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159 Cards in this Set

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Menarche begins at what time in life?
12-13 years
What is perimenopause?
Regression in ovarian function
Has a loss of estrogen, hot flashes, emotional changes, and wt gain
Cyclical symptoms every 20-30min
What is menopause?
cessation of menses
concerns with: loneliness, depression, and financial stress
Chance of breast cancer in women
1 in 7 women
*Signs of Breast Cancer
*pain in breast
*skin changes
Breast Cancer Screening
BSE Q1mo starting at age 20
Clinical Exam:
20-40 Q3yrs
>35 yearly if at risk
>40 yearly
Mammogram >39 Q 1yr
Cervical CA is most often related to _________
sexual history-HPV
What is the most common kind of gynecological CA?
greatest risk?
often the greatest risk is age
vaginal bleeding esp post menopausal
Most fatal gynecological CA is what?
What is the leading cause of death in women?
Woman's chance of dying from CVD
1 in 3 women
*S&S of MI in women
*unspecified pain
vague symptoms
back pain
SOB and weakness
Risk factors of osteoporosis
smoking, alcohol, small thin frame, soft drinks and coffee, inactivity, low Ca, Hysterectomy b4 50
Cycles of Abuse: Sunshine
shower with kindness, bonding intensified, begs for forgiveness
Cycles of Abuse: Clouds
Tension build, batterer becomes possessive, woman accepts responsibility, isolation and threats, arguments
Cycles of Abuse: Storm
Acute battering, shock and denial after attack, rationalization of abuse
controls 2ndary sex characteristics
assists in maturing ovarian follicle
proliferates endometrial mucus
effects and cotnrols uterine endometrium to prepare for implantation
Related to temp at ovulation
signals anterior pituitary to secrete FSH and LH
matures ovarian follicle and influences estrogen
final maturation of follicle
*peak prod causes ovulation
What are the two ovarian cycle phases?
The follicular phase and the luteal phase
What happens during the follicular phase?
immature follicles mature as a result of FSH
What occurs during the luteal phase?
Ovum leaves the follicle
Corpus luteum develops from the ruptured follicle(will degenerate if not fertilized)
What is the average blood loss during the menstrual cycle? and Iron loss?
0.5 to 1mg daily
What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?
Menstrual phase
Proliferative phase
Secretory phase
Ischemic phase
What hormones are the ovaries sensitize to?
FSH and LH
What hormones are the uterus and breast sensitive to?
Estrogen and progesterone
What hormones change to maintain pregnancy after the ovum has been fertilized?
Estrogen and progesterone
What is the fertility period for ova and sperm?
Ova- 12-24 hours
Sperm- 24 hours most fertile up to 72hrs
What is the acrosomal reaction?
When millions of sperm surround the ovum, releasing enzymes to breakdown the outer layer of the ovum's shell
What is the reaction that prevents additional sperm from entering the single ovum?
Cortical reaction
Different in zygotes between fraternal and identical twins
Fraternal- dizygotic
Identical- monozygotic
Implantation occurs when?
7-10 days after fertilization
What hormone causes thickening of the endometrium after implantation changing the endomentrium to the decidua?
The embryonic membranes are called what?
The amnion and chorion
What is the function of the placenta?
metabolic and nutrient exchange between mother and embryo
Secretes estradiol to maintain pregnancy
*Umbilical Cord
*Two arteries and one vein- AVA
*Wharton's Jelly
*CT that surrounds vessels of umbilical cord and prevents compression
*Umbilical Vein
*carries O2 to the fetus
*2 umbilical arteries
*carries deoxygenated blood to the placenta
What are the three stages of human development?
Preembryonic stage
Embryonic stage
Fetal stage
Preembryonic Stage
first 14 days of human development
Establishes the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm
Embryonic Stage
15 days after conception to 8 weeks
Extreme vulnerability to teratogens
Fetal Stage
8 weeks until birth
What is the major cause of mental retardation in the US
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Marijuana's effect on pregnancy
no teratogenic effects
What is toxoplasmosis?
from toxoplasma gondii
contracted by eating raw or poorly cooked meat, drinking unpasteurized goat's milk,or contact with infected cat feces
can be contracted by MMR vaccine
is asymptomatic in women so can be transmitted to fetus unbeknown to woman
from herpes
meds can help decrease viral shredding but has NO TREATMENT
Purpose of braxton-hicks contractions
stimulate blood flow through the intervillous spaces of the placenta
What hormone maintains the corpus luteum during early pregnancy?
