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51 Cards in this Set

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What is the Shahada?
There is no god, but god and muhammad is his profit
When a person is initiated into Candomble what happens to their biological clock?
Their biological clock is reset. So a woman who is 28 at the time she is initiated into Candomble now becomes reborn and is 0 years old.
What is ritual Kinship?
Ritual kinship is when the candomble womens’ clocks are reset and they become younger. Whoever initiates you becomes your mother and who you are initiated with becomes your sister. Whoever you initiate becomes your daughter.
what is zita’s story?
Zita was a lady who lived in Bahia who was extremely sick. She tried going to the doctors, but they couldn't cure her. The Candomble people took her and cured her.
What does initiation do for a person?
Being initiated meshes an individual into a new family and it also allows a person to be reborn
What is the “freetown”?
A colony made by britain in the 18th century as a refuge for freed slaves
What is the role of the priestess in a religion and in society?
The priestess is responsible for initiating others into the religion, acting as a mother after they are reborn. The priestess also uses Jogo de Buzio, also known as the shell game, to help the people of the community identify the cause to their social and economic problems.
What are the five pillars of islam?
Shahadah- belief that the only god is Allah and the profit is muhammad
Salat- Pray to Mecca atleast once a day
Zakat- To give help towards others
Sawm- To fast during the holiday of ramadan
Hajj- Make a pilgrimage to Mecca
Where was Muhammad born and why was this place significant to the islamic religion?
Muhhamad was born in Mecca. It is significant to the islamic religion because muhammad was forced to leave Meca but later conquered it and converted it to Islam. Therefore, Mecca is the “holy City”.
What did Paul Stoller do to finally become accepted by the Songhay
He slapped a little boy that threw a rock at his head.
Name two Orixa and give a brief description.
Ere, the baby god. Inhabit those who are much older and make them act childish.
Exu, a very powerful god who closely resembles the christian devil. The power of Exu can be used to help or hurt people in different ways.
What is the Interior Struggle and Exterior Struggle?
The interior struggle is doubt, temptation, and purity.
The exterior struggle is to try and convert people by giving the Koran to them and to rule over the non-believers
What are the two states that Pakistan believes should belong theirs?
Jammu and Kashmir
According to Katherine Dunham's Island Possessed what are the two forms in which you can possess a zombie ?
1. You capture the soul of a live person and turn them into a zombie and have them do work for you.
2. You collect the bones of a deceased person and put them in a bottle to possess their soul.
Describe the Hijra.
The Hijra was the final migration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in the year 622.
What is the Jihad Pillar of Islam?
When non-muslims are ruling over a muslim state, force is acceptable to push the infidels out.
What is one reason a person may choose to follow the candomble religion
A person may join the religion seeking a solution to their problems. Problems may include: sickness, unemployment, love, etc.
When was the Cuban revolution?
What was the first slave country to recieve its independence and what year?
Haiti recieved their independence in 1804
What is the sacrifice to Exu and what does it entail?
The sacrifice to Exu is a ritual cleansing used to rid people of the effects of witchcraft. Popcorn, alcohol, candles, cigars, balls of yarn, and a rooster are all used as offerings to Exu.
What is spirit possession in the Candomble?
The god you serve takes over your body and you become the god itself and the people will treat you like a god
Explain what kleptocracy is and what its connection to diamond mining in Sierra Leone.
Kleptocracy is government by theives. Sierra Leone is the center of diamond mining ad has led to war and theivery on a massive scale. The Africans and Europeans who made money by selling people into slavery are the cannibals. The peoople who profit from the blood diamond are cannibals as well.
What was the original purpose of Sierra Leone?
It was originally created by the British in the 1800's a a colony for freed slaves.
How is a person initiated into Candomble?
They much cut their legs, arms, and tongue
What aspect of Candomble makes this religion seem like devil worship from the outside world and why is this assumption incorrect?
The religion Candomble worships the god exu, which is often associated with the christian devil, so the outside would sees this religion as devil worship. This is an incorrect assumption because Exu is seen as a source of raw power that can be used for both good an evil.
If you have witchcraft on you what god do you sacrifice to, and what kind of materials do you give
You sacrifice alcohol, rice, popcorn and animals to the god Exu'.
What are four different gods who possess people in Candomble' and what are their characteristics?
Exu': Troublesome figure who is associated with the Christian devil. Is a source of raw power, uses its power to heal people and to appoint sorcery onto people.
Ere': Spirits of little babies who want candy and soda. They usually are in the bodies of respectful women and possess people who have just been possessed by a normal g-d before they go back to normal.
