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246 Cards in this Set

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When is puberty for girls
8-13 yo
What is the difference btw precocious and pseudoprecocious puberty
precocious is normal pattern of puberty but just early

pseudoprecocious is from abnormal exposure to estrogen and there is no gametogenesis
What are the 3 stages of puberty
1. thelarche - breast devel
2. pubarche - hair devel
3. menarche - menses
what are is the hormonal phase of puberty
adrenarche: increased secretion of adrenal androgen (DHEA)
What is DHEA and when does it peak
Adrenal androgen - dehydroepiandrosterone

peaks at 25yo
What is the avg length of menses
3-5 days (can be 1-8)
when are there anovulatory cycles
puberty and before menopause
what are the effects of estrogen and progesterone on the cervical mucous
estrogen -> thin (thinnest at ovulation)

progesterone -> thicker
When does the cervical mucous NOT make the fern pattern
after ovulation and with pregnancy
What are the measures that indicate ovulation
increased basal body temp
increased LH
when to take basal body temp

BEFORE getting OOB
Effects of estrogen (4)
1. breasts - duct growth, enlargement, pigment
2. weight gain/water retention (@ menses)
3. acne - decreases comedone formation
4. cholesterol - decreased plasma cholesterol
target sites of effects of progesterone
facilitates delivery
FSH role
maturation of ovarian follicle
goals of prenatal care
enter pregnancy in optimal health

decrease risks and reduce health disparities
what are the 10 recommendations for preconceptual care
folic acid supple
rubella status
DM screen
thyroid screen
maternal PKU
Meds?? (a,a,i)
ETOH or rec drugs
What meds are screened for in preconceptual care
antiepileptics (take off dilantin!)


Why screen for thyroid?
high or low can lead to SAB or problems with infertility
Why screen for DM
6-12%risk for anomalies
risk directly r/t glucose control
why folic acid?
decrease risk of open neural tube defects
closes early, so important to have FA on board!
low carb diet decreases folate levels!
Rubella and pregnancy risk?
deafness and heart defects that are PREVentable
vaccine must be given BEFORE (or after) pregnancy
maternal PKU as risk for preg
high risk, often not on their diet
risks with obesity in pregnancy
chronic HTN
macrosomic fetus
what is prenatal care a/w?
decreased LBW
rate of LBW in US & why
this is the highest yet b/c medical demographic, behav risk factors, increase mult births & preterm births from assisted tech
Define LBW
% births w/o (or late) prenatal care
differeniate btw presumptive, probable and positive pregnancy results
presumtive are subjective sumptoms

probaable are observed by the physician

positive are attributed only to the devel of the fetus
presumptive changes of pregnancy
breast changes - mastodynia, increased glands, secondary breasts
N/V - 2-12 weeks
urinary irritablity - freq, nocturia, UTI
increased temp over 3 weeks
skin changes - cholasma, linea nigra, stretch mks, spider telangiomas
when does quickening occur
multiparous: 14-16 wks

primiparous: 18-20 weeks
what does severe NV indicate
multiple preg or molar preg
what are the probable signs of pregnancy
Cervical & Uterine changes
1. chadwicks sign
2. hegars sign
3. goodell's sign
4. leukorhea without fern-like pattern
5. relaxation of pelvic bones / ligaments