Amount of air increase during pregnancy
Blood volume increase during pregnancy
Vital sign changes during pregnancy
Pulse increase 10-15bpm
BP decreases slightly
Supine Hypotension/Vena Caval Syndrome/Aortocaval Compression
uterus puts pressure on vena cava when woman is supine resulting in decreased BP
Avg WBC count during pregnancy
Normal Wt gain overall
norm wt- 25-35 lbs
overwt- 15-25 lbs
underwt- ideal + 25-35 lbs
Wt gain by trimester
What hormone is responsible for initial lactation
affects uterine contractility and milk ejection from breasts
*stimulates progesterone and estrogen production by the Corpus Luteum until placenta takes over
acts against insulin so that maternal metabolism of glucose to favor fetal growth
*stimulates uterine development
develops ductal system of breasts to prepare for lactation
*Maintains endometrium
*inhibits spontaneous uterine contractility
*develops breasts for lactation
*Inhibits uterine contractility
*diminishes strength of uterine contractions
*signs of pregnancy: Subjective/Presumptive
*excessive fatigue
*urinary frequency
*breast tenderness
*signs of pregnancy: Objective/Probably
*changes in pelvic organs
*goodell's sign(softening of cervix)
*Chadwick's sign(blue coloration of cervix)
*Hegars sign: softening of isthmus of cervix
*McDonalds signs: easing of flexing of body of uterus against the cervix
Goodell's sign
softening of the cervix
Chadwick's sign
deep red to purple/blue coloration of cervix, mucus membranes, and vagina
Hegar's Sign
Softening of the isthmus of the cervix
McDonalds sign
easing of flexing of body of uterus against cervix
Ballotment test
touches cervix, something moves off and comes back
Prime example of objective sign of pregnancy
Pregnancy tests(measures hCG)
Positive signs of pregnancy
FHB, Fetal mvmnt, visualization of fetus by ultrasound
definition of gestation
number of weeks since the 1st day of LMP
Definition of abortion
birth that occurs befre the endof 20 weeks gestation
Normal "Term" of pregnancy
38-42 weeks
Definition of preterm/premature birth
After 20 weeks and before 37
Definition of Gravida
Any pregnancy, regardless of duration, including present pregnancy
woman who has never been pregnant
Woman pregnant for the first time
Woman in her second or subsequent pregnancy
Definition of Para
birth after 20 weeks, regardless of outcome
Woman who has not given birth at more than 20 weeks EGA
Fetus born dead after 20 weeks gestation
Nagele's Rule
1st day of LMP-3months+7days
Fundal Ht
corresponds in cm measurement between 22-34 weeks
What is quickening?
fetal movements felt by mother-occurs around 20 weeks
FHB detected when?
10-12 weeks w/ doppler
16-20 w/ fetoscope
Fetal heart activity seen when?
Fetal breathing movement seen when?
Discomforts of Pregnancy: N&V
due to increased hCG, gastric overload, slowed peristalsis
usually resolves by 16th week
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Urinary Frequency(patient teaching)
maintain adequate fluid intake!
void q2hrs wheen awake
Kegel exercises help
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Fatigue
Not as bad 2nd trimester and bad again the 3rd
due to change in metabolic rate
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Nasal stuffiness
due to estrogen engorged mucus membranes
teach cool air vaporizers/saline spray
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Heartburn
Due to increased progesterone causing relaxation of sphincter to esophagus, GI motility, increased uterine size
worse in 2nd and 3rd trimesters
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Dependent Edema
uterus causes impaired venous return
teach avoidance of constricting clothing, elevate legs and feet every 2-3hours
lie on side instead of back
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Hemorrhoids
Due to constipation, pressure of the uterus on the bowel, relaxing effects of progesterone
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Constipation
due to decreased peristalsis from progesterone, displacement and compression of bowel
can be side effect of Fe tabs
Upper backache can be treated w/ what?
good support bra. pain is from enlarged breasts
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Leg Cramps
due to enlarged uterus
treat w/ straightening legs and exercise +elevation
calcium phosphorous
Discomforts of Pregnancy: SOB
uterus puts pressure on diaphragm
Discomforts of Pregnancy: Round Ligament Pain
Tx: flex knees into abdomen, warm baths, heating paid, support uterus w/ pillow, change positions
Classifications of Anemia
levels of Hgb <12 in nonpregnant and <11 in pregnant client
What is the most common medical complication of pregnancy?
