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64 Cards in this Set

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Health History
*Personal Hx - demographics, etc
*Menstrual Hx - what are cycles like, how long, pain, light/heavy, when did menopause occur, when did menses become irregular
*Obstetric Hx - Gravidas? Ectopic or living kids, Cerclage? (sew cervix shut )
*Sexual Hx - STD's? multiple partners?
*Family Hx - ask questions about lifestyle, Hx of med probs in family?
*Psychosocial Hx - marital status, educational background, employment, support system
Physical Assessment
baseline lab work, v/s, head-to-toe assessment
Screening procedures
*BSE (1/2 of women do own self exam)
*Clinical Breast Exam
*Vulvar Exam
*pelvic exam
*pap test
*rectal exam
Clinical Breast Exam
*done every 3 years (20-39), yearly after 40
*any abnormal finding s/b described as a raisin, watermelon seed, or grape -nurse should document it by size & shape.
*Discharge of nipple when there is no lactaction can be indicative of Cancer
**Inspection: size, symmetry, color & skin changes
**Palpation: palpate lymph nodes
*Mammograms q 2 yrs and then yearly after 45-50
*at risk groups (family Hx of Breast Ca) should have by 35
Vulvar Exam
*done q month over the age of 18
*lesions, moles, bumps, discharge
Pelvic Exam
*not done while on menses
*s/b done 2 weeks after menses
Pap Test
*speculum should be warmed and should be the right size (virgin=small)
*vaginal blade inserted & opened to view cervix. Cyto brush (or spatula thing) used to get sample, place on slide, spray w/fixative & send to lab.
*manual exam can be done afterwards
**Test for abnormal cells - if present, then a biopsy will be done
Rectal Exam
*examining for hemmorhoids & examining the sphincters
Primary Amenorrhea
Cause: Turners Syndrome, incomplete dev of uterus/ovaries/fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalances, strenuous exercise, malnutrition, eating d/o
TX: counseling, psychological support
**if onset has not occurred by age 16 then suspect primary (breast development & puberty, then suspect primary amenorrhea)
Secondary Amenorrhea
Cause: systemic disease, hormonal imbalances, strenuous exercise, birth control, ovarian tumors, lactation, stress, PG
TX: ID and correct cause, PG test, hormone levels
**periods have stopped for 3 mos or have not had a normal period for 6 mos - do PG test, check hormones (consider woman's fears-PG, cancer, infertility)
primary dysmenorrhea
*S/S: pain/cramps w/o underlying disease
*Causes: endometrial prostaglandins - uterine muscle contractions or ischemia due to the lack of blood flow
*TX: birth control, naproxen (aleve), ibuprofen
secondary dysmenorrhea
*S/S: pain associated w/reproductive tract
*Causes: endometritis, uterine displacement, fibroids, PID, ovarian cysts
*TX: surgery, Vits B & E, heat & exercise
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
*Menorrhagia & Metromenorrhagia
*PG complications (spont abs), anatomic lesions (benign or malignant) of the vagina, cervix, or uterus; drug-induced bleeding, breakthrough bleeding with birth control pills; systemic d/o (DM, uterine fibroids, hypothyroidism); failure to ovulate
*TX: Pg test, coagulation studies, hormone/liver function studies, US, hormone Tx, birth control pills
*Hysterectomy would be last option.
excessive bleeding at the time of menstrual flow
*bleeding from the uterus at anytime other than the time of menses.
****any vaginal bleeding in a woman past menopause is BAD and should be reported to MD immediately
*Cause unknown (thought to be an imbalance b/t estrogen & progesterone just before menses)
*TX: hormones (birth control), anti-depressants (prozac, zoloft, paxil) OR diet (reduce caffeine for breast symptoms; calcium, Mg, B6 for mood symptoms)
PMS Symptoms
*Cyclic, reoccurring
*must be severe enough to impact life, work, relationships
*Dx based on woman's perspective
Menopause - Physiological changes
*End of menses
*atrophy of ovaries occurs gradually - uterus & labia are thinner,more susceptible to vaginal/bladder infections, breasts shrink.
*FSH rises - in response to fewer periods
*Estrogen decreases
*Ovulation is sporadic
*Menstrual periods are irregular
*Hot flashes
Menopause Tx
*reduced bone density, leaves bones fragile & susceptible to fractures mainly in postmenopausal women
Osteoporosis S/S
back pain
"silent thief"
hump back
widow's hump
loss of height
vertebral collapse
Osteoporosis Dx
bone scan or bone density tests
Osteoporosis Tx
**Goal is to prevent/slow & stabilize remaining bone mass
*Drug Therapy - fosamax, actonel, evista, boniva
*Calcium & Vitamin D - 50+ needs 1200 mg/day; 65+ needs 1500 mg/day; must have Vit D to absorb Calcium
*Exercise - weight bearing, no high impact (dancing, hiking, weights)
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Estrogen with/without Progesterone
HRT Benefits
*aids in hot flashes, uninterrupted sleep, vaginal dryness
*effective in preventing osteoporosis
***if woman still has uterus, cannot have estrogen alone (Provera has both E & P)
HRT Risks
*long term use
*increased risk of breast CA & heart disease
*Contraindicated for people with:
>>Hx of cancer
>>rental disease
>>cardiovascular (blood coagulation d/o)
>>Hx of stroke
Fibrocystic Breast Changes
**fibrosis (early stage=thickening of normal breast tissue; late stage=water filled cysts that are not hard or fixed to wall, tender & movable)
**Caused by an imbalance in estrogen & progesterone
**affects women more as they approach menopause
**TX: NSAIDS, biopsy if Hx of CA, limit caffeine
*Benign tumor in teen or women in 20s
*firm rubbery mobile nodules
*non tender & asymptomatic
*TX: Observation; if persistent then fine needle aspiration or excisional biopsy
Intraductal Papilloma
*more common in menopausal women
*typically benign but can become malignant
*develops in terminal portion of duct
*causes trauma & erosion in ducts & results in nipple discharge
*TX: excision of mass & ductal area, analysis of nipple discharge
Ductal Ectasia
*Dilation of collecting ducts, inflammation response, reults in mass (firm & irregular, enlarged axillary nodes, nipple retraction, nipple d/c, painful)
*S/S: similar to breast CA
*occurs in women approaching menopause
*TX: Biopsy (once performed & indicates duct ectasia, no further Tx is necessary).
Diagnostic evaluation of breast disorders
*benign or malignant?
*mammogram (not effective in younger women b/c their tissue is more dense)
*US - shows fluid filled areas better
1. Fine needle - fluid & small tissue
2. Core needle - core tissue, cylinder of tissue
3. Open or surgical - removal of the lumps
Benign Breast Disorders
1. Fibrocystic Breast Changes
2. Fibroadenoma
3. Intraductal papilloma
4. ductal ectasia
Symptoms of malignant breast disorders
changes in skin/shape
**US/mammograms will show before palpation will
Staging of malignant breast d/o
Stage 1 - small tumor without lumphatic involvement or metastases