positive pregnancy test = presence of hcg
chadwicks sign
bluish purple discoloration of vulva, vaginal mucosa, cervix due to increased blood flow
hegars sign
softening / compressibility of uterine isthmus, kinda flops over
@6-8 wks
goodells sign
softening of cervix
urine pregnancy test: detection of?
predictive value
when does it work
detects hCG - requires at least 25micro IUs in urine
As early as 12-14days post conception
99.5% predictive value if positive
Reasons for false neg urine pregnancy test
dilute urine
inaccurate dates - not 28day cycle
ectopic pregnancy
blighted ovum
serum pregnancy test - when can it be used? what is measured
measures hCG
detected as early as 6 days post conception
get the level
what are the possible meanings of hCG levels that are LOW OR FALLING over 48 hrs
blighted ovum
pregnancy >12 weeks
what are the possible meanings of hCG levels that are SLOWLY RISING OR LEVELING over 48 hrs
ectopic pregnancy
what are the possible meanings of hCG levels that are RAPIDLY INCREASING over 48 hrs
multiple gestation
hydatiform mole
What are the positive signs of pregnancy
1. FHTones
2. Fetal Movement palpated
3. Ultrasound visualization
When can you first see cardiac movement with US
# of pregnancies
# of pregancies that terminated in the birth of a fetus/fetuses that reached a point of viabilty (>20wks or >500g)
Term - 37 weeks completed (38wks+)
Premature- 20-38wks
Abortions- spontaneous OR induced less than 20 wks or 500g
Living children
definition of infant
birth -> 1 year
definition of neonate
birth to 28days
definition of perinatal period
28 wks to 7days PP
what is the issue with 2nd trm abortion
more risks
+ risk of future PTL
how is a multiple birth defined in Para?
SINGLE parous experience
def of immature fetus
500-1000g at birth
definition of premature birth
1000-2500g at birth
SGA definition
less than 2 standard deviations for the gestational period
definition of maturity at birth
>2500g or 37 weeks
postmaturity def
42+ weeks
what is the concern about a pt with a cardiac hx in pregnancy?
increase in CO may pose a problem
what to assess in a pregnant woman with varicosities
for DVTs
what should be documented at ever prenatal visit
weight gain
Fundal height
abdominal exam by Leopold manuever
urine results - glucose and protein
What are you looking for with urine test at each visit
ketones - inadequate carb intake
proteinuria - >300/24hr or 2+ is concerning for preeclampsia
baseline lab tests at first prenatal visit
Pap, GC/CT,
blood type/Rh/antibody titers (coombs)
Syphillis - rpr or vdrl
SCD screen
HepB surface antigen
Titers: rubella; Varicella
possible DM screen
HIV offered to everyone
CF carrier screen and other genetic screening offered
toxoplasmosis if at risk
what to do if there is pyuria withOUT bacteria
wet prep because probably GC/CT
what is the prevalence of trich in pregnancy
20-30% pregnant women have trich, only 5-10% have s/s
what is assessed at the initial visit
risk status
psychosocial assessment
educational needs
4 ways of dating pregnancy
uterine sizing
FIRST TRM is the BEST time
Using LMP to get EDC
Nagele's rule:
1st day LMP + 7days - 3 months

