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78 Cards in this Set

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What does "I&E" stand for?

Information and Education

What 3 efforts have agenecies concentrated I&E on?

1. adult education programs

2. education centers

3. hunter education

Who is the Dept of Fish & Wildlife's commissioner appointed by?

the governor

How long are commission members appointed for?

4 years

What is the commission made up of?

a 9-member advisory panel

In Kentucky, do you need to have natural resources education or hunting experience to serve on the commission?


Who governs state fish and wildlife agencies?

a commission appointed by the governor

Wildlife management does. What does wildlife administration do?

plans, directs, & organizes

What term refers to the protection of resources?


What term refers to the wise use of natural resources?


Define wildlife according to KY law (KRS 150.010)

any normally undomesticated animal, alive or dead, including any wild mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, or other terrestrial or aquatic life.

What is the wildlife conservation management approach in North America called?

North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

Name the 7 underlying principles of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

1. Wildlife as a public trust resource

2. Elimination of unregulated killing of wildlife for markets

3. Allocation of wildlife by law

4. Allow harvest only for legitimate purposes

5. Recognize wildlife as an International Resource

6. Science-based wildlife policy

7. Democracy of hunting

How did Aldo Leopold describe his principle of "Land Ethic"?

"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."

As Americans settled the western US and Great Plains, what happenstance prompted the legislation action at both state and federal levels?

Loss of what were once common game species

Throughout most of US History, relations between the federal and state governments concerning wildlife policy have followed a pattern characterized as:

dual federalism

What concept emphasizes the idea that the national and state governments constitute two separate centers of power, each dominant in its sphere of activities ?

dual federalism

Dual federalism stipulates that federal government regulates wildlife that....

migrates over state and international borders


animals covered by a specific federal law

Courts decided that states could regulate wildlife through... (2 things)

1. the sovereign of ownership of wildlife by the state

2. the police power of the state

Police power entitles the state to regulate what 4 things?

1. public health

2. safety

3. morals

4. welfare of the people

What Supreme Court decision established states' rights over wildlife?

Greer vs. Connecticut (1896)

Greer vs. Connecticut resulted in a ruling that wildlife belongs to all the people and the state can regulate the taking of wildlife. Why is the state allowed to regulate the taking of wildlife?

for the benefit of all the people

A trustee relationship whereby the government manages wildlife and fish for the benefit of the resource and the public is known as:

The Public Trust Doctrine

Name 2 ways a private citizen can gain legal title to wildlife.

1. Provide your own brood stock **provided you have a state permit**

2. Take wildlife under legal regulations and "reduce it to your possession." (the moment a person kills the animal legally, it belongs to that person)

All Desmognathus species have how many costal grooves?


Hunt vs. The United States (1928) ruled what?

federal government's right to protect resources belonging to all citizens of the US superseded state rights

What does NGO stand for?

nongovernmental organizations

When did state-dominated dual-federalism shift toward the federal government having more wildlife management power?

1960s and 70s

Wildlife agencies are able to add to the funds they obtain from license sales from what 2 sources?

1. state/federal sources (government)

2. private sector (private foundations, conservation groups, etc)

Where do P-R funds come from?

an excise tax on firearms and archery equipment

What can P-R funds be used for?

1. wildlife research

2. habitat management

3. hunter education

4. acquiring of land and easements

5. private and public land management

What act led to the initiation of D-J funds?

Dingell-Johnson Act 1950

Where do D-J funds come from?

excise tax on fishing-related equipment

What are D-J funds used for?

1. fisheries research

2. river and stream improvement

3. boating infrastructure development

4. reservoir management

Who distributes P-R and D-J funds to each of the states?

US Fish and Wildlife Service

The amount of P-R & D-J funds a state is eligible to receive is based on what 2 factors?

1. number of hunting & fishing licenses sold

2. geographic area of the state

The federal role in regulating wildlife is based on the constitutional authority of the government to do what 2 things?

1. regulate interstate commerce

2. make treaties

**Most wildlife funding sources today are based on what philosophy?

User-pays philosophy

True or false: hunting and fishing licenses can be used ONLY for conservation purposes IF state legislation has passed assent legislation


1. A 1934 act requires all migratory bird hunters to purchase what?

2. What is the name of the act?

1. duck stamp

2. Duck stamp act

What 1965 act provides funds to acquire and develop land and water areas plus facilities for recreational purposes?

