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27 Cards in this Set

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Magna Carta signed by___ in ____
King John 1215
What 3 rights did it take away from the king?
Kings right to take away property
Can't tax without parliament agreement
No trial without witnesses
What are the 2 houses of parliament
House of Lords (Most powerful) senate
House of commons representatives
Why did the colonists have their own government (To an extent)
they were too far away from england, felt less english
powers colonial assemblies had
could set SOME LOCAL laws and taxes, paid royals salary
Glorious Revolution?
In 1689 parliament set King/Queen
What did English bill of rights say
Govt based on laws of parliament
no king influence on parliament elect
right to petition
forbade excessive fines and punishments
peter zenger trial
wrote paper telling truth about governor of massachusetts, got sued for libel even though it wasn't true, friends who were lawyers got barred, Andrew Hamilton was Zengers NEw lawyer-won case
What laws after the FI war led to Revolution?
PRoclamation of 1763: forbade colonists from going w/appalachain
NEw taxes on colonists: PAid to protect the land they couldn't go into that Britain had won
How did salutary neglect lead to American Revolution
England didn't enforce trade and Navigations act until 1763. 63 years after it was made. Sparked outrage when england enforced the rules all of the sudden when they needed money
The enlightenment
an idea that people could improve themselves and the things around them w/careful study and hard thought
We W/o god can make a better world
How did Galileo contribute to the revolution?
He discovered that sun was center of universe. the church taught that the earth was center of the universe-punished galileo for it
Isaac Newton
Discovered laws of gravity- church taught that god made things fall and got its second black eye for threatning him. people began to doubt church
Ben Franklin
Proved that lightning was electricity not god. fire depts, schools, hospitals, libraries
John Locke
Government is created to protect peoples natural rights-life,liberty,property. challenged idea that monarchies had god given right to rule. IF a govt fails to do its duties to protect peoples natural rights-people can change govt themselves
the belief that god created the universe but decided not to intervene in human history
taking care of fellow man; church was supposed to, but they didnt
enlightenments effects on our nation
science,growth,and democracy. progressed thirst for knowledge and making our nation a better place.
medicine, education, transportation, computers, electricity spurred by enlightenment
how did the enlightenment lead to the American Revolution
people began to realize kings/queens take away their natural rights. they realized a democracy was fairer and better represented their wants/needs. if govt doesnt support the peoples rights they can change it.
The great awakening
A religious revival and the American colonies that helped people change their personal identity-broke down class system. god loves everyone equally who will believe in him-If he does you should to
George Whitfield
When he spoke people reacted with great enthusiasm. he used his fame and $ to build hospitals and orphanages
John Edwards
preached that god is sovereign and people are all messed up and they need god to fix them, caused reform of schools hospitals asylums. gave most of his money away
GReat awakening affected people by
reform of schools, orphanages, hospitals, asylums, and prisons
Forced christians to belive in religious tolerance
Religious freedom always =
desire for political freedom
Great awakening, American revolution
the reform of the church made people want political freedom and to separate from the class system of england. people wanted to separate from the church of england, they liked the message of equality in the sight of god