this assumes the cycle is 28days
Uterine sizing as an estimation of EDC
accurate to +/- 1-2 weeks, best in first trimester
size of uterus at 6 weeks
size of uterus at 8 weeks, location
naval orange
@ pubic symphysis
size of uterus at 12 weeks, location
abdominal organ
location of uterus at 16 wks
midway between umbil and symphysis pubis
location of uterus at 20wks
What area is measured for the fundal height
symphysis pubis to the top curve of the fundus
What is measured by US to determine EDC
<8wks - gestational sac
8-15wks - CRL
>15wks - biparietal diameter, head circumference, FL, AC
When is US most/least helpful
most: 1st trm
not helpful >30 wks
How do you use the LMP and US to determine EDC
if date based on LMP is within 5 days +/- the US date, keep the LMP date
if it is NOT - change to the US date
When are FHT used for pregnancy dating
10-12 wks with Doppler
17-20wks with fetoscope
when to suggest genetics testing at initial visit
risk factors
abnormal pedigree
What are the components of the risk assessment (factors to always consider)
age - teenagers or >35yo
mode of conception - ART?
diseases or disorders
ethnicity- are they at risk for certain disorders/syndromes
past OB hx - SAB (3+), previous stillbirths/neonatal deaths, preterm births
What is the risk of teenagers
preeclampsia/ eclampsia
maternal malnutrition
what is the risk with women >35yo
pregnancy induced HTN
placental previa
chromosomal abnormalities
what are the risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth
history of PTL
genital tract infection
multiple gestation
bleeding in the second trm
low prepregnancy weight
how do we see the effects of mothers emotional state on the fetus
decreased apgar score
what is the incidence of IPV in pregnancy
most common pregnancy compllication
highest killer of preg women in US
what is tobacco use during pregnancy a/w
low BW
placental previa
placenta accreta
preterm birth
perinatal mortality
what is alcohol use during pregnancy a/w?
spectrum of alcohol effects from FAE->FAS->ARBD
(alcohol related birth defects)
what are the warning signs to watch for in pregnancy
vaginal bleeding
decreased fetal movement
evidence of preeclampsia- face and hand swelling, blurred vision, HA, epi pain, convulsions
severe/unusual back pain/HA
other severe medical problems
why is there urinary frequency in the first trm?
vascular engorgement of the pelvis and hormonal changes
how to deal with breast soreness
well fitted bra 24/7
numbness of hands
5% women
transient and resolves PP
how to dealw ith n/v
light, dry foods, small frequent meals
emotional support
B6 supple.
prenatal vit before conception
C bands
how to dealw ith backache
posture helps - girdle to support abdomen
2" heels
local heat
back massage
back exercises
how to manage leg cramps
no toe pointing
magnesium citrate may help
feet flexing
leg massage
local heat
lead with heel when walking
what is the rec on panty girdles or garters?
no! b/c decrease circulation to legs
why are we concerned with fundal height
fetal growth retardation
if a patient has HBP and + edema, what is the consideration

what if they have HBP with neg edema
r/o preeclampsia

suspect underlying htn
hyperemesis gravidarum is a/w ___
weight loss
differential dx for hyperemesis grav
multiple gestation
molar preg

thyroid disease
What is the mgt for hyperemesis grav
NPO, work up from ice to CLD
IVF - if ketones use dextrose
manage the nausea with IV reglan -> PO at 4mg 5x/day
or Zofran 4-8mg IV to PO
C-bands and accupressure
incidence of 1st trm bleeding
what are the vaginal etiologies of 1st trm bleed
friable cervix due to HPV
spontaneous AB
ectopic pregnancy
hydatiform mole
def threatened AB
vaginal bleeding
w/ or w/o pain
def inevitable AB
vaginal bleeding, pain cervical dialation, ROM
def incomplete AB
some parts of conception remain in utero
def missed AB
fetus dies by POC retained 2+ weeks
habitual AB
get genetic consult
def of SAB
naturally occurring termination of pregnancy prior to viability
incidence of SAB
10-15% of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies
what are the most likely causes/reasons for SAB
genetic abnormality - 75-90%
corpus luteum failure= abn progesterone levels
uncontrolled DM
uterine abn
autoimmune disd
lab dx for SAB
Quant beta hCG - should dbl q48hrs

progesterone level (not done)

US - location, viability, uterine anomalies, ectopic? cardiac activity (6wks gest)
how to manage 1st trm inevitable AB
let nature take course
give pain meds
can use MVA
consult with OB doc
can do D&C but more risky
What would indicate the need to r/o ectopic preg?
any 1st trm bleed!!
at what level of hCG can you detect a gestational sac by US
predisposing fc for ectopic preg
tubal ligation
previous ectopic
pelvic infx
early signs of ectopic
vag bleed/spotting
occasional pelvic pain from blood at the cul de sac (can be referred pain)
the s/s are vague and very similar to pregnancy
how are uterine changes diagnostic for ectopic
they are NOT
lab assessment/dx for ectopic
b-hCG = slow rise or plateau

US!!! - if US cannot dx, this is a mandatory (stat) referral

(NOT progesterone levels)
what are the 2 types of hydatiform mole
CHM - diploid (46xx) entirely from father; has vessicles but NO fetal material

