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9 Cards in this Set

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What is the formula for Factorizing Quadartics?
State the values of a , b and c.
Find the product (a*c) and the sum(b). Find 2 numbers that when multiplied give (p) and when added gives (s). Then Factorize.
How do you complete the square?
The general form is : a(x+h)^2+k
where h= b/2a and k= 4ac-b^2/4a
What is the Quadratic formula?
-b+ - (the square root of) b^2 - 4ac (divided by) 2a
How do you solve a quadratic graphically?
If a<0 (if a is negative) then it's a maximum curve. (n). If a>0 (if a is positive) then it is a minimum.(u)
Length of a Line Formula is?
If A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) then (the square root of) (x2 -x1) ^2 + (y2-y1)^2.
Mid Point of a Line Formula is?
A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2).
AB(x1+x2/2 , y1+y2/2).
Gradient of a line formula is?
= y2-y1/x2-x1
Finding th e equation of a straight line formula is?
Equation= y=mx+c
m= gradient
c=the y intercept.
Finding the equation of a line given 2 points on the line formula is?
Gradient AB(y2-y1/x2-x1)
Using B= x=4, y=2 m=1
Sub into y=mx+c. E.G ( equation of line y=x-2)