Land and Water Conservation Fund Act

Where are funds obtained from the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act?

sales of:

1. federal property

2. motorboat fuel taxes

3. admission fees for federal land

4. portion of oil and gas development funds

What 1980 law authorizes the federal government to provide financial and technical assistance to states to develop and revise plans for non-game fish and wildlife?

Forsythe-Chaffe Act

Which provision of the Endangered Species Act authorizes federal aid to states doing research on endangered species?

Section 6

What is one of the major funds for state fish and wildlife nongame and endangered species?

Section 6 money

What are administered throughout the USFWS to provide funds to conserve non-game wildlife diversity and their habitat?

State and Tribal Wildlife Grants

What does STWG stand for?

State and Tribal Wildlife Grants

Who appropriates money (or not) each year for non-game and endangered species?


Congress charged each state to develop a statewide comprehensive wildlife conservation plan called:

State Wildlife Action Plan

What does SWAP stand for?

State Wildlife Action Plan

SWAPs tend to have a focus on what type of wildlife?

non-game and rare species

No state can obtain more than (1.) what percent of funds, and no less than (2.) what percent of Money for Action funds?

1. no more than 5%

2. no less than 1%

What does CWCS stand for?

Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy

In order to receive funds through the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants program, Congress required each state to develop:

a Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy

The purpose of KY's CWCS is to

1. sustain KY's biodiversity

2. sustain KY's contribution to national and global biodiversity

KDFWR selected (BLANK) to represent the wide diversity of animals and habitats found in the state.

over 300 Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN)

What does SGCN stand for?

Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Name the 8 essential elements Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategies must address.

1. info on distribution & abundance of species

2. locations and conditions of key habitats and communities

3. describe problems and identify research needed

4. describe conservation actions necessary

5. describe plans for monitoring the effectiveness of actions

6. describe procedures to review strategies in less than 10 years

7. describe plans for coordinating with state, federal, local agencies, and Indian tribes

8. describe the public participation needed

Name 6 sources of funds for STATES

1. portion of sale's tax

2. portion of income tax

3. user-pays state sales tax

4. state fee or lottery proceeds

5. specialty tag, stamp, or permit to harvest certain species

6. portion of multiple-use tax

Name 2 types of collecting permits used by state agencies as a way to obtain data about a certain species or to help implement certain policies.

1. Scientific wildlife collecting permit

2. Educational wildlife collecting permit

What might a multiple-use tax fund?

arts, parks and trails, clean water fund, outdoors fund

Name 4 sources of funds for the Private Sector.

1. specialty license plates

2. special paintings

3. income tax check-off

4. matching grants from conservation groups and private foundations

The combined effect of citizen organizations working to protect, preserve, and manage wildlife and to study the biology/ecology of the species is known as the:

Conservation Movement

1. Who coined the term "conservation?"

2. Who popularized it?

1. Gifford Pinchot

2. President Teddy Roosevelt

What man was appointed chief of the US Biological Survey in the 1930's and gave the conservation movement a new burst of energy?

J.N. Ding Darling

During the depression, Ding Darling established training schools for natural resource students this a program funded by DuPont, Remington, and Hercules called:

The Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Program

Name 6 things NGOs do

1. Start new government agencies and reform old ones

2. Influence passing of wildlife law and policies

3. They sue

4. Give public education

5. Raise money and buy land for wildlife

6. Conduct or sponsor research

Give an example of an NGO that has purchased land for wildlife

The Nature Conservancy


1. World Wildlife Fund

2. The Nature Conservancy

3. The Sierra Club

4. National Wildlife Federation


1. Ducks Unlimited

2. Trout Unlimited

3. Quail Unlimited

4. National Wild Turkey Federation

5. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

6. National Audubon Society

Which NGO's mission is to explore and protect the wild places of earth?

The Sierra Club

Which NGO's mission is to conserve rare and endangered animals and their habitats?

World Wildlife Fund

Which NGO's mission is to inspire Americans to protect wildlife for their children's future?

National Wildlife Federation

Name a professional-based NGO

The Wildlife Society

Natural resource management is (1.) what percent managing the public and

(2.) what percent managing the resource?

1.) 90% managing the public

2.) 10% managing the resource

Describe the concept of "Manifest Destiny" as described in an 1845 newspaper article

'America was ordained by God to move into these new lands and subdue them. It was not only our right, it was our duty.'

In what book of essays did Aldo Leopold write that nature was something to be conquered and used to benefit the community?

The Sand County Almanac

True or false: In the 1940's in KY, it was very rare to ever see, let alone kill a deer.
