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178 Cards in this Set

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What is the temperature range for the refrigerator?

39-41 degrees

Which 2 days does the pull usually not equal the food used in the last 24 hours?

Friday and Sunday

What do you check for when auditing a Guest Check?

1. Correct Pricing

2. Correct addition

3. Correct taxes

4. Validation

5. Correct abbreviations

6. Name on the back

What is the temperature for each of the following?

a) Dish machine wash cycle

b) Dish machine rinse cycle

c) coffee

d) waffle irons

a) 150 degrees

b) 180 degrees

c) 195 degrees

d) 375-400 degrees

What types of expenses make up the middle section of the P&L?

Utilities and Maintenance Support

Security and employee benefits

Expenses that are somewhat set

Where should you focus your conservation measures the most?

Operating Overall

What can excessive pre-pulls indicate?

You are not pulling to par

There is a food cost problem

Yield in one box of hashbrowns?

30 per box

What is the difference between last year's P&L and this year's P&L?


What are the 10 Laws of Management conduct?

1. No Discrimination

2. No Harrassment

3. No payroll manipulation

4. No abusive, unprofessional behavior

5. No manipulation of performance data

6. No retaliation

7. No theft of misuse of property

8. Investigations are honest

9. No substance abuse, firearms, and physical force

10. Maintain confidentiality and privacy

What are the 3 parts of the P&L?

Operating Overall

The Middle


What is the Magnificent 7?

Fab Four- Greet, Beat to Seat, Order Before Beverages, and Prebus Prebus Prebus.

Terrific 2- Pull/Drop/Mark, Walk the Line


What 2 categories are the 1st mile broken into?

1st 5 in all 4

Affinity Groups

What are the major categories of the laws of management conduct?

Employment Practices

Pay Policies

Personal Conduct

Within 48 hrs of receiving your P&L each manager should do what?

Mark up the P&L and general ledger

Document wasted dollars

Write an action plan to reduce wasted dollars

List questions to review with your DM

Attach your P&L to the left side of the Blackbook

What is the percent paid in rent?


List four benefits offered to Associates

Paid vacation

Weekly cash payroll


Stock program

PBB equation is:

(sales - expenses) + (rebates + vending commission)

Yield of 1 bag of chunked ham?

21 servings

Where should the UM's days off baton be kept?

The Action Center and the Form-4 binder

What does WTFW stand for?

What To File Where

Working as _____ is the best way to quarterback your team?


Coaching is a _______


Training is an _________


What is an affinity group?

A business relationship that promotes goodwill and community involvement

What are the characteristics of a good coach?

Patient, Positive, and Assertive

What is the proper way for handling an over-ring?

Validate the ticket for the incorrect amount

Re-ring the ticket

Re- validate the ticket for tthe correct amount

What is the definition of net sales?

Total sales minus taxes

Scientific schedule uses ________ and ________ to generate projected sales.

Last years sales

Last 12 weeks sales

When should a cash audit be done?

After 2pm

After Sunday payroll

After days off baton (check-in and check-out)

What are the top 2 factors in staffing a restaurant?

Stop and Recruit


For the People Quota to be CODE RED it would be less than ________ percent.


What percent of employee theft is by opporunity?


What is Diversity?

The differences and similarities we see in ourselves and others

Yield of 1 pot of coffee

6.5 mugs

What is the purpose of Red Star Certification?

It gets the UM involve in the training

It serves as an award for completion of basic training

Serves as a visual reminder to customers and associates on who is certified

What is the UM days off baton?

A system that accounts for what was in the unit prior to the UM days and what is in the unit upon return.

Assigns Accountability

What is the 7 point food cost plan?

1) Tip cups 2) Change bowl 3) Talk about food cost with associates 4) 100 percent menu test 5) 36 hour build up 6) mid-shift drawer change 7) Back Door always tagged

What is the drawer pull log located next to on the Action Center?

7 point food cost plan

When should you conduct a commissary audit?

Day before your days off

Day after your days off

Before the truck delivery


When should the PRC be completed?

Everyday before 1st shift

Before 3rd on Friday, Saturday, and Holidays

What is the goal of the P&L?

Increase Sales and decrease expenses

What are the 4 steps of coaching?

Tell Me > Show Me > Watch Me > Follow Up

What are the uniform requirements?

Waffle house shirt, Headscarf/Visor, necktie, nametag, black pants, black slip resistant shoes

What does PBB stand for?

Profit Before Bonuses

What is the first thing you should do if an associate complains about harrassment?

Call the Associate Hotline

2/2 can vary by +/-______%


PQ tells us the amount of dollars _________.


