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30 Cards in this Set

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Excessive, violent patriotism


Policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war


Colonizing of colonies

Total War

All countries devoted all their resources to the war effort

Zimmerman Note

British intercepted telegram written by Germany to Mexico promising to reconquer land in U.S if they would ally them

Unrestricted Submarine Warefare

Germans announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ships in the waters around Britain

Long Term Causes of World War 1

Nationalism: Europe nations compete for superiority

Imperialism: Deepens rivalries

Alliance System: divides Europe into 2 rival camps

Militarism: large armies

Wilson's Fourteen Points

Series of peace proposals that outlined a plan for achieving a just and lasting peace in Europe

Link between Militarism & Imperialism

Countries with stronger militaries get to control more colonies

Archduke Ferdinand and Sophie

Assassinated by Gavrillo Princip to rid Bosnia/Serbia of Austian rule; prompts Austria to declare war on Serbia

League of Nations

An association of nations that would peacefully settle disputes among nations

Effects of World War 1

Generation of Europeans killed/wounded

Dynasties fall apart in Germ/Aus-Hun/Russia

New countries formed

League of Nations est. to promote peace

Nations feel bitter about peace settlements

Nationalism/Competition still remain

Impacts of Treaty of Versailles

League of Nations est. Not Russia/Germany

Germany lost territory to France; gives up overseas colonies

Limits on Germs military size/weapon making; not allowed to build submarines/planes

Germ takes blame for entire war; pay allies $33 billion

Triple Entente

Before Great War: Great Britain/France/Russia formed an alliance

Effects of Technological Innovation During War

Safer for attack team; easier to take out more enemies; carry more supplies/people; stronger defense line

War's Impact on Economy in Europe

Allies got money while Germany was in deep dept

America's Opinion of League of Nations

League was bad b/c it would involve U.S too deeply


Russian radical group



Diff. Between 14 Points & Treaty of Versailles

Treaty: List of Punishments for Germany

14 Points: peace,free trade,less secrets/military

Members at Big meeting after World War 1

USA: Woodrow Wilson

France: Georges Clemenceau

G.B: David Lloyd George

Italy: Vittorio Orlando

Russia: Nicolas II

Trans-Siberian Railway

Financed by British/France so they could have better trade routes


"Holy Man" who was peseant but got involved in royalty b/c he healed royal heir

Vladimir Lenin

Organized self-governing republic's working under one central gov't; Russia renamed Soviet Union

Russo-Japanese War

Fought for control over Korea/Manchuria,China; signed treated but Russia broke promises so Japan attacked; Russian ppl revolted against their gov't

Bloody Sunday

Workers in Russia wanted safer work, freedom, elected gov't--> St. Petersburg

Nicholas II soldiers fired killing more that 100 people


Effect of Bloody Sunday; 1st parliament

Nicholas II

Czar of Russia; fought in World War 1; riots= step down leaving weak gov't


Organized Massacre

Karl Marx

Philosopher believed industrial workers should overthrow czar & run country = theory (Marxism)