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56 Cards in this Set

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What's the land bridge called that people in Asia may have used to cross into the Americas?
What's the region called that stretches from the Valley of Mexico to Costa Rica in Central America?
Did corn become the most important food in the Americas?
What was Mesoamerica's first civilization?
The Olmec
Where did the May build their civilization?
In the rainforests of the Yucatan Peninsula.
What was Teotihuacan and what are three possible reasons that it was destroyed?
Teotichuacan was the first planned city in the Americas. It may have been destroyed by over-population, drought, rebelloin.
How did the Toltec keep other people from making weapons?
They were the only ones who could trade obsidian and they kept it for themselves.
What people copied the ways of the Toltec and built a huge empire?
The Moche
Why were the Moche able to farm in the coastal desert of what is not Peru?
They built canals.
Where was the Incan empire?
South America, in the Andes
What is an Olmec shaman?
A holy man or woman.
What's a nahuales and what did Olmec shamans use nahuales for?
A nahuales is the animal spirit that shaman used to get their power from. The used their powers to travel between Earth and the sacred spaces.
What's a ritual transformation?
When an Olmec shamen used masks, feathers, ornaments, dances and prayers to transform themselves into their nahual.
Which empire was conquered first, the Inca or the Aztec?
How long were the Aztec in central Mexico before they built Tenochtitlan?
75 years.
When did the Inca found the City of Cuzco?
What did Pachacuti do in 1483?
Began building the Inca Empire
What happened in around 1527 that weakened the Incan Empire?
civil war began
What happened in 1533 to the Inca?
Pizarro conquered the Inca.
When did the Aztec arrive in central Mexico?
In 1325 what civilization built the city of Tenochtitlan?
The Aztecs.
In 1502 who became emperor of the Aztec people?
Montezuma II
When did Cortes invade Mexico?
Cortes defeated the Aztec in what year?
Two years after he invaded so 1521
What did the Maya want when they went into battle?
Captives for human sacrifice
Mayan priests set up a strict class system. What were the classes?
kings, nobles, commoners (skilled craftsmen, artists, farmers etc.) enslaved
What did the Mayan priests develop after observing the sky?
A calendar based on 365 days.
What was the Mayan counting system based on?
Were women who gave birth in Aztec society honored as heros?
In Inca society did men and women have jobs?
Did the Inca make human sacrifices?
How did the Inca and Aztec people pass on their knowledge?
Both cultures relied on oral tradition.
Were the Inca skilled engineers that build structures without mortar that could withstand earthquakes?
What country financed the trips Columbus made?
Spain, but Columbus was Italian.
What Spanish noble was inspired by Columbus to take part in the invasion of Cuba?
Why did the Aztec Montezuma II expect the Spanish invasion in 1519?
He had a dream.
What did the Mayan woman named Malintzin do?
She helped Cortes.
What did Cortes use to shock the Native Americans?
horses and guns
What diseases killed many Astecs?
smallpox and measles
What were Pizarro and Balboa looking for in South America?
The Golden City
What did the Incan emperor Atahualpa think about Pizarro?
He thought Pizarro was crazy.
What two mistakes did the Incan emperor Atahualpa make when he went to meet Pizarro?
He left most of his army behind, taking only 5000 bodyguards and because of Pizarro's small force they took now weapons.
What did Pizarro do when he attacked and seized the emperor?
He charged the emperor with many crimes including worshiping false gods. A military court sentenced him to death.
The sole right to trade in a particular item.
A rope with knotted cords of different lengths and colors. It was used by the Inca to do math and keep records.
An area where the earth has collapsed.
sinkhole, Sinkholes were a source of water for the Maya.
Armor clad man on an armor clad horse.
conquistador They were soldier-explorers sent to the Americas by Spain.
A huge sheet of ice.
A crime punishable by death.
treason Treason is disloyalty to the government.
Name for Aztec books.
A political agreement between people or states to work together.
What was unusual about the Itzcoatl's origins?
He was born the son of a slave girl.
How did Itzcoatl ally Tenochtitlan with Texcoco?
His sister married a member of the Texcoco royal family.
What did Itzcoatl's warriors do the people of Azcapotzalco?
They killed almost every man, women and child.
What are three main aspects of Aztec life that impressed the Spanish?
temples, huge cities, calendar
What happened on September 16, 1810?
Mexico gained its independence from Spain.