What 3 categories can the "Middle Expenses" be classified in?


Limited Control

Least Control

When can you legally hold an associates pay?

Only with the approval of the legal department

What is the Form-4

The form that compiles the daily business information for a Waffle House unit.

Name the 4 legs of the Waffle House Sales Stool and give an example of each.

Outside Events - Football game

Offense - First Mile

Defense - Sanitation

ATTITUDE - Teamwork

What are the 4 corner stones of Food Cost?

36 Hour Build Up




What items are contained on the UM days off baton?

Cash audit, sanitation grade, commissary audit, Deposits up to date, Blackbook up to date

10 Steps of Customer Service

1) Greet within 60 sec. 2) Beat to Seat 3) Suggestive Sell 4) Write/price guest check 5) Stand on mark and call in order 6) Wait for call back and watch for mark 7) Anticipate needs 8) Deliver hot food and check 9) prebus and suggestive sell dessert 10) Take payment at the register

What is People Quota?

The # of associates who worked 14 hrs. or more as required by the DA.

How do you calculate lost coffee dollars?

((cups brewed / 2) - cups sold) x price of a cup of coffee

How many slices of tomato per tomato do you get and how thick are the slices?

6 and 1/4 inch

Who pays for the first 300 dollars of an associates workers comp. claim?


What does PPE stand for?

Payroll Postmortem Examination

Is it okay to allow a trained associate to check in the food order if you are stuck on the grill?


What are the 2 types of recruiting?

Active- Stop and Recruit

Passive- Accepting applications

What are the 3 pars?

Weekday, Weekend, Commissary

What are the 3 elements to an effective contest?

Short, simple, immediate results

After the truck is delivered, how many times the DA should you have of inventory in your commissary?


True or False? Up line managers should have access to your pin

False... nobody should know your pin except you

What is the Waffle House philosophy?

America's place to eat, America's place to work

Who can pick up an associates pay?

Only the associate

When is a managers walk through requred?

Every time the manage enters the unit

What is the first thing you should do when an associate is injured?

Apply first aid

How much is an associate paid during training?

Minimum wage

What is S&R?

Stop and Recruit

What does PRC stand for?

Production Ready Checklist

What does AVP stand for?

Area Vice President

What does C&T stand for?

Coach and Train

No more than _______ days of inventory should be stored in the commisary?


What is TUM?

Training Unit Manager

How many Operating Periods are in 1 Year?


What are automatic no hires?

Unsigned Application

No access to a phone

Unreliable transportation

Not at least 16 years old

What is delta par?

When going from weekday to weekeng and back to weekday par

How many days are in an operating period?


What is the system by which inventory is controlled (rotation system)?


First In > First Out

What does OAL stand for?


80% of coaching is ________.


When the volume slows down is it better to send home a SP or a backup GO?

Grill Operator (They cost more money)

What is par?

The amount of food required to operate the restaurant for 36 hours

The unit manager should show up how many minutes before shift change?


Are projected sales adjusted based on menu prices?


What are the 5 service priorities?

1. Greet

2. Deliver Hot Food

3. Take payment

4. Take Order

5. Set up

The PCT bonus is what percent of PBB?


What is meant by the term "getting your house in order"?

Sanitation, Staffing, Production ready

What does PTD stand for?

Period to Date

What is TTM/LTM

Talk to Me/ Listen to Me

What is PQ?

Profit Quality

When an employee is injured on the job by when should you notify the insurance company

24 hrs. (Else pay a $100 fine)

Security charges are prorated across the _____.


What is AFAT?

Account For All Tickets

What happens to a cash shortage form greater than $25?

It gets mailed to corporate

What is known as the lost art?

Suggestive Selling

Where is the coach the majority of the time?

On the floor

What is the means for clearing the register at the end of each shift?


Every meeting @ Waffle House is begun in what manner?

The Smart Start

The purchase from a vendor is called a what?

Paid out

The bottom line of the bonus section of the P&L shows a units.

Profit Quality

What does ITT stand for?

It Takes Two

Who is responsible for finding a replacement for an associate if they want a day off? ( after the schedule is made )

The associate (Schedules are posted 2 weeks at a time)

To be quality staffed you are allowed a ______ grace period for each full time slot on your schedule and a _______ grace period for a part time slot.

1hr. for full shift

1/2hr. for half shift

yield of 1 waffle batter?

24 waffles

What are the big 3 on the P&L?

Food Cost

Payroll Cost

Operating Cost

( these absorb 55 cents on every dollar )

Whose responsibility is it to drive 1st mile program?

Division manager

Who is responsible for overtime when an associate is borrowed from another unit?

