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36 Cards in this Set

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Der Tag war hell und warm, ein wahrhaft schöner Frülingstag und die Sonne beschwört sehr zärtlich die Blumen zuletzt.

-hell, bright. wahrhaft, truly. Frülingstag, "spring day". beschwört (to beseech). zärtlich, gently. zuletzt, at last.

The day was bright and warm, a truly beautiful day of spring, and at last the sun very gently beseeches the flowers. (36)

COMMAS separates ADJ

NO COMMAS separates ADV and ADJ

ein sichtbarer, grosser Erfolg ...

sichtbarer, visible

Erfolg, success

a visible, great success ... (36)

2 ADJs separated by COMMA

ein sichtbar grosser Erfolg ...

sichtbar, visible

Erfolg, success

a visibly great success ... (36)

NO COMMA so sichtbar is ADV not ADJ

Viele Leute gingen dankbar heiter durch den tief grünen Park.

-Leute, people. gingen (to go). dankbar, grateful. heiter, cheerful.

Many people went [gratefully cheerful] through the deeply green park [with grateful cheerfulness]. (36)

Die Musik, klassisch alt und immer noch stark regend, bleibt unendlich verweilend in unser plötzlich atonalen, kalten Herzenserschütterung.

-stark, strong. regend (to move). bleibt (to remain). unendlich, eternal. verweilend (to dwell). plötzlich, sudden. Herzenserschütterung, concussion of the heart.

Music, classically old and still [always] strongly moving, remains eternally dwelling in our suddenly atonal, cold concussion of the heart. (36)

MY - "immer noch" = STILL, not STILL ALWAYS

das erste Gemälde

the first painting (37)

erst as ADJ

ein erster, wahrer Frülingstag

wahrer, true

Frülingstag, "spring day"

a first, true day of spring (37)

erst as ADJ

Erst 1924 kann ein Stil gesehen werden.

Stil, style

gesehen (to see)

Not until 1924 can a style be seen. (37)

erst as ADV

der ganze Tempel

the whole temple (37)

ganz as ADJ

eine ganz andere Idee

andere (different)

a completely different idea (37)

ganz as ADV

der ganz rötliche Farbton

rötliche (red related)

Farbton, hue

the totally reddish hue (37)

ganz as ADV

Ich ging um elf Uhr mit dem Zug in die Stadt.

ging (to go).

I went at 11 am by train into the city.

I went into the city by train at 11 am. (37)

GER ADV order: time manner place

noch einmal

noch nicht

noch eine Weile

once more

not yet

a while longer (37)

3 "inverted" ADV phrases

Er steigt die Treppe hinauf.

steigt (to climb)

Treppe, stairs

He climbs up-away [from speaker] the stairs.

He climbs up the stairs. (38)

Der Hase steigt den Berg hinauf.

Hase, rabbit

steigt (to climb)

The rabbit climbs up-away the mountain.

The rabbit climbs up the mountain. (38)

Das Wildschwein ist von Haus herausgekommen.

Wildschwein, wild boar

The wild boar is coming-toward out from the house.

The wild boar is coming out of the house. (38)

Der Hund wird die Treppe heruntergestiegen sein.

Treppe, stairs. gestiegen (to climb)

The dog is climbing down-towards the stairs.

The dog is climbing down the stairs. (38)


Der Fuchs hatte zum Baum hinaufgeblickt.

Fuchs, fox

Baum, tree

geblickt (to look, glance, gaze)

The fox has looked up-away to the tree.

The fox has looked up at the tree. (38)

Das störend laute Flugzeug landers endlich.

-störend (to disturb). laute (loud). Flugzeug, plane. landete (to land). endlich, finally, at last.

The distribingly loud airplane finally landed. (40)

Pres Participle as ADV

Er verließ das Konzert erbittert.

verließ (to leave)

erbittert (to enrage)

He left the concert disgustedly. (40)

Past Participle as ADV

das gemalte Bild

gemalte (to paint)

the painted picture (41)

Past Part as attributive ADJ (declines)

ein denkender Mensch

denkender (to think)

a thinking person (41)

Pres Part as attributive ADJ (declines)

Das Buch ist vergessen.

vergessen (to forget)

The book is forgotten. (41)

Past Participle as predicate ADJ (not decline)

Der Film war aufregend.

aufregend (to excite)

The film was exciting. (41)

Pres Participle as predicate ADJ (not decline)

Er hat gegessen.

Er wird gegessen.

Er war gegessen.

gegessen (to eat)

He has eaten. Pres Perfect tense (41)

He is being eaten. Passive tense

He was eaten. Past Participle as predicate ADJ

der Name des sehr frohen, braunen Hundes

frohen (glad, happy)

braunen (brown)

the name of the very happy brown dog (41)

building up to EXTENDED ADJ via GEN part

Note that all in GEN part are declined same, except ADV sehr, and ADJs separated by commas

der Name des am Tisch einen Apfel herzlich fressenden, sehr frohen, braunen Hundes

-Apfel, Apple. herzlich (hearty, cordial). fressenden (to eat, feed, guzzle). frohen (glad, happy). braunen (brown)

the name of the heartily-eating-an-apple-at-the-table, very happy brown dog (42)

EXTENDED ADJ - participle as ADJ that is modified by ADVERBIAL PREP phrase or by OBJ of the participle

der unter der Brücke von ihm gesehene Mann

gesehene (to see)

"the under the bridge by him seen man"

the man [who was] seen by him under the bridge (44)

Note passive voice of relative clause translation

ein durch Wald und Weisen schnell gehender Wind

-Wald, forest. Weisen, meadow. gehender (to blow).

"a through forest and meadows quickly blowing wind"

a wind [that was] blowing quickly through (the) forest and (the) meadows (44)

Note: trans of PRES participle is NOT passive

ein schnell durch Wald und Weisen gehender Wind

-Wald, forest. Weisen, meadow. gehender (to blow).

"a quickly through forest and meadows blowing wind"

a wind [that was] blowing quickly through (the) forest and (the) meadows (44)

Note: trans of PRES participle is NOT passive

die in die Ferne die Scheibe werfende, griechische Figur

- Ferne, distance. Scheibe, discus. werfende (to throw). Figur, statue.

"the into the distance the discus throwing Greek statue"

the Greek statue [that is] throwing the discus into the distance (44)

die die Festung überraschende Feind

-Festung, castle. überraschende (to ambush). Feind, enemy

"the the castle ambushing enemy"

the castle [who is] ambusing the castle (45)

die auf dem Tisch stehenden, von mir gepflückten Blumen

-stehenden (to stand). gepflückten (to pick)

"the on the table standing by me picked flowers"

the flowers [that are] standing on the table [and that have been] picked by me (45)

ein unter dem Tisch sitzender, eine Maus fressender, müder Kater

- sitzender (to sit). fressender (to devour). müder, tired

"a under the table sitting a mouse devouring tired (tom)cat"

a tired (tom)cat [that is] sitting under the table [and] devouring a mouse (45)

ihr von dem während seiner Jugend berümte Maler gemaltes Gemälde

-während, during. Jugend, youth. berümte (famous). Maer, painter. gemaltes (to paint)

"her by the during his youth famous painter painted painting"

her painting [that was] painted by the painter [who was] famous during his youth (45)

NESTED extended ADJs, NOT separated by commas because they are not ADJs in a series

sein über die auf dem Berg liegende Stadt fliegender Luftballon

-liegende (to lie, be located, recline). fliegender (to fly).

"his over the upon the mountain situated city flying air balloon"

his air balloon [that was] flying on the city [that is], situated upon the mountain (45)