PHM - triploid (69xxx) vessicles and NONviable fetus or sac
what is the incidence and risk fc for molar preg
1.5 in 1000
greater in asians (3x)
greater in >45yo
clinical presentation of hydatiform mole
n/v - persistent and severe
size > dates maybe
no FHT
preeclampsia before 24wks
lab assessment for r/o hydatiform mole
rapidly rising b-hCG
what is a choriocarcinoma
malignant GTD
develops after pregnancy/SAB/or most likely after hydatiform mole
nearly 100% cure
can devel with pulmonary mets
what is the suggestion for subsequent pregnancy after hydatiform mole?
wait at least 1 yr
how to manage ANY bleeding in pregnancy
prevent Rh isoimmunization by giving RhoGam
12 or less weeks - MICRORhoGam (50ug)

12+ weeks - RhoGam (300ug)
What is the visit schedule for prenatal care
0-28wks - q4wks
28-36wks - q2wks
36-40wks - every week
40+ - 2x/week
how is glucosuria dx for GDM?
20% of women spill glucose in their urine during pregnancy
10 week visit
doc FHT with doptone
review warning signs
recessive disorders to screen for
Tay Sachs - cajun, french canadiens, ashkenazie
Fragile X
what is the incidence of CF carrier and who should be offered screening?
ALL couples offered screening
what is the screening for downs and when is it offered?
US for nuchal translucency
biomarkers: hCG and PAPP-A (plasma protein A)

offered to ALL preg women
performed btw 11-13 6/7 weeks - canNOT do >14wks
what is nuchal translucency
abnormal collection of fluid that is a/w lots of deformities and generally abnormal collagen formation (21st chromosome)
what % of cases of Downs are detected with the NT/biochem marker screen
79-90% of cases of downs
what neural tube defects are detected by the nuchal translucency testing?
NONE - it does not test for neural tube defects
what do you suggest if there is nuchal translucency and + biochem markers
can get amniocentesis (or CVS)
what does the following indicate:

+ nuchal translucency
negative chromosomal abnormalities
cardiac or other structural abnormalities
what does the following indicate:
+nuchal translucency and + biochemical markers (hCG and PAPP-A)
at risk for anuploidies
who do you offer SECOND trimester screening to? when?

15-20 wks (up to 22wks)
what are the second trimester screens (genetics)
quad screen:
inhibin A
what are the normal values of MSAFP based on - ie what needs to be considered by lab for interpretation of values?
gestational age
maternal age
race (AA have higher risk false pos)
multiple gestation
what does an elevated MSAFP indicate
1. open neural tube disorder: anencephaly or Spina Bifida

2. open abdominal wall defects: gastroschisis or omphalocele

3. other: underest of gestational age, mult gestation, underweight mother, black race, increased placental size, severe oligohydramnios, fetal-maternal hemorrhage (s/p CVS, amniocentesis, trauma)
defect in the enzyme that breaks down folic acid

these women need 10x as much FA (4grams)

tend to have clotting with OCP or multiple SAB
is anencephaly viable?
what is the a/w other abnormalities of omphaloceles and gastroschisis?
omphaloceles are commonly a/w other abnormalities

gastroschisis are gen NOT a/w other abn
what % of open neural tube disorders and open abd wall defects are detected by MSAFP
what to do if anomalies found on MSAFP?
refer to backup and
genetic counselor
what is DECREASED MSAFP indicate?
DOWNS - trisomy 21
detects 40% of cases if used alone and risk increases with maternal age
what is indicated by LOW MSAFP and LOW hCG
trisomy 18
what is the MOM value
multiple of the median
this is the way the risk is reported from the quad screen and shows both
1. risk for age
2. risk for quad screen
risk is NEVER zero
what percent of cases are detected by the quad screen?
what tests are done in each trimester (1 and 2)
First: nuchal translucency, PAPP-A, hCG

SECOND: quad or triple screen, US markers
what to do if 1st trm screen is positive?

