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82 Cards in this Set

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adulēscentia, adulēscentiae
youth, young manhood; youthfulness
(fem, decl 1)
ager, agrī
field, farm
(masc, decl 2)
agricola, agricolae
(masc, decl 1)
amīca, amīcae
friend (female); mistress
(fem, decl 1)
amīcus, amīcī
(masc, decl 2)
animus, animī
animī, animōrum
soul, spirit, mind (sg)
high spirits, pride, courage (pl)
(masc, decl 2)
bāsium, bāsiī
kiss (nt, decl 2)
bellum, bellī
war (nt, decl 2)
caelum, caelī
sky, heaven (nt, decl 2)
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī
counsel, advice, plan, purpose; judgement, wisdom (nt, decl 2)
culpa, culpae
fault, blame (fem, decl 1)
cūra, cūrae
care, attention, caution, anxiety (fem, decl 1)
dōnum, donī
gift, present (nt, decl 2)
exitium, exitiī
destruction, ruin (nt, decl 2)
fāma, fāmae
rumour, report; fame, reputation (fem, decl 1)
fēmina, fēminae
woman (fem, decl 1)
fīlia, fīliae
(fem, decl 1, dat & abl pl fīliābus)
fīlius, fīliī
son (masc, decl 2)
fōrma, fōrmae
form, shape, beauty (fem, decl 1)
fortūna, fortūnae
fortune, luck (fem, decl 1)
glōria, glōriae
glory, fame (fem, decl 1)
īra, īrae
ire, anger (fem, decl 1)
magister, magistrī
master, schoolmaster, teacher (masc, decl 2)
mora, morae
delay (fem, decl 1)
nauta, nautae
sailor (masc, decl 1)
nothing (nt, indeclinable)
numerus, numerī
number (masc, decl 2)
oculus, oculī
eye (masc, decl 2)
officium, officiī
duty, service (nt, decl 2)
otium, ōtiī
leisure, peace (nt, decl 2)
patria, patriae
fatherland, native land, (one's) country (fem, decl 1)
pecūnia, pecūniae
money (fem, decl 1)
perīculum, perīculī
danger, risk (nt, decl 2)
philosophia, philosophiae
philosophy, love of wisdom (fem, decl 1)
poena, poenae
penalty, punishment (fem, decl 1); poenās dare, pay the penalty
poēta, poētae
poet (masc, decl 1)
populus, populī
the people, a people, nation (masc, decl 2)
puella, puellae
girl (fem, decl 1)
puer, puerī
boy (masc, decl 2); pl. boys, children
remedium, remediī
cure, remedy (nt, decl 2)
rosa, rosae
rose (fem, decl 1)
sapientia, sapientiae
wisdom (fem, decl 1)
sententia, sententiae
feeling, thought, opinion, vote; sentence (fem, decl 1)
verbum, verbī
word (nt, decl 2)
vir, virī
man, hero (masc, decl 2)
vīta, vītae
life, mode of life (fem, decl 1)
deus, deī
(masc, decl 2; nom pl dī; dat & abl dīs; variable over time)
dea, deae
(fem, decl 1; dat & abl pl deābus)
discipulus, discipulī
learner, pupil, student
(masc, decl2)
discipula, discipulae
(female) learner, pupil, student
(masc, decl 1)
īnsidiae, īnsidiārum
ambush, plot, treachery
(fem pl only, decl 1)
liber, librī
(masc, decl 2)
tyrannus, tyrannī
absolute ruler, tyrant
(masc, decl 2)
vitium, vitiī
crime, vice
(nt, decl 2)
amor, amōris
(masc, decl 3)
carmen, carminis
song, poem (charm)
(nt, decl 3)
cīvitās, cīvitātis
state; citizenship (city)
(fem, decl 3)
corpus, corporis
(nt, decl 3)
homō, hominis
human being, man
(masc, decl 3)
labor, labōris
labour, work, toil; a work, production
(masc, decl 3)
littera, litterae
litterae, litterārum
letter of the alphabet (sg)
letter, epistle (pl)
(fem, decl 1)
mōs, mōris
mōrēs, mōrum
habit, custom, manner (sg)
habits, morals, character (pl)
(masc, decl 3)
nōmen, nominis
(nt, decl 3)
pāx, pācis
(fem, decl 3)
rēgīna, regīnae
(fem, decl 1)
rēx, rēgis
(masc, decl 3)
tempus, temporis
time, occasion, opportunity
(nt, decl 3)
terra, terrae
earth, ground, land, country
(fem, decl 1)
uxor, uxoris
(fem, decl 3)
virgō, virginis
maiden, virgin
(fem, decl 3)
virtūs, virtūtis
manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
(fem, decl 3)
cōpia, cōpiae
cōpiae, cōpiārum
abundance, supply (sg)
supplies, troops, forces
(fem, decl 1)
frāter, frātris
(masc, decl 3)
laus, laudis
praise, glory, fame
(fem, decl 3)
lībertās, lībertātis
(fem, decl 3)
ratiō, ratiōnis
reckoning, account; reason, judgement, consideration; system; manner, method
(fem, decl 3)
scrīptor, scrīptoris
writer, author
(masc, decl 3)
soror, sorōris
(fem, decl 3)
victōria, victōriae
(fem, decl 1)
locus, locī
locī, locorum
loca, locōrum
place; passage in literature
(masc, sg)
passages in literature (masc, pl)
places, region (nt, pl)
(decl 2)
morbus, morbī
disease, sickness
(masc, decl 2)
studium, studiī
eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
(nt, decl 2)