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25 Cards in this Set

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Bolshevik army
Run by Trotsky
-socilaists opposing Bolshevism
- liberals like the Kadets, the only things uniting them was hate for Bolsheviks
- supported by the Allies
- recieved backing by men and money didn't participate very heavily in fighting
Green Peasants
-spontaneous organization of peasants who opposed Bolsheviks
- many deserted soliders who kept weapons
- resorted to terror in countryside
- didnt have anything they tried to achieve
Black army
-criminal and terrorist organization
-never really serious threat to red army
- Reds
- Green Peasants
- Black army
Bolshevik advantages
- geography
-nationality policy
- disunity of whites and opposing factions
- cultural and ideology
controlled supply lines, railroads, communications
- controlled what mattered in Russia if you were fighting a war
- white army was spread apart, isolated in outskirts of Russia eventhough had backing of Allies
natonality policy
- encouraged self- determiniation among ethnic groups
- Bolsheviks encouraged creation of ethnic republics this rallied them to side of Bolsheviks because white army offered them nothing
Disunity of whites and opposing factions
- whites had multiple groups
- socialists didnt agree on anything other than hating the Bolsheviks won't carry them foreward and rally them to the cause
- Kadets want liberal democratic government
-monarchists want return of the monarchy
- Bolsheviks have committed purpose they can all agree on
cultural and ideaology
- advantage to Bolsheviks
- not for whites
- Bolshevik cultural policy- had language of public poltics to replace old tsarist categories
- coherence carried forward programs and gave people a message
Cult of Lenin
- new religion for a new state
- interesting how little people knew about Lenin
- he was virtually unknown in Russia until Oct. 1917
- no one knew his face, him and wife could stroll around Moscow and no one would recognize them
Lenin's view of this
- he was not interested in this
- he didnt seek power for his own interests, power for power's sake
- his interests and concerns were that people should celebrate Engels and Marx- following in footsteps of these giants
- he thought that Russia needed monumental symbols but it should be of Marx and Engels not him
assasination attempt on Lenin's life
- shot in the neck but the wounds weren't fatal
- Bolsheviks began to think what they would do if Lenin died
- this made him a Christ-like figure
- martyr to revolution even though he didnt approve
-birthday became a national holiday
-petrograd was renamed Leningrad
-posters of him changed to highly dynamic drawings
Bolshevik cultural life
- knew that art mingled with politics and ideaology
- recognized that art represents a way of life and thinking among poeple
- expressing ideas that cannot otherwise be expressed allows for free exchange in social notions
- Lenin cared deeply about it
- Led by Aleksandr Bogdanov
- proleterian cultural movement
- one of earliest organizations founded before Bolsheviks took power
- organized working class cultural revolutions thought that workers would carry new culture to Russia
Size of Proletkult movement
- movement established had organizations in Petrograd and Moscow
- over 100,000 members, second only to the Bolshevik party
What it was
- dance clubs, drama clubs, reading associations, self- education organizations
- furthered cause of revolution workers were crying out for literacy, learning and education
- Proleterian culture concieved through ranks of Proletriat revolution
- supposed to come from working class life not be imposed
Problem for Lenin
- problem was that coming from below it could challenge Lenin
- reached heights in the midst of the civil war
- by 1921 was bigger than Bolshevik party and was challenge to Lenin
- working class culture, it was socialist but could challenge Lenin's authority
- wanted organization shiut down, he didnt like the experimental nature of it
- didnt tolerate dissent in any form even cultural
- he was nervous and the party frightened him so he created his own culture party
Lenin's culture party
- Commissariat of Enlightenment
-led by Anatoli Lunacharskii
- less experimentalist and more traditional
Commissariat of Enlightenment
- group oversaw expansion of Russia in education system
- teachers supposed to support Bolshevik polcies, point was to celebrate Bolshevism
- art had a political purpose and that was it
- 2 aspects of of cultural expression
2 aspects of cultural expression
- film and poster art
- Lunacharskii thought that the power of the cinema was unbounded, it was easy to distribute
- perfect vehicle for party trying to create new society
- silent films were an art form of the revolution
- film was convienient for largely ilteriate society
- workers free from habits and strivings of old bourgeoisie
- state film school- creation of propaganda to further the purpose of the party
- helped carry Bolshevik message
Poster art
- art of the streets
- could also carry message in images without text
- art of the masses
- could print in massive quanities to carry message of the Bolsheviks
- ex: image of Lenin, pointing red army toward victory- red color in background
- could carry critical messages as well as support
- celebration of what October revolution had given to women
- poster of woman looking at a new school and library
- liberalized divorce laws
- legal abortion
- birth control admitted to Russia
- changing traditional conventions of femininity, family life
- discarding convention and bougeoisie notions
Soviet woman
- liberated
- free not suppressed
- fought in front in red army
- served in Cheka