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27 Cards in this Set

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pres. ind. pass: agere (3rd conj)
agor*, ageris**, agitur, agimur, agimini, aguntur*
[3rd and 3rd-i take -eris in second person indicative passive; 4th has regular -iris.]
pres. ind. pass.: audire (4th conj)
audior*, audiris, auditur, audimur, audimini, audiuntur* [3rd and 3rd-i take -eris in second person indicative passive; 4th has regular -iris.]
pres. ind. pass: capere (3rd-i conj.)
capior*, caperis*, capitur, capimur, capimini, capiuntur*.
[3rd and 3rd-i take -eris in second person indicative passive; 4th has regular -iris.]
note: 4th and 3rd-i conj identical except for long (rather than short) "i" in 4th conj, and pres. pass. second person sing.
fut. ind. pass: agere
agar*, ageris, agetur, agemur, agemini, agentur. Note: second person sing of pres. ind. pass is distinguished from fut. ind. pass only by a long "e" in the fut. tense
fut. ind. pass: audire
audiar*, audieris, audietur, audiemur, audiemini, audientur
fut. ind. pass: capere
capiar*, capieris, capietur, capiemur, capiemini, capientur
imp. ind. pass: agere
agebar, agebaris, agebatur, agebamur, agebamini, agebantur
imp. ind. pass: audire
audiebar, audiebaris, audiebatur, audiebamur, audiebamini, audiebantur
imp. ind. pass: capere
capiebar, capiebaris, capiebatur, capiebamur, capiebamini, capiebantur
pres. inifinitive pass. 4th conj: e.g. audire
change final "e" to "i". E.g. audire to audiri
pres infinitive pass 3rd and 3-i conj: e.g. agere, capere
change whole "ere" ending to "i". e.g. agere to agi; capere to capi
fifth decl. case endings: sing.
-es, -ei, -ei, -em, -e
fifth decl. case endings: pl
-es, -erum, -ebus, -es, -ebus;
res, rei, f. - sing.
res, rei, rei, rem, re; (fifth decl.)
res, rei, f. - pl.
res, rerum, rebus, res, rebus (fifth decl.)
dies, diei, m. - sing.
dies, diei, diei, diem, die;
note: all fifth decl nouns except dies are fem.
dies, diei, m. - pl.
dies, dierum, diebus, dies, diebus;
note: all fifth decl nouns except dies are fem.
Abl. of Place Where
Abl + "in" (in/on) or "sub" (under) to indicate where someone or s. th. is located, or some action is being done. E.g. "In urbe id scripsit." "Navis sub aqua fuit."
Ablative of accompaniment.
Abl + "cum" to indicate accompaniment: Cum amico id scripsit.
Ablative of Manner
(i) Abl + "cum" to indicate manner when no adj modifies the noun, e.g. Cum cura id scripsit. (ii) Just Abl when an adj modifies the noun, e.g. Magna cura id scripsit.
Ablative Place from Which
Abl + "ab," "de," "ex" to indicate place from which: E.g. Ex urbe id misit.
Ablative of Separation
Abl + "ab," "de," "ex" to indicate separation: E.g. Ab urbe eos prohibuit.
Ablative of Personal Agent
Abl + "ab" to indicate personal agent: E.g. Ab amico id scriptum est.
Ablative with certain Cardinal Numbers
Abl + "ex" or "de" with certain cardinal numbers to indicate a group of which some part is specified. E.g. Tres ex navibus discesserunt.
Ablative of Means
Abl + no prep, e.g. Sua manu id scripsit.
Ablative of Time When or Within Which
Abl + no prep: E.g. Eo tempore id scripsit; or Una hora id scripsit.
Ablative of Separation with ideas of freeing, lacking, depriving
Abl + no prep; E.g. Metu eos liberavit.