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85 Cards in this Set

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Who was Peter Stolypin and what was his significance?
Chief Minister of Czar Nicholas II. Created reforms that redistributed land to 2 million peasants, creating incentive. By WWI 75% of agriculture going to market, 40% abroad --> Agriculture as means on industry.
What major political parties emerged in Russia in the early 20th centruy?
Marxists & Bolsheviks
What were the principle causes of the 1905 Revolution in Russia?
-Secret police repression
-Industrialization of economy. Although peasantry was prospering agriculturally they were stiffled politically.
- Rise in popularity of socialism
-Humiliating loss to Japan,
-Czar Nicholas II. Weak leader.
What was the October Manifesto and what was its significance?
Precursor to Russian Constitution; Addressed unrest in Russia and granted certian rights like participation in Duma, male suffrage, uncensorship, freedom of speech, religion, and assembly.
What was the State Duma?
Parliament est. under Nicholas II. Turned Czar's absolute power into constitutional monarchy. Nicholas II tried to crush Duma, unsuccesful.
What impact did WWI had on Russian economy and society?
Much of the peasantry had died either from war, famine, and disease, and factories were destroyed in war. Many middle class and nobles had left. To try and restore Russia, Lenin:
- Lmtd. Free enterprise to encourage peasant productivity.
-Secret Police CHEKA, to prevent uprising
- "Incorporate" peasants into gov't through "Ploterian Dictatorship"
- Revive tsarist Russia into USSR.
What were the military industrial committees and what were their major purpose?
During WWI, had private enterprises produce military goods.
What were the major causes of the Feb. 1917 Revolution?
-Loss in WWI
-Inflation--> Subsistence Farming by Peasantry--> Food Shortage for everyone else.
What was the Provisional Gov't?
Formed by the Duma in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) after Czar Nicholas II gave up the throne. Dual Rule with Soviet Socialist for short time before being overthrown in reaction to the desire to continue fighting Germany.
What was the major purpose of the 2nd Congress of the Soviets?
Ratifying the revolution and officially overthrowing the Provisional Gov't.
What party siezed political control in October 1917?
Who was Vladimir Lenin?
Marxist revolutionary and leader of the Bolsheviks. Organized 1917 Revolution to overthrow Kerensky's Provisional Gov't. Pulled Russia out of WWI by signing away land in Brest-Litovsk Treaty of 1918.
What was the NEP?
While it allowed small private industry, it put banks, foriegn trade, and large industry under Bolshevik control.
What major policies did the Bolsheviks carry out during War Communism?
What was the major impact of WWI on the economy of Great Britain?
The British economy entered a depression after the war because:
- They had taken out massive loans from the U.S. to finance war.
- Britain rebuilds industries, however, its markets have already gone elsewhere, esp. U.S.
What major problems emerged in Great Britain after WWI as a new political force?
labor party
who was Ramsey McDonald?
First Prime Minister elected from the Labour Party.
What was the National Government?
coalition gov't between many all major parties in the UK. Was in power 1931-1940
What was the British Commonwealth of Nations?
great Britain and all of its former dependencies, however great britain was still recognized as a leader.( new zealand, australia, GB, canada, ireland)
What were the major problems that the British Empire faced after WWI?
unemployment, debt, loss of global dominance.
What was the Popular Front?
Left wing movement in France which came to power in 1936
Who was Leon Blum?
Leader of Popular Front, Socialist elected Prim Minister 3 times, beginning in 1936
What were the Action Franciase and the Croix de Feu and what were their principle political attitudes?
Formd after WWI, it was a far right, mostly catholic movement, formed by vets. It was dissolved when the Popular Front came to power
What major policies were carried out by the Soviets in the 1930's?
-Transform the Soviet Union into an Industrial Power (5 year plan, heavy industry, forced labor)
-Collectivization of Agriculture
to support growing urban population
-Get rid of opposition or threat (moderates in gov't, Lenin's people)
What were the general economic and social conditions in Italy during 1919-1921?
Chaos, the country was plagued with unemployment, inflation, riots, strikes, and brigandage
What was the general political condition in Italy from 1919-1921?
rise of fascism; strong brutal doctoral rule. Political turmoil: parliamentary crisis between socialist party and catholic party. Right wing violence.
What was the Squadrisiti?
(Blackshirts) a military group made up of former military officers and young peasants/laborers they were allied with Facism and fought Mussolini's opposition, often violently.
Who was Benito Mussolini?