Stage 2 - spread to lymph nodes & metastises to other organs
Tx for malignant breast d/o
1. Surgical Tx
>>breast conservation surgery
>>lumpectomy - take out malignant tissue
>>quadrantectomy - removal of the whole section
>>simple mastectomy - remove breasts but not nodes
>>modified radical mastectomy - remove nodes/breast/muscle

2. Adjuvant Therapy
>>radiation therapy
>>hormonal therapy - tamoxifen - blocks estrogen & binds estrogen receptors
Breast reconstruction
1. Timing (may be done at the same time or afterwards)
2. Methods
>>tissue expansion method - put expanders into the tissue
>>tissue flap procedure - breast replacement w/nipple reconstruction
>>nipple/areola reconstruction
Psychosocial consequences of breast d/o
*all r/t to the lack of breasts & possible death
*Presence of endometrial tissue outside the endometrial cavity - most common in pelvis
Endometriosis S/S
Pelvis pain
abnormal uterine bleeding
painful intercourse
Endometriosis TX
**Medical - birth control, depo-provera, micronor (used for 3-6 months)
**Surgical - if medical Tx doesn't work; lysis of adhesions (laparascope); hysterectomy is last chance tx.
Ovarian Cysts
*70-80% are benign, no relationship with ovarian cancer
*DX: made by palpable mass with/without tenderness
Ovarian Cyst S/S
may be asymptomatic
irregular bleeding
delayed menses
Ovarian Cyst TX
*Observe for 1-2 months or prescribe O.C's or laparascopy is done if they do not go away
Uterine Leiomyomas (fibroids)
*CA potential is minimal
*vary in size from 1-2 cm to 10 week fetus
*DX: US reveals mass; observe for increase in size; pelvic exam every 3-6 mos
Uterine Leiomyomas S/S
may be asymptomatic
lower abdominal pain
increased dysmenorrhea with large tumors
Uterine Leiomyomas Tx
removal of the tumor
Benign Reproductive D/O
Ovarian Cysts
Uterine Leiomyomas
Symptoms of Malignant Reproductive d/o
*risks increase with age
*no symptoms in ovarian cancer until it is done
Malignant Reproductive Disorder Dx
screening tests
>pap smear
Serum tests
Malignant Reproductive Disorder Tx
1. Cervical Cancer
>cryosurgery - destroys abnormal tissue thru lasering
>TAH, chemo, radiation if advanced
2. Endometrial Cancer
3. Ovarian Cancer
>removal of one or both ovaries
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
**Cause: muscles, ligaments, fascia that support pelvic organs becomes damaged or weakened; allowing pelvic organs to prolapse into & sometimes out of vagina
Vaginal Wall Prolapse
**Anterior or Posterior
*bladder protrudes downward into vagina
*women are more prone to bladder infections & uterine prolapsed incontinence
prolapse of upper posterior vaginal wall between vagina and rectum
*posterior wall of vagina becomes weakened & thin
**probs with constipation, hemmorhoids, infections
Uterine Prolapse
**ligaments that support uterus & vagina are stretched during PG & do not return to normal
S/S of uterine prolapse
*pelvic fullness
*dragging sensation
*pelvic pressure
*low bachache
uterine prolapse Tx
*vaginal hysterectomy & tack bladder into place
*anterior or posterior colporrhaphy for cystocele
Nursing considerations for uterine prolapse
1. pelvic exercises
2. urinary incontinence (stress, urge, & mixed)
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH)
removal of the uterus
bilateral salpingo oophorectomy (BSO)
removal of both fallopian tubes & ovaries
total vaginal hysterectomy