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130 Cards in this Set

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wrote the courtier.. mostly about how to be a noble man. "he should have talent, grace, and beauty dress well.. know how to wrestly and bear arms etc"
wealthy family in Florence during the Renaissance
Sir Thomas More
Christian Humanist, wrote utopia
Da Vinci
Reanissance man..-sculptor, painter, inventor, scientist. painted the mona lisa
wrote the Prince
sculpted the David y the Pieta
Anne Bolyen
second wife of KH8, got her head chopped off but she gave him a daughter named ME.
Catherine of Aragon
first wife of KH8 he liked her and all but one day he was just like dawg nah this aint working 4 me I need a boy, man. I need an heir, for real so anne is perty so lets go with dat man cya cath lol its been real
Edward VI
son of Jane Saymour and KH8. He was a boy and all and that's coo but he died like real young and he had people ruling instead of him called regents so they made everybody be protestants for real
Elizabeth I
Yo yo yo me in the house I really like peace and stuff and my mom got her head cut off so that was a bummer but I started the Anglican church so that was coo and I think my subjects are mas importante entonces mi porque yo soy un politique.
Emperor Charles V
I have a sweet hair cut and me and luther got into kind of a tussle but it was cool though because I was the emperor of the HRE and I went ham on his Lutheran ass by summoning him to worms and outlawing him hhahahah get on my level luther
Ignatius of Loyola
Yo so I was this guy who decided to make the Jesuits because I'm a rebel and I don't follow rules I'm not really interesting... #stopprotestants18k
Johann Tetzel
John Calvin
I help the old people.
I started the Presbyterians.
S/O to my boy John Calvin. I admire you bruther
King of England, broke away from Cath Church because yolo
Martin Luther
Monk and I wrote the 98th theses or 95 theses or hwoever long it was it was just really long and boring
Mary I
I like blood and killing people and hate protestants so you can guess what happened next
Pope Leo X
pretty sure I have a really cool dalmation coat and I excommunicated Luther
Prince Frederick the Wise
hate on me hater @popeleox
hid luther in his castle
Phillip II
lived in El Escorial and Defender of Catholicism
French Protestants
henry of Navarre
Navarre the negociator. I care more about my people than me. king of bourbon dynasty in France. I made the edict of nantes as in it is NOT cool to be a Hug jk its the opposite its coo with me. restored the monarchy
Cardinal Richelieu
I ruled France instead of Klouis13 because he was a bad ruler. I didn't like the Hugs. they can't have walls in their cities. Nobles suck, so I decreased their power. I think the 30 years war is great too so I got France involved in that.
Louis XIV
SUN KING. absolute monarch. revoked the edict of nantes and in turn but in the edict of fontaiblue which means that the hugs need to go to Inquisition. lived in Versailles.. made my country broke. loved my leg. patron.
Cardinal Mazarin
Hi I enjoy long walks on the beach and raising taxes. I stopped the ten years war because that was just way too long and then the nobles hated me. xoxo.
jean Baptiste Colbert
financial advisor to Louis the 14th or something and liked merchantalism which was making france more self sufficient
Ferdinand II
King of Bohemia.. his people were mad because he was catholic and they were protestant so they were basically looking for a reason to throw a fit and they rose up when he closed a couple prot churches and then he crushed the revolt so the german princes who I think were protestant too were like oh we don't like him either now so that kind of started the 30 yr war
Christian IV
king of denmark
gustavus adolphus
got his finger cut off. jk. he died in battle though. king of sweden
wealthy family, rulers of the HRE. enemies of France
Prussia's ruling family
Freddy G
ruler of Prussia. went to war with MT
James I
anti- RCC and anti-Puritans.. Had a bible written after him
Charles I
Anglican... caused English Civil War
Charles lovers
Charles haters
oliver cromwell
came to power after the English civil war. puritan general.
wanted to make the Anglican church less CAtholic. came to power after the English civil war.
Charles II
the merry monarch.. came after oliver Cromwell because he was the return of the monarchy. restoration king.
James II
was overthrown by William and Mary. he appointed a bunch of Caths and that made the protestants mad
William and mary of orange
recognized the parliament as partner in governing. established a constitutional monarchy
came up with the heliocentric theory. he was an astronomer.
from france, came up with analytical geometry.. linked algebra and geometry. everything should be doubted until proved by reason
18th century movement applying reason and science to society AKA philosophizing
Italian scientist.. had his own telescope. studied the movements of the planets and such and supported Copernicus's heliocentric theory
Isaac newton
English scientist who helped bring together previous scientists finding. made theory's of motion.. newton's laws. wrote mathematical principles of natural philosophy
John Locke
"people can leave and improve" did not believe that people were all bad. people can govern own affairs and look after society. he wants self gov. Life, liberty, and property are basic rights of ppl and its the gov job to protect it
Scientific Revolution
a new way of thinking about the natural world. this was based on careful observation and willingness to question accepted beliefs
Thomas hobbes
leviathan (book). All humans are naturally selfish and wicked. w/o gov, the world would basically collapse/. must have a strong ruler. believed in absolute monarchy.
enlightened despot
a 18th century euro monarch inspired by Enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects
Jean Jacques Rousseau
philosophe, committedto freedom of individual. Civilization corrupted ppl's natural goodness. essay writer.
