- I & I : intoxication and intercourse, thought that it releases tension
Sexual Script
Reflects social norms, practices, workings of power - provides frameworks and guidelines for sexual feelings and behaviors. "Heteronormativity"
Sexual Self Schemas
Personal feelings and beliefs about sex determined by past and present experiences.
Theories of Sexuality
Biology, Sociobiology/Evolutionary, Social Construction
- sexuality is built in
- testosterone and estrogen determine sexuality
- seen in animals
- hormone levels can fluxuate
- Sexual behaviors have evolved over time
- Primitive: Men hunt, women gather, men semenate/women incubate, men provide/women nurture
Social Construction
-Attitudes about sex are determined by the culture/society
- Prudish or shy from sexuality: Amish
- Open to Sexuality: Russia?
Sex v. Gender
Sex: Biologically assigned
Gender: Role determined by society
Gender Role
Gender Expression
Sexual Orientation
Kinsey Report
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
Kinsey Scale
Rating of 0 to 6, 0 being exclusively heterosexual and 6 being exclusively homosexual.
Ariel Levy
Wrote "Female Chauvinist Pigs"
Female Chauvinist Pigs
book by Ariel Levvy. Women who make sex objects of other women and of ourselves.
Raunch Culture
Examples: girls gone wild, pole dancing as popular, playboy becoming popular in everyday culture
Bois vs. Womyn
Bois: a type of lesbian who is like a teenage boy, who is permiscuous
Womyn: Lesbians who are feminists (aka put the y in to take the man out of woman)
Butch, Femme
Butch: Typical type of lesbianism taking on the qualities of a man
Femme: typical type of lesbianism taking on the qualities of a woman
Being John Malcovich
3rd wave movie by Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman. Addresses 3rd wave issues such as sexuality, abuse, queer theory
belief that the heterosexual relationship (man with woman) is the true, normal relationship, even in homosexual relationships (butch and femme)
Queer Theory
Set of ideas based around the concept that identities are not fixed and do not determine who we are. It proposes that we directly challenge fixed identity, in non-predictable ways. We should not accept that heterosexual desire is the natural desire .
a person born with the physical characteristics of one sex who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex.
Generation X
the generation born after that of the baby boomers (roughly from the early 1960s to mid 1970s), often perceived to be disaffected and directionless.
"the Core Mythology of Victim Feminism"
chapter in Naomi Wolf's book