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86 Cards in this Set

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What Order do shorebirds, gulls and allies belong to?
What 3 suborders of the Order Charadriiformes are important and give common name examples.
Charadrii- sandpipers, plovers and other "shorebirds"-"waders"
Lari- gulls, jagers, terns and skimmers
Alcae- auks, murres and puffins
What does feet far back on a body do for a bird? and what birds have this feature?
increase speed and maneuverability
makes them more awkward on land,
auks, murres and puffins
What does a gull have that is necessary for a coastal climate?
a salt excreting gland
What is special about the puffins, murres and auks and what suborder do they belong?
Alcae, lay a single egg, modern auks fly
What kind of birds does the order Charadriiformes include?
gulls, herons, storks, terns, sandpipers, jaegers, skimmers, plovers, auks, murres and puffins, american woodcock (bogsucker, timberdoodle), oystercatcher, avocet
Compare shore birds with marine birds. What order do they belong.
marine birds- have compact bodies, short wings
-rapid flight close to sea; lay 1-2 eggs
shorebirds- wade in shallow water, small to med. size birds, Charadriiformes
What order do herons, storks and allies belong?
Describe the Ciconiiformes order.
a)Most are long-legged and long necked
b)Most wade in shallow water to feed (cattle egret feeds on land)
c)Nest in colonies; stick nests in trees
What shaped bill do herons, bitterns and egrets have? storks? Ibises? spoonbills? vultures?
long-spear shaped bill; straight and sharp (sometimes with slight curve), long downwardly-curved bills, long-spoon shaped tip, much more raptorial
What family do herons, bitterns and egrets belong?
What is one feature the Ardeidae family has and what birds belong to it? what does this feature allow these birds to do?
Have modified neck and vertebrate, allows neck to fold into "S"
enables thrusting, spear-like motion
herons, egrets and bitterns
What are some characteristics of the Ardeidae family?
most do not spear food, have modified neck and vertebrae, grasp food in mandibles, fly with legs straight back and necks tucked back on shoulders
What family do Ibises and spoonbills belong?
Describe the Threskiomithidae family.
(1)Toes partially webbed
(2)Fly with head and neck extended & long legs trailed behind, fly in V pattern
What family does the wood stork and jabiru belong?
Describe some special characteristics of the Ciconiidae family.
lack a syrinx, rattle and snap bills in courtship
Which families fly with head and neck extended in the Ciconiiformes order?
Threskiomithidae family, Ciconiidae family
What family do new world vultures belong?
What are some special characteritics of the new world vultures?
raptorial feet w/claws, some of head and neck naked, rounded and hooked bill, long and broad wings-massive soaring birds, keen eyesight and smell
What order do fowlike birds belong?-ex. pheasants, grouse, quail, turkeys and peacocks
What are some special characteristics of Galliformes?
terrestrial birds-med. to large, 3 long,forward poitning toes and 1 small hind toe, tip of upper mandible overlaps lower mandible
What birds belong to the family Phasianidae?
pheasants, grouse, quail, turkeys and peacocks
Describe the family of pheasants, grouse, quail, turkeys and peacocks and what family do they belong?
Phasianidae, spurs on tarsus, feathered toes sometimes and tarsi on grouse, large clutch sizes, males are larger and more brightly colored
flight=bursts of wingbeats-return to ground quickly
To what order do birds of prey belong? ex. falcons, hawks, eagles osprey etc.
What are the families that belong to the order Falconiformes? give examplse
Accipitridae- osprey, hawks and harriers, eagles, kites and old world vultures
Sagittariidae: secretary bird
Falconidae- falcons, caracaras
Describe the order Falconiformes:
Diurnal, raptorial, hooked bills, sharp curved talons, wings vary in shape based on behavior; diet consists of small insects to large vertebrates, some carrion
females are larger than males
How do birds in the order Falconiformes hatch?
with down and eyes open, dependent on parents for food for several months
What is special about the Accipitridae family in regards to osprey?
has a reversible outer toe and sharp spicules on feet
What is special about the Accipitridae family in regards to hawks, harriers, eagles and kites?
vision is 4-8 times better than humans, exhibit diurnal migrations, occur in most terrestrial habitats
What is special about the Falconidae family?
hooked bill with conspicuous notch (cuts spinal cord of prey), bulley like heads and short necks, extraordinary eyesight, open habitats, none build their own nests-use old nests of eagles, hawks and crows, or do not build much of one
have a mate for life
What is special about the Strigiformes order?
Owls- eyes are fixed, can turn head 270 degrees, telescopic vision, 5x acoustical acuity; soft dense plumage=silent flight
do not construct nests
To what order do owls belong?
What is a cere?
a fleshy, membranous covering of the base of the upper mandible of a bird, esp. a bird of prey or a parrot, through which the nostrils open.
Which family does the barn owl belong?
What family do other owls other than the barn owl belong?
What are zygodactyl feet and what order has them?
Piciformes- 2 toes forward and 2 toes rearward
What family do woodpeckers and sapsuckers belong?