what if it is negative?
if POS: early invasive test (amnio or CVS)

if NEG: 2nd trm testing (quad screen and US); final risk based on all markers
what is the % of false positives on genetic screenings
what are the risks with amniocent
fetal loss 0.5-1%
amnionitis - 0.1%
Rh isoimmz - remember to give RhoGam!!!
when can CVS NOT be done
NO CVS <10wks
what is the # of women who show increased risk for birth defects and how many actually have babies with BD
50 out of 1000 have show increased risk on quad screen

only 1 or 2 of these will actually have baby with NTD

only 1 or 2 will have baby with Downs
what does the quad screen miss?
5-10% anencephaly

20-25% SB

20-25% downs

20-40% trisomy 18
PTL def
contractions with cervical change any time from 20-37 weeks
when do you use management strategies for PTL
23-35 weeks because this is viable territory - only tocolyze if you can do something if birth happens
what is the incidence of PTL in US out of all births

what is the result?
12% of all births in US!

2nd leading cause of neonatal mortality

a/w 50% of all neurological handicaps in infancy
risk fc for PTL
low SES
poor nutriotional status
previous h/o PTL
short interval btw preg
multiple gest
substance abuse
uterine anomalies
genital tract infx
current psych disd
s/s of PTL
menstrual like cramps
dull low back ache
SP pain/pressure
sensation of pelvic heaviness or pressure
change in character or amt of vaginal discharge
uterine contractions: 6+/hr
how to dx PTL
cervical US - look for cervical length <25mm which can be a risk fc for PTL, but not necessarily a routine screen

FETAL FIBRONECTIN - not routine screen either
what are the guidelines for doing a fetal fibronectin
there must NOT have been anything in the vaginal in the past 24hrs

cannot do if there is bleeding

swab and HOLD for 10sec
how to use the results of fetal fibronectin testing
if NEG FF - unlikely (95% pred value) that they will NOT deliver within the next 14d --> do not need to treat

if POS FF - not very helpful b/c up to 1/3rd will deliver --> if other s/s PTL then treat with steroids, etc
what is the risk of UTI in preg
what is indicated by right hydronephrosis in pregnancy?
normal pregnancy finding b/c the sigmoid colon pushes the uterus over
what is the criteria for treatment of UTI in prg
symptomatic OR assymp
on dipstick: + WBC, nitrites, protein > trace
UA + for WBC, RBC, or bacteria
what if GBS is found in urine??
means that there is a LOT - high colonization

must treat & prophylax for labor
what is the treatment reg for UTI in preg?
Amox 500mg TID

Macrobid 100mg PO BID - best compliance

amp 250mg PO QID
Keflex 250mg QID
macrodantin 100mg PO QID

Test for cure in 2 weeks ALWAYS
what is one of the most classic findings in BV
lack of lactobacillis- this is also a risk of getting BV
s/s of BV
pH >4.5
vag dischg that is scanty, thin, homogenous, milky, gray white
+/- irritation, burning, pruritis
risk of BV in pregnancy
endometritis post partum
wound infections post c-sect
Amsel's criteria
2 of 4 for BV
discharge that is milky
clue cells - 20% of cells on slide
+ whiff test - w/ or w/o KOH
pH >4.5

can also do gram stain but canNOT dx based on pap results
treatment for BV in preg
metronidazole or clindamycin

2gram x1, 500mg BIDx7d, 250mg TID x7d
or intravaginally with 0.75% gel BID x 5days

Clinda 300mg BID x7days or 2% intravag cream qHS x7days
assoc btw preg and candida?
pregancy doubles the risk of candida

increased symptoms in the 3rd trimester
symptoms of candida vag
vaginal discharge - thick white cottage cheese like dc with adherent plaques or patches on the cervix or vaginal walls

intense itching

vulva and vagina may be red, edematous, excoriated

normal pH (4.5)

no odor
what is the prev of false neg for candida on wet prep?
20% false neg
what is the treatment for candida in preg?
7 days with topical antifungal intravag creams

do NOT use fluconazone in preg
what to do at the 28wk visit
screen for medical complications