Iron deficiency anemia
Prevention/Tx of IDA
27mg/day to prevent, 60-120mg/day if diagnosed
Common SE of Iron supplements
tarry stools
Prevention/Tx of Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
.4mg folate
1mg folate
Sickle Cell Anemia
Normal adult hGB and abnormal HbA
RBCs become crescent shaped
clog capillaries esp in spleen, bone marrow,and placenta
Sickle Cell Anemia can cause what in Maternal client?
high temp, dehydration, infection, acidosis, low o2 pressure, vaso-occlusive crisis
Vaso-occlusive crisis
Sudden attacks of pain secondary to ischemia from occluded capillaries
Fetal/Neonatal risk of Sickle Cell Anemia
Prematurity and IUGR, perinatal mortality
Sickle Cell Anemia Tx
folic acid supplements, prevent dehydration, administer o2, analgesics and antibiotics
Monitor fetal HR!!!!!
*Fetal risks with Maternal HIV
transmission 15-25% W/out medicine
<2% if treated with zidovudine and delivered via C/S
*Fetal risks for infant AIDS
encephalopathy characterized by delayed developmental milestones or loss of skills
found in 50-90% of children w/ AIDS
Heart disease classifications
Class I-IV- from uncompromised to severely compromised
Clinical signs of ectopic pregnancy
one sided lower abdominal pain
vasomotor disturbances
referred rt shoulder pain
adnexcal tenderness
abdomen rigid and tender
lower hCG levels
*Abruptio Placenta
premature separation of a normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall
*Gestational Diabetes screening
1 hour glucose tolerance test @24-28 weeks
if 130-140 or above, 3 hour diagnostic test is ordered
spontaneous rupture of membranes prior to the onset of labor <37 weeks
Tests to determine PROM
fern test, ultrasound, nitrazine paper,
Number one cause of neonatal mortality in the US
Risk factors for preterm labor
Uterine/cervical problems, low wt, chronic illness, previous preterm labor/birth, febrile illness, substance abuse
presence of this between 20-34 weeks shown to be strong indicator of preterm delivery
use of medication to stop labor
delays birth 2-7 days
does not improve neonatal outcome but allows time for administration of bethamethasone
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
increase in BP after 20 weeks gestation w/ proteinuria
Characteristics of preeclampsia
increased viscosity of blood, hyperreflexia, HA, subcapsular hematoma of liver
HTN effects on fetus
SGA, fetal hypoxia, death related to abruption, prematurity
Mild Preeclampsia
BP 140/90, proteinuria 1+ to 2+
S&S of worsening preeclampsia
increased edema, worsening HA, visual disturbances, decreased urinary output, N&V, bleeding gums, overall not feeling well
Severe preeclampsia
BP 180/110 or higher, proteinuria 3+
S&S of Severe preeclampsia
HA or visual disturbances, pulmonary edema, epigastric pain, impaired liver fxn, fetal growth restriction
onvulsion or coma occuring before, during or early postpartum
* What do you administer to prevent seizures of eclampsia?
magnesium sulfate!
HELLP syndrome
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count
Rh incompatibility
Rh+ father and Rh- mother, fetus Rh+
can result in CHF
Amniotic Fluid Index
<5 is a red flag
Non-Stress Test
electronic fetal monitor to obtain tracing of FHR, observing accelerations of the FHR w/ movement
used to test biochemical determinations and fetal lung maturity
Chorionic Villi Sampling
used to test for DNA abnormalities
*Folic acid deficiency is linked to what?
Neural Tube Defects
*Amino Acid Deficits can cause what?
Mental Retardation and growth restrictions
*Maternal Wt Gain Distribution
11lbs-placenta/fetus/amniotic fluid
4lbs-increased blood volume
3lbs-breast tissue
5-10 lbs-maternal stores
*kcal increase during pregnancy
300kcal increase during 2nd and 3rd trimesters only
Mother's calcium needs
Phosphorous RDA during pregnancy
RDA for Iron during pregnancy
Effects of Vit A Deficiency
preterm birth, IUGR, low birth weight
Mercury in Fish can cause what?
neurotoxic effects of mercury
What do spermicides use?
Oral contraceptives can also cause what?
decreased menstrual flow, more regularity, decreased formation of ovarian cysts, less cramps, less risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer and ectopics, decrease hirsutism and acne
IM injection of progestin lasts for 3mo
Female Tubal Ligation
fallopian tubes are cut
Essure method of permanent sterilization
no surgery. insert into fallopian tubes under hysteroscopy
after 3 mo the inserts will cause occlusion
Clinical Interruption of Pregnancy
up to 49 days following first day of LMP
surgical interruption safer in 1st trimester