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56 Cards in this Set

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Expected Total Weight Gain for average BMI

What factors change the recommendations?
Total = 25-35 lbs

-reduced for overweight, obese
-increased for underweight, multifetal, adolescents
recommended caloric increases for each trimester
1st: no increase
2nd: 340 per day
3rd: 452 per day
Folic Acid
-prevents neural tube defects and cleft lip/palate
-recommended intake of 600 mcg per day
helps with metabolism and formation of hemoglobic
-pregnancy: 27 mg per day
Fat-soluble vitamins
-A, D, E, K
-stored in fat cells
-toxicity can result from over-supplementation
recommended protein intake during pregnancy
71 mg
(an increase of 25 mg!)
definition of pica
eating substances not usually considered part of a normal diet
Groups at risk for nutritional problems during pregnancy
abnormal prepregnancy weight, amenia, eating disorders, pica, more than 5 pregnancies, closely spaced pregnancies, multifetal pregnancies
increased caloric need during lactation/ breastfeeding
330 calories during first 6 mos

400 calories during the 2nd 6 mos
definition of couvade
pregnancy-related rituals or a cluster of symptoms experienced by some prospective fathers during pregnancy and childbirth
1st trimester psychosocial characteristics
primary focus = self
"i am pregnant"
2nd trimester psychosocial characteristics
psychical evidence of pregnancy
primary focus = fetus
narcissism and introversion
change in body image
change in sexuality
"i am going to have a baby"
3rd psychosocial characteristics
increasing dependence
preparation for birth
"i am going to be a mother"
Rubin's Steps of Maternal Role Taking
Role Play
Search for Role Fit
Grief Work
Maternal Tasks of Pregnancy
1. seeking safe passage through labor
2. securing acceptance from partner and family
3. learning to give
4. attachment to baby
Paternal "reality boosters"
hearing the fetal heart beat
feeling the fetus move
viewing the fetus on the sonogram
Braxton Hicks
irregular, usually mild uterine contractions that occur throughout pregnancy and become stronger in the last trimester
Chadwick's Sign
bluish purple discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia during pregnancy as a result of increased vascularization
breast fluid secreted during pregnancy and the first week after childbirth
diastasis recti
separation of the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen (rectus abdominis) during pregnancy
Goodell's sign
softening of the cervix during pregnancy
G = gravida
T = term births
P = preterm births
A = abortions
L = living children
a woman who is or has been pregnant, regardless of duration or outcome
number of pregnancies that have progressed past 20 weeks (delivered alive or stillborn, refers to pregnancies not fetuses)
striae gravidarum
irregular pink to purple streaks on the woman's abdomen, breasts, or buttocks resulting from tears in connective tissue
Nägele's Rule
from date of LNMP (last normal menstrual period):
-subtract 3 months
-add 7 days
-correct year
uterine souffle
a soft, blowing, sound heard over the uterus. the sound of the blood circulating through the placenta
-should correspond with maternal pulse
Funic souffle
the soft, purring sould heard over the umbilical cord that corresponds with the fetal HR
mucus plug
in the cervix; blocks the ascent of bacteria from the vagina
"bloody show"
-an early sign of labor
-consists of the cervical mucous plug and blood (produced by disruption of the cervical capillaries during cervical thinning and dilation)
supine hypotension
the weight of the pregnant uterus compresses the aorta and vena cava, reducing cardiac return.
-lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, agitation, or syncope can result
-side-lying or a pillow under 1 hip can resolve this
5 major changes to Blood Flow during Pregnancy
1. perfusion of placenta and uterus
2.increased renal flow to remove fetal waste
3. increased skin perfusion to dissipate maternal body heat
4. increased breast perfusion
5. stasis of blood flow in lower extremeties from obstruction- hemorrhoids, varicose veins
3 benefits of increased blood volume during pregnancy
1. transport nutrients and oxygen to fetus
2. meets the demands of increased maternal tissue
3. protects mother from blood loss during childbirth
physiologic/ pseudoanemia of pregnancy
decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit in the mother due to dilution by increased plasma volume. (no actual decreased in RBC's)
GI Changes during pregnancy
-increased appetite
-gingivitis/ bleeding gums
-excessive salivation
-reduced esophageal sphincter tone leading to GERD
-decreased GI tone and motility
-prolonged emptying time of gall bladder leading to gallstones
kidney changes during pregnancy
-increased glomerular filtration rate (by 50%)
-increased glucose excretion, contributing to increased UTI's
-increased urine output
Skin changes during pregnancy
-increased circulation to dissipate heat
-increased sebaceous gland activity
-hyperpigmentation / melasma
-linea nigra on the abdomen
-striae gravidarum
-increased hair growth and nails become brittle
effects of relaxin on the mother's body
-softening of the pelvic cartilage
-inhibits uterine activity
-softens connective tissue of cervix
-softens ligaments around the ribs
pituitary gland
-increased secretion of prolactin
-decreased secretion of FSH and LH
-secretion of oxytocin at birth
thyroid gland
-secretes T3 and T4 which are both important to development of fetal CNS
pancreatic changes during pregnancy
-decreased cellular sensitivity to insulin which makes more glucose available to the growing fetus
-in healthy mothers, insulin production should be increased
gestational diabetes
when insulin production cannot be increased during pregnancy, resulting in periodic hyperglycemia
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: produced by the embryo- prevents deterioration of the corpus luteum which is secreting progesterone and estrogen.
-this is what a pregnancy test looks for
functions of estrogen during pregnancy
-stimulates uterine growth
-increased blood supply to uterus
-increased uterine contractions near term
-development of glands and ducts in the breasts
-hyperpigmentation and vascular changes
functions of progesterone during pregnancy
-maintains endometrium for implantation
-prevent spontaneous abortion
-smooth muscle relaxation in uterus, bowels, etc
-prevents tissue rejection of fetus
-development of lobes in breasts
-maternal fat deposits
-stimulates ventilation
human placental lactogen:
-increases the glucose availability for the fetus
-decreases maternal insulin sensitivity and metabolism of glucose
changes in the eye during pregnancy
corneal edema, resulting in contact lens discomfort
-do not get new prescription until 6 weeks postpartum
PRESUMPTIVE indications of pregnancy
nausea and vomiting
urinary frequency
breast growth and tenderness
increased pigmentation of the skin
vaginal/ cervical changes
fetal movements felt by mother
PROBABLE indications of pregnancy
abdominal enlargement
cervical softening
changes in uterine consistency
braxton hicks contractions
palpation of fetal outline
uterine souffle
pregnancy tests
POSITIVE indications of pregnancy
auscultation of fetal heart sounds
fetal movements felt by examiner
visualization of fetus (US)
antepartum care schedule (for uncomplicated pregnancy)
conception to 28 weeks - every 4 weeks
29 to 36 weeks - every 2-3 weeks
37 wks to birth- every week
PRESUMPTIVE indications of pregnancy
nausea and vomiting
urinary frequency
breast growth and tenderness
increased pigmentation of the skin
vaginal/ cervical changes
fetal movements felt by mother
PROBABLE indications of pregnancy
abdominal enlargement
cervical softening
changes in uterine consistency
braxton hicks contractions
palpation of fetal outline
uterine souffle
pregnancy tests
POSITIVE indications of pregnancy
auscultation of fetal heart sounds
fetal movements felt by examiner
visualization of fetus (US)
antepartum care schedule (for uncomplicated pregnancy)
conception to 28 weeks - every 4 weeks
29 to 36 weeks - every 2-3 weeks
37 wks to birth- every week
what causes morning sickness?
increased levels of hCG and estrogen, along with relaxation of the smooth muscle of the stomach