Mary wollstonecraft
a vindication of the rights of woman (book). women need eduction to be virtuous and useful. urged women to be in politics and medicine
-French, social philosophers ...
-social thinkers in france during the enlightenment
Social Contract
the agreement by which ppl define and limit their indivual rights thus creating an organized society or government
the pen name of Francois Marie Arouet. used satire in writings. sent to prison. Fought for tolerance, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech
Napoleon Bonaparte
military leader. lead French army. lead a coup d'état and becomes a dictator
radical political organization
Louis XVI
bad king of france.. created debt
Marie Antoinette
Lady deficit. daughter of Maria Theresa. Married to lousis 16. let them eat cake
leader of the jacobins, dicator. community of public safety kill enemies
Estates General
an assembly of rep. from all three estates
nobles wore knee-breches. want lower bread prices
political refugees
foreign minister of austria
focusing on the indivual
northern renaissance
daily life art, Flanders is where the northern renaissance got its roots
non-religious, worldy
supporting the arts
common language
95 theses
list of grievances posted by Martin Luther complaining ab the Cath Church
Act of Supremacy
henry named himself head of church
baptized only those old enough to decide to be Christian or not
Anglican churhc
churck of england
marriage never happened
council of trent
meeting of Cath church leaders to discuss doctrine
Defender of the Faith
name given to KH8 bc he's anti-luther
diet of worms
luther was called a traitor by his council
Edict of Worms
luther is an outlaw and heretic, issued by Charles V
pay to get out of sins
founded by Ignatius of Loyola.. RC religious order
Peace of Augsburg
German princes can choose whatever religion they want. legalized Lutheranism in the HRE
Peasant revolt
peasants revolt b/c of luther inspiration, demand end of serfdom
Maria T
ruler of Austria, war of Austrian succession
ivan the terrible
killed his son, bad guy, first to call himself czar
Russian family.. 300 years of Russian rule
peter the great
added warm water sea port, westernizations,
fate is predetermined
gov controlled by religious group
divine right
belief that the right to rule comes straight from God
works for good of country over personal gain
competition to get money and be sufficient and independent
advancing by getting technology from the west
El Escorial
palace of King Phillip
Union of Utrecht
Neth and Spain are never ever ever getting back together
edict of fontainbleau
hugs to inquisition
edict of nantes
by H. Navarre. Revoked by LXIV. Legalized hUgs.
Built by XIV
uprising of nobles in France
League of Augsburg
anti-france alliance
war of Spanish succession
france and spain are never ever getting back togther
Trety of Utrecht
outlawed union of france and spain
4 stages of 30 yrs war
bohemian, Danish, Swedish, french
peace of augsburg
recognized Lutherans but not calvinists
Defenestration of Prague
Cath. ppl thrown out window into poop
Edict of rrestitution
ferdinands attempt to restore religious and territotial settlement
peace of westphalia
ended 30 yr war
Pragmatic Sanction
edict of HRE Charles Vi declaring that his daughter gets the right to rule
War of Austrian Succession
Freddy wants Silesia. 8 yr war
Seven Years War
maria t alliance with france. 1756 Freddy G. attacked ally of Austria
petition of right
thing parliament made Charles sign before he could spend any more money on things
English Civil War
Charles tried to force Presbyterian scots to accept a version of Anglican prayer book and many more
return of monarchy
glorious revolution
William and mary of orange take throne from James2.0
the experimental method, scientific method
earth is the center of the universe, came from aristotle
sun was center of the universe, came from Copernicus
relating to a simple, elegant style that characterized the arts in Europe during the late 1700s archways
old regime
the political and social system that existed in France b4 the French Revolution
Committeee of Public Safety
duty was to protect the revolution from its enemies
reign of terror
period where maximilien Robespierre ruled france as nearly a dictator and thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens were executed
September massacre
prisoners were raided and prisoners killed b/c ppl though supporters of the king would break away
tennis court oath
pledge made by members of france's natl assembly in 1789, they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution
thermidorian reaction
when napoleon was executed
congress of vienna
series of meeting in 1814-1815 during which Euro leaders sough to establish long lasting peace and security after the defeat of napoleon
continental system
napoleon tried to cut off trade with England only wanted continental England.
Napoleonic code
napoleon's comprehensive set of laws . uniform set of law and eliminated some injustices. However, actually limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights
the hundred days
brief period during 1815 when napoleon made his last big for power, deposing French king and becoming emperor of france
famous battle in Belgium, leg to napoleon's defeat