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40 Cards in this Set

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A son of Zeus. Apollo is the God of the Sun, poetry, music and the arts. He is a deity of light and clarity; representing rational thought, truth and healing. Apollo’s arrows, the rays of the sun, strike us as inspiration and insight. His healing rays also offer solace to the sick and downhearted.
Maiden Goddess of the forest and the night sky, her bow is the waxing crescent of the moon. As maiden she is independent, spirited and associated with woman only spaces. She is often seen as a Goddess of independence, integrity and action, and a antidote to patriarchy.
Goddess of wisdom, communication, science, mathematics, arts and intellect. Like Apollo, she is a deity of rational thought, clarity of purpose and planning. However her story is older and she is also the Goddess of crafts. Thus she is the conduit of turning thoughts into action, and a catalyst for joining intellect with intuition. Athena is a protector and defender against the forces of unreason and brute destruction.
Goddess of love and beauty, of sexuality and sensuality. Often pictured rising from the sea on a shell. Rules the emotions, an extension of her link to the waters.
God of action, defense and protection. Regarded as a catalyst for change. Aries is seen as a hot head and temperamental.
Goddess of corn and seasonal growth. Demeter as the mother of Persephone mourns the disappearance of her daughter who has gone to stay with Hades in the world of the dead. As Demeter mourns the Earths vegetation dies, and is only renewed when Persephone returns.
God of wine and ecstasy. Represents the side of us that is animal, intuitive, ecstatic and unruly.
Goddess of Spring, flowers and plants that bloom. Flora was also seen as the Goddess of pleasure.
Primal mother Goddess and name give to the Earth as a living being. Gaia gave birth to all existence and is seen as generous and giving as well as in need of our protection in order to retain her fragile balance.
Crone Goddess of Witches, magick, the night, and ruler of crossroads, boarders and thresholds. Hecate is drawn through the sky in a chariot pulled by cats. She watches over travelers and those making major life decisions. She is a weaver of wisdom and the midwife who guides us into life then from life to death.
 Hephaestus
o Blacksmith or metal working God.
 Hera
o Goddess of marriage, partnership and home. She is a family Goddess in the truest sense of the word and a protector of the integrity of households and all their members. She is patron of parenthood, and wise counselor and protector of the young.
 Hermes
o Messenger God of speed and communication. Often seen as the very soul of swiftness and is often depicted in winged sandals. Hermes is associated with the ability to speak with wit and intelligence. In legend he is a trickster and thief, a bringer of dreams, patron of travelers and a guide to souls on their way to the Underworld.
 Hesta
o Goddess of the hearth fire. Protector of the hearth and oversees household tasks and crafts. She is the Goddess of integrity and protection, and guards the heart of any home where she is honored.
 Pan
o God of herds and male sexuality. Half man, half goat, Pan represents our most basic instincts. He is the embodiment of our animalistic natures and is very earthy. One of our basic instincts is fight or flight, Pan lends his name in the basic fear that keeps us alive-panic.
 Persephone
o Maiden Goddess of spring and the Underworld
 Hades
o God of the Underworld, king of the dead
 Selene
o Moon Goddess. She is ruler of tides, oversees women’s cycles, reproduction, pregnancy and birth.
 Uranus
o God of the Heavens. Primal rain God who was born to Gaia. His rain made Gaia fruitful and she produced with him the Titans. Primal male fertility deity.
 Zeus
o Father and thunder God. Zeus is a father aspect of divinity. He is protector of freedom, patron of humanity and advocate of those serve with injustice. He is the soul of hospitality and generosity and the bringer of joy. He teaches us to share our good fortune. A God of charity and giving.
Who is the Goddess of the Witches?
Who is the God of metal working?
Who is the Goddess of marriage?
Who is the God of speedy communication?
Who is the Goddess of the hearth fire?
Who is the God of male sexuality?
Who is the Goddess of Spring and the Underworld?
Who is the God of the Underworld?
Who is the Goddess of tides and the female reproductive cycle?
Who is the God of the heavens?
Who is the God of thunder?
Who is the Sun God?
Who is the Goddess of the forest and night skies?
Who is the Goddess of wisdom?
Who is the Goddess of love?
Who is the God protection?
Who is the Goddess of corn and seasonal growth?
Who is the God of wine and ectasy?
Who is the Goddess of spring flowers?
Who is the mother Goddess