The unit that borrowed the associate.

What supports the P&L by listing the detail of each account?

General ledger

What is WOTC?

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

What is the silent killer?

OVERTIME ( GOAL= 0 Hours )

Where are the exact payroll dollars that will hit your P&L shown?

Payroll post list

Define accrual

Spreading expenses across several periods

Can a person who has tested HIV positive work as a GO?

Yes, we do not discriminate

Each day prior to closing the Form-4 review the UIS payroll for what?

Hours worked, pay rates, job codes

How can vendors enter and exit the unit?

In through the front door and our through the back door

What % gratuity is added to all To Go orders?


What is the big question?

Who is expediting?

What does BCWS stand for?

Bonus Calculation Worksheet

Who should verify the money coming off the floor?

The UM and a sales associate coming off the floor.

What is APD?

Area People Director

When you receive a deposit slip back at the bank what should you look for on it immediately?

Validation for correct date and amount

How many deposits must be made on time each period for a unit manager to make their bonus?

24 of 28 > 85%

What is 3/4 recruiting?


Where can you find the number of associates who should be on staff?

People Data Sheet

What does EOS stand for?

End of Shift

What is the operating overall?

Food Cost (Target=29.9), Operating (Target=2.7), Payroll and Management Payroll

What does PDS stand for?

People Data Sheet

What is the second largest expense?


Does an associate meal require a guest check?


$1.00 of food cost is ______ in sales?


When should a dish inventory be conducted?

Sunday during 1st or 2nd shift

Where are the best places to find associates?

Customers and associate referrals

Progressive discipline is _________, ________, and ___________.

Firm, Fair, and Consistent

Yield for a package of pecans?


What should happen to an associate check that is never picked up?

Return it to corporate office

Can staring be considered sexual harassment?


What is DA?

Daily Average

What does HRS stand for?

Human Resource Specialist

How are the items organized in the commissary?

Heavy low/ Light high/ according to pull sheet

What does UIS stand for?

Unit Information System

How is meat stored?

A. Chicken high, beef low

B. Beef high, Chicken low

B. Beef high, Chicken Low

When is the best time to recruit associates?

24hrs. a day

if the dishes did not get clean well, what could the reason be?

Straws and other debris wrapped around the wash arm hub.

Machine not cleaned when water is changed

Detergent not changed often enough

Did not scrub dishes thoroughly before loading racks

If the blender does not operate, what 2 things could be wrong?

Not plugged in

Excessive brush wear

If the grill will not stay lit, the problem may be due to having low gas pressure or a bad thermo couple? T or F.


If you smell gas what does WH instruct you to do?

Shut off the back bar and call the gas company

If the electrical plugs are warm or wires are hot what do you do?

Call the maintenance man immediately

Brewing temperature lower than 195 degrees may cause coffee to be too _________.


If a coffee pot overflows, what could be the reason be?

Timer needs adjusting

Regulator may be defective

Using a pocket scale what is the correct weight for ground coffee per filter?

2.7 ounces

What does excessive negative pressure mean?

That the fresh air system needs adjusting

Waffle House believes in systems. T or F?


How does Waffle House keep its profile?

High profile in the units and Low profile outside the units.

Waffle House is privately owned but publicly discussed. T or F?

False - We are privately owned and privately discussed

What are the 2 main reasons we terminate?



Are we more competitive internally or externally?


Is Waffle House resilient?

Yes, very

Describe our financial philosophy.

Conservative - we have no debt

What percent do we pay in security?


What does xv stand for on the P&L?

Expense report

What is the problem if you smell fumes in the water heater room?

Clogged vent or vent pipe disconnected

What is wrong if the cutting board is burnt.

Clogged flue

What does it mean if the refrigerator coils are frozen?

Torn gaskets

What is the easiest and most often stolen food item?


What is the target dollar amount per unit per period for contests?


What is 2/2?

The amount of food that was used in the last 24 hours

What is the food safety baton?

The critical system that assures safe food for our customers

What are Key Fobs?

They are discount cards that can go on a key chain that we give to organizations as an incentive to eat with us.

Whan are UM's eligible to participate in the WH stock program.

After 1 year of employment

What is the best way to keep stress low when volume increases on a shift?

Keep the flow system moving properly

What is an air gap?

It is a separation in the pipes from the fresh water supply and the dirty water supply to prevent backflow.

What is the temperature danger zone?

41-135 degrees

What are the two types of sexual harassment?

Quid Pro Quo (Tangible Employment Action)

Hostile Work Environment

What is Newcomers?

It is a support system for 1st year UM's