prevent Rh isoimmz

fetal wellbeing
hgb/hct values for anemia in pregnancy
hgb <10
hct <30%
what is the primary cause/type of anemia in preg
95% iron deficiency - microcytic
How is anemia worked up in preg
CBC w/ diff
serum iron/ferritin
Hgb electrophoresis
when is GDM testing done in pregnancy
if at risk - btw 24-28 wks
incidence of GDM
what is the biggest risk of GDM?
macrosomic fetus

and if not controlled:
unexplained fetal demise
what are the screening and dx tests for GDM
screening - glucose challenge --- random, nonfasting oral 50gram glucose load + 1hr d-stick

test - 3hr oral glucose tol test --- FBG then 100gram glucose load + dstick at 1, 2, 3 hr mark (abnormal is 2+ high values)
what are the cut off values for the glucose tol screening and test in pregnancy
screening: glucose challenge:
>130 or 140 -> 2nd test
>200 diagnostic for DM

test: 3hr Oral GTT
fasting >/= 95
1hr >/= 180
2hr >/= 155
3hr >/= 140
what are the goals for blood glucose during preg
fasting <95
1 hr PP <140
2hr PP <120
what is important to monitor in the GDM mother
fetal growth
amniotic fluid volume
fetal movement counts from 34 wks at least
NST and BPP from 38 wks
what to do if mother is Rh negative and antibody POS
REFER - already a problem!
when is RhoGam given
at 28 wks

or any time there is vag bleeding
when is blood type and Rh tested for?
1st visit
what IS RhoGam
Rh(D) immune-globulin
passive antibody
what is the rule for fundal height
+/- 2cm from weeks gestation
what is the most common medical disorder of pregnancy
what is preeclampsia?
SBP >/=140
DBP >/= 90
Proteinuria >/= 1+
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets

a/w HTN in pregnancy
risk factors for preeclampsia
trophoblastic disease
multiple pregs
preexisting medical disease (chronic htn, renal disease, DM)
Previous Preeclampsia
what are the symptoms of preeclampsia
blurry vision
severe epigastric pain
scotomata = flashers
what are the SIGNS of preeclampsia
SBP >/=140 or DBP >/=90
EYES: papilledema, hemorrhagic areas
- URINE: >/= 1+ proteinuria on dip or >/= 300mg/24hr
- increased HGB/HCT (3rd spacing fluids)
- decreased platelets
- increased LFTs
- RENAL: increased serum creatinine/BUN/uric acid; decreased creatinine clearance
What are the biggest risks of preeclampsia
maternal - abruption, seizures

fetal - uteroplacental insufficiency, decreased placental crossing
management of preeclampsia
PHYSICIAN referral or consult
assess labs/BP regularly
assess fetal wellbing
3 main considerations for bleeding in the THIRD trimester
1. placenta previa
2. abruptio placentae
3. PTL
and hemorrhoids, post coital, etc
what is placenta previa
malposition of the placental in the lower uterine segment extending to or covering the os

can be marginal, partial or complete
what is important to do/not do when there is THIRD trm bleeding
NEVER put anything in the vagina until knowing where the placental is by ULTRASOUND
what if the placenta is over the os in the first trimester
this is fine, it is not yet remodeled and is not uncommon
What are the cardinal signs of placenta previa
sudden onset painless vaginal bleeding
how is placenta previa diagnosed
and bleeding
what is abruptio placentae
premature separation of the placenta
what is the clinical presentation of abruption
pain: mild to severe
back pain

bleeding: obvious or may be concealed - PORT WINE COLORED BLOOD!

uterine change:
how is abruption diagnosed
clinical symptoms

US may or may not be able to diagnose based on whether it bleed is visible in front of placenta
mgt of abruption
ED - likely will need to deliver
36 wk visit
screen for infection (GC/CT, GBS)

Fetal assessment - movement!