Orixas: Mostly women and homosexual men who become possessed. They sing, don't open their eyes, mingle with men and women, and chant in a scripted manner.
Caboclos: Spirits of cowboys and Indians of Brazil who have a lot of fun dancing around. They open their eyes, sing, speak Portuguese, and speak with a non-scripted tone. They are paid in cigars and wine.
Why do people of Candomble severe the connection between living and the descended?
When someone dies they become more powerful and much more dangerous. The tie that remains needs to be destroyed between you and the dead
How was Paul Stoller's ethnography so different from other anthropologists such as Evans-Pritchard
Paul Stoller himself actually became a sorcerer, learned different spell techniques, and even cursed someone
What is Paul Stollers method of collecting data?
He emersed himself in the culture. First he tried doing surveys and that proved to be a poor way to collect data. Then he started living as they did and even practiced sorcery.
For the people that believe in Muhammad, and follow his beliefs, what are the words that one is supposed to say after saying his name?
Peace be Upon Him
What is the relationship between Islam, Christeanity, and Judasim?
The Hebrew phrophets recognized Moses,
Jesus was a prophet,
worship the same god,
Koran their is one author himself
What are the traditions that the Rastafari people have to follow?
They cannot use a blade on any part of their body and grow dreadlocks. They also smoke marijuana because they feel it brings them closer to God.
What caused Kassey to refuse to see Stoller the first time he went to Wanzerbe?
She did not know him, or trust him, and therefore refused to see him.
How did the French Revolution affect the Haitian people?
the french revolution lead to the revolution of the Haitian people in 1791. The people of Haiti where finally freed from French rule in 1804. Recognized as a country in 1838, but forced to repay damages as recompansation.
the durand line was established by what revolution......and the year?
1917 bulshivic revolution
What did the slave owners and politicians in the U.S.A. think of the revolution in Haiti? How did they reacct?
The slave revolution in Haiti scared the wealthy people in The US they were afraid that if their slaves found out about it they would do the same thing. Because of this fear they basically cut off communications with Haiti.
Why did the US become involved in the freedom of Afghanistan and how did they help?
The Russians took over Afghanistan during the cold war. The US did not want the Russians to have more power than they already had. They used their allies Pakistan to transport money and weapons to the Afghanistan
How would Mary Douglas describe the Haiti revolution between the natives and the french in 1791?
Mary Douglas would describe the occupying French as matter out of place, which was one of many factors leading the the Haiti Revolution.
What is the Jugo de Buzio and who performs the cermony?
It is a ceremony to discover which god is ones Orixa and is preformed by a priestess.
What is the Witch City in Sierra Leone?
The Witch City is place where all the wealthy people that benefit from the diamond trade reside. The victims of the diamond trade in Sierra Leone know all of this wealth from the diamond trade but they never see any of it. Because of this they believe there is a Witch City which is not visible to them. In this Witch City there are diamond encrusted buildings, jets, mercedes-benz and many other things.
why was slavery a reason for many religions in the world and are based on same religion in different forms?
the religion changes when people from other places around the world and different forms of religions get together in a place and make one but is rooted from one religion.
How did the U.S. idea of "voodoo" come about?
The U.S. Marines invaded Haiti in 1915 and were surprised by the local religion. Vodou, the local religion, believed in zombies and was a mix of the Catholic religion and of an African derived religion. When the Marines came back to the U.S. the described the religion as something akin to devil worship and made it sound as if with their Vodou they controlled the living dead or zombies.
What is the Great Game?
The power struggle between Great Britain and Russia
What are the three values that the French Rebellion held in the French Revolution?
Liberty, equality, and fraternity
Where did Stoller study and what group did he focus on?
He studied in Niger and he studied the tribe called the Songhay
Who is Papa Doc
He is the president for life in Haiti. He is a Guede god. He used beliefs of vodu to consolidate power. He opposed the colonial white powers.
How would Clifford Geertz interpret fundamentalist Islamic militancy?
Clifford Geertz would view the rise of Islamic militancy as a response to European colonization. Once the Europeans left, non-militant Islam flourished.
Who is Muhammad bin Quasim
he is a Syrian General who conquered what is now Pakistain in 712 A.D
According to Clifford Geertz, when people have communal believes, it bring what to society?
Rigidity, Structure & Fluidity
How is marijuana related to the rastafari religion?
It was sold to fund raise for the religion. Also it is smoked by rastafari practitioners, while holding discussions about the religion with other rastas, as they believe that the other half of the bible is written within.