Leader of Fascist Party, he created a Fascist Dictatorship in Italy by 1925. His party claimed to protect nationalist/veteran interests.He bullied Italian Parliament to give him emergency powers allowing him to:
-shutdown other parties
-censor press
-end other civil liberties
What was the Lateran Accord and what was its significance?
Est. Vatican City and the Holy See as a sovereign nation. Est. Catholicism as the official religion of Italy. Gave Catholic Church power over marriage/ annulment. Catholic Church OFFICIALLY recognizes state of Italy.
What principle elements characterized the Fascist economy?
-Private property and free enterprise.
-Development of Italy's industry
-Public Works
All of this limited by lack of reasources
What was corporatism?
In Fascist Italy:
system in which the state was divided into corporations which deal with labor disputes , control wages and prices, and supervise working conditions ; 22 corps
What was the general economic condition in Germany after WWI?
-Depression which led to high tarriffs and international tensions
-Collapse of economy with collapse of U.S. stock market, from whom Germany depended on for loans.
What was the Spartacist revolution?
Left-wing Marxist revolutionary movement during WWI in Germany (1919).
Who were Karl Liebnecht and Rose Luxemborg?
Led the Sparticus League/ organized the Sparticist uprising.
Who was Gustav Stressman and what was his significance?
German Chancellor during Weimar Republic and strong supporter of democracy. Helped reconcile France and Germany to peace.
Who was Ernest Roehm?
German officer and early Nazi leader, killed by Hitler who felt threatened by him
What was the Kriestelnacht?
Series of attacks in Nov. 1938 in Nazi Germany and Austria against Jews. Jewish synagogues, homes, and businesses were ransacked and over 30,000 Jews were taken into custody and brought to concentration camps. "Nigh of the Broken Glass."
What were the 3 K's?
A Nazi women's sphere: Kirche, Kueche, Kinder or Church, Children, and Kitchen.
what was the Locarno Agreement of 1925 and what was its significance?
In October 1925 this agreement between Soviet Union and Allied Powers finalized the territories of each country following WWI and normalized relations with defeated Germany
What was the Kellogg-Braind Pact of 1928 and what was its significance?
Between U.S., U.K., France, ITaly, Japan, and Wiemar Germany this pact prohibited war as "an instrument of national policy" except in instances of self-defense.
What conflicting ideologies led to the origins of WWII?
-The Treaty of Versailles: Disagreements between Britian and France on how to deal with Italy and Germany, who was rearming in spite of TOV
-The Great Depression
-The Russian Revolution
What policies were known as the appeasement?
Those which sought to negotiate peace rather than declare war of Germany prior to the invasion of Poland.
What happened in Spain 1936-1939? The Spanish Civil War?
was a military revolt against the Republican government of Spain, supported by conservative elements within the country. Germany and Italy aided the Nationalists and the Soviet Union aided the Republicans.
What was the Popular Front in Spain in 1936?
Socialists, Left-Liberals, Communists and regional nationalists who beat the incumbents in the 1936 election by 1%. The forthcoming lack of cooperation led to fear of revolution.
Who was Francisco Franco and what was his significance?
Led Nationalists against Popular Front with help of Italy and Nazi Germany. His forces won and after dissolving the Parliament he became dictator of Spain from 1939-75
What was the Rome-Berlin Axis?
The alignment of countries that fought against the Allied Powers.
Who joined the Rome-Berlin Axis in 1937?
Germany and Italy
What was the Anschluss?
The occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938
What was the Munich Conference in 1938 and what was its significance?
Meeting between Germany, France, Britain, and Italy in which France and Britain agreed to allow Germany the Sudetenland without consulting Czechoslovakia to whom it belonged to. Later he took power of Czechoslovakia as well.
-It became clear Hitler could not be appeased.
-Fearing Hitler would not stop on the Eastern Front, Stalin signed pact dividing Poland between them.
What area of Central Europe caused tension between Germany and Czechoslovakia?
What was the Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression pact of 1939 and what were its major provisions?
Pledge by Nazi and Soviets to remain neutral should either be attacked by a third party. Divided Poland between the two, annexed Balkans and part of Finland to Soviets. Determined Soviet and Nazi Spheres of influence should Europe be taken over. Pact lasted until Nazi's invaded Soviet Union in June 1941.
What country was invaded by Germany in 1938?
What country was invaded by Germany in Sept. 1939?
What was the Maginot Line?
Line of fortifications and defense mechanism constructed along France's border with Germany and Italy, which would give them time to mobilize in case of attack. Because Germany invaded via the Ardennes Forest and Low Country it was of little use.