S/S labor
% of women colonized with GBS
what are the risks of GBS col in pregnancy

neonatal risks!!!
How is testing for GBS done
swab lower vag (no speculum)
swab rectum
place both in the same container
note if the woman is allergic to penicillin
what is the management of a woman who is colonized with GBS
treat in labor with 2 doses of penicillin

goal is to get pcn at level to prevent infection of newborn

other alt are clindamycin or erythromycin
when does woman start counting fetal movement
or as early as 28wks
what to do if there are less than 3 fetal movemnt in 1 hr
if it is reactive - reinforce FMC
if it is NOT reactive -> BPP OR AFI & CONSULT WITH OB
biophysical profile
Fetal Breathing movemnt
Fetal Movement
Fetal Tone
Amniotic fluid volume
S/S of impending labor
bloody show
GI upset
energy spurt
increase in braxton hicks contrxn
ripening of cervix
What are real contractions of labor as compared to braxton hicks
real are regular and have increasing duration and intensity
'diagnosis' of real labor
1. regular contractions with increasing freq/intensity
2. progressive cervical change

also helpful:
- +nitrazine (dark blue color)
post maturity syndrome
>/= 42 wks
decreased placental capacity for exchange
cutaneous and nutritional problems
increased size
leads to increased perinatal mortality rate
progression of lochial flow
rubra 3-4 days
alba 2nd-3rd wk PP
lochia rubra
the first phase of lochial flow

shreds of tissue

tapers to a reddish brown over 3-4 days
lochia serosa
2nd phase of lochial flow

serous to mucopurulent

lochia alba
thicker, mucoid

2nd to 3rd postpartum week
what goes on at the PP visit
4-6 wks

hx, physical, pelvic exam

family planning

*weight - how much retained
*anemic? - check especially if anemic before or still bleeding
*breasts - masses, nipples ok? proper support
*vaginal dryness? do pap
puerperal infection: s/s & common sites
fever, malaise, pain, malodorous lochia

sites: endometritis
infected trauma of vulva, perineum, vagina, cervix
c-section wound
treatment of PP infx
broad spectrum abx

PO or IV
when should the hct be back to normal in PP period
3-7 days
why recommend early ambulation after pregnancy
increases feelings of capabilty

helps with involution of uterus and uterine drainage
decreases risk of PP thrombophelbitis
what is the recommendation about sexual activity in PP period and what is important to discuss
median time to sexual activity is 6 weeks but she can resume sexual activ when perineum is comfortable and bleeding is diminished

there is normal fluctuation of sexual interest in the postpartum period

50% women will have dyspareunia for gen 3 months, can last up to 1yr & is possible with c-section - should be transient and resolve spontaneously at that time
bladder issues in PP period
bladder distension common
increased frequency with polyuria after birth
bowel issues after preg
difficulty with BM for first few days r/t sensitivity and fear

hemorrhoids are common

5% will experience some level of anal incontinence up to 3 mo PP
mastitis - def? s/s?
infection of the breast in a lactating woman

fever, flu-like s/s, painful swollen inflamed area of the breast

if suspicious of mastitis - do not wait for the sore! treat!!
how is mastitis treated
if suspicious of mastitis - do not wait for the sore! treat!!

best treatment is prevention

antibiotics - dicloxacillin 500mg PO QID x10days

can keep BF
when should involution be complete and what if it isn't
by 6wks - should be mostly complete

if it doesn't - subinvolution - there is risk of hemorrhage and needs to be managed
s/s of subinvolution
increased or persistent bleeding

soft uterus, more so than normal for PP week
what is the most common cause of subinvolution
retained pieces of membranes or placental fragments
treatment for subinvolution
methergine 0.2mg q4hrs x3days PO
*can only use if NOT hypertensive

treat with abx if s/s infx
who should be screened for PP depression and how?
edinburg PP depression scale

all PP women!
incidence of minor PP depression
major PP depression?
minor - 19%
major - 12%
psychosis - rare
how is PP depression managed
screen for thyroid dsd

support for mild s/s

refer for major, IPV or prior PPDepr