What was the Luftwaffe?
German air force
What was the Lend-Lease Act and what was its historical significance?
program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with materials for WWII. Ended neutrality of U.S. in WWII.
What Russian city was seized by the Germans in 1941?
What was the Juderein?
Freeing an area of all Jewish citizens, literally denoted area free of Jews.
Who was Bernard Montgomery?
British Commander in Tunisia and planned D-Day Invasion of Normandy
Who were the Big Three?
Leader of 3 major allies in WWII: Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Rooselvelt, Winston Churchill
What were the major turning points in the war in 1942?
-Building of wartime industry in U.S. which was 2x more productive then all the enemies combined.
-British and American air force evolved from ground support to being used for long range bombing on Germans
-Modifying tanks with assualt guns, etc.
-Stalingrad, El Alamein, Guadalcanal
What was D-Day?
June 6, 1944, when allied forces invaded Europe.
Who was Marshal Petain?
WWI Military leader and former French Nat'l Hero but later declared a traitor after leading pro-German Vichy government after Germany invaded. Trailed and executed under Charles de Gaulle
What was the Vichy Government?
•French collaborationist government established in 1940 in southern France following defeat of French armies by the Germans, led by Petain
What was the National Committee of Liberation?
formed by the French leaders Gens. Henri Giraud and Charles de Gaulle to provide united leadership, organize and coordinate the campaign to liberate France from Nazi Germany
Who was Charles de Gaulle?
led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first President from 1959 to 1969.
How did European states organize their economy after the war?
Marshall Plan?- large sums of money were given by U.S. to Europe with no repayment plan
What were the major issues of the Tehren conference in 1943?
- plan the final strategy for the war against Nazi Germany and its allies, and the chief discussion was centered on the opening of a second front in Western Europe.
-Discussing afterwar settlement
-Relations with Turkey & Iranian indpendence
-Yugoslovia & Japanese operations
What were the principle issues of the Yatla conference in 1945?
Discuss post-war reorganization/ reestablishment of nations
What issue led to split between Soviet Union and Western Allies?
-stall tactics at the Potsdam Peace Conference (July, 1945),
-support of Chinese Communists in their civil war,
-takeover of Eastern Europe/ possible disctatorship
What was the Marshall Plan and what was its historical significance?
Its basic premise was that Communism thrived in economically backward or disrupted areas. Large amounts of foreign aid to revive Europe's economies would deprive the Communists of the conditions on which they thrived and provide the United States with stable trade partners and markets.
How did the results of WWII affect the domestic and economic politics of Europe?
What were the most important developments in Europe between 1945-1975?
Who was Clement Attlee?
Labour praty Prime Minister of U.K. from 1945-1951. He was present at the Postdam Conference with Churchill. Under his administration the National Health Service was created and many industries were nationalized.
Who was Charles de Gaulle and what was his significance?
led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first President from 1959 to 1969. Issued new currency to control inflation and helped industry growth.
Who was Jean Monet?
Helped design the European Union, the Monnet Plan was used to redirect German coal to French Industry, which helped it become more productive.
Who was Kondrad Adenauer?
As first Chancellor of the the new Federal Republic of Germany after WWII, he helped bring Germany to prosperity. He founded the Christian Democratic Union.
Who was Oliviera Salazar?
Prim Minister of Portugal from 1932-1968. During this time Portugal, although neutral, provided aid to allies and refuge to Jews in WWII. His time was marked by consistent in growth but a strict regime and lack of persona liberties.
Who was Gen. Franco?
Disctator of Spain from 1939-1975, his regime was characterized by suppression and censorship, punishment for dissedents. Allie to U.S. who supported his anti-communist scheme.
What was the Organization of European Economic Cooperation?
international economic organisation of 34 countries originiated in 1948 to stimulate economic progress and world trade & help administer Marshall Plan
What was the most important developments in the domestic history of the Soviet Union from 1953-1962?
Death of Joseph Stalin --> Warsaw Pact -->Nikita Khrushchev takes power of Kremlin--> Hungarian Uprising--> Nucleur Testing =--> The Space Race/Sputnik
What was Sputnik?
World's first space satellite, which orbited around the earth, was launched by Russia
Who was Nikita Khrushchev?
Ruled Soviet Union during Cold War. Backing of early space programs and de-Stalinization.
What instution was formed in Eastern Europe to coordinate economic planning and cooperation?
What individual headed the occupation government in Japan from 1945-1952?
Douglas MacArthur