What is special about a woodpeckers tongue?
barbed tip enables extraction of insects from small crevicles
What do sapsuckers eat?
eat inner bark, drill rows of sap wells in trees, invertebrates
What birds was thought to be extinct for over 50 yrs and what order and family does it belong?
Ivory-billed woodpecker- Order Piciformes
family Picidae
To what order do pigeons and doves belong?
What order has pigeon milk and what is pigeon milk?
Columbiformes; a nutritious fluid secretion from the lining of large crop in columbiformes, used to nourish young in the nest
What is a crop?
a pouch in the esophagus of many birds, in which food is held for later digestion or for regurgitation to nestlings.
Which family is worldwide? to what order does it belong and what are the common names of the birds that belong in it?
pigeons and doves
What dove was native to the old world and introduced in NA?
the rock dove
What dove is a song bird in some states and a game species in others?
the mourning dove
What order do swifts and hummingbirds belong?
Both swifts and hummingbirds have what?
tiny feet, short humeri, special adaptations for flight- long bones in outer portion of wing, long, sturdy primaries (set of feathers), and short secondaries
What family do swfits belong, order?q
Apodiformes order, Apodidae family
What are some unique characteristics of swifts?
among the fastest fliers int he world, drink and bathe by dipping in water as passing over, never perch, but cling to vertical surfaces, aerial feeders
What family do hummingbirds belong?
What family does the smallest bird in the world belong and what is it called? order?
Trochilidae, Cuban bee hummingbird, Apodiformes
What are some special characteristics of the Trochilidae family?
only birds known to fly backwards, has the smallest bird in world, long and extensile tongue, iridescent in sun, males have brightly colored throat, patches or crests
What order and family do true nightjars belong?
Caprimulgidae; Caprimulgiformes
What are some special characteristics of the Caprimulgidae family?
cryptically patterned (camoflauged), nocturnal, crepuscular (twighlight period)
What are some special characteristics of the family Cuculidae?
adept to hiking and skulking, beneficial to farmers b/c they feed on hairy catepillars,
What belongs to the Culculidae family?
cuckoos and the greater roadrunner
What order do cuckoos belong to?
What is the world's largest order of birds? how many species
Passeriformes-~5700- over half the world's total
What are some defining characteritics of Passeriformes?
many exhibit anting, high metabolic rate (50-60% lower in non-passerines, relatively large brains, behavioral plasticity and learning profound, distinctive boney palate structure, feet have enlarged, flexible hind toe (halux)
How are the suborders of Passeriformes distinguished?
by anatomical differences in syrinx
What are the major differences in suborders of the Passeriformes and what are their names?
Tyranni- syringeal muscles simpler
-do not learn their songs
Passeres- oscines- more complex syringeal musculature, learn their songs, majority of passerines in this suborder (>4500)
What is the one NA family that belongs to the Subocines-Tyranni?
Which family is the most successful and aggressive of the songbirds?
Family Tyrannidae- tyrant flycatchers
What are omnivores?
animals that eat a variety of foods, both plant and animal
What are herbivores?
animals that eat plant materials, primary consumers
Describe special characteristics of the raven, crow, jay and nutcracker family.
many are excellent mimics, ravens and magpies can count up to 7, amongst the most intelligent and advanced, good at solving puzzles, can hide seeds and recover them later due to excellent spatial memory, monogamous and omnivorous
What is one of the 3 birds not protected by federal or state law mentioned in class?
The rock dove
What family has artificial nesting?
Apodidae-chimney swifts-made up of small twigs, cemented together with saliva and fastened to the inner wall of a chimney
Which family makes a clear difference in suppressing insects?
What family do cuckoos belong to?
What family do shrikes belong to?
What family of songbirds is the only family that consistently preys on vertebrates? describe its preying
Laniidae; (v) Kill with a series of sharp bites
(vi) Use thorns to put prey on then- eat all or leave remains for later (mockingbirds also take advantage)
What family does the cedar wax-wing belong to? describe this bird.
Bombycillidae, red-drop shaped extension on adult's secondaries is where it gets it common name-wax wing for waxy appearance, eats berries-somestimes will get drunk or eat too many til it can't fly
What family of birds will eat berries until it gets drunk or too many until it can't fly?
Bombycillidae- wax-wings
What family do bluebirds, thrushes and robins belong to?
What family has the European starling and mynahs?
What are some special characteristics of the Sturnidae family?
iridiscent plumage- can damage crops, cavity nesters that use fresh green plant materials to deter parasites
What does the Northern Mockingbird do with calls? what about the Gray catbird? brown thrasher? what family do these birds belong?
northern mockingbird mimics calls 3 more times
cat birds- rarely mimics just inserts sounds
What family does the state bird belong in? and what are these bird's common names? describe their appearance.
Troglodytidae, wrens, quick attractive birds
What family to swallows and martins belong?
What are some special characteristics of the family Hirundinidae?
holds mouth open while flying for feeding, spends more time flying in the daytime than any other passerine
What passerine family spends more time flying in the daytime than any other family?
What family do wood warblers and new world warblers belong? describe some special characteristics of them.
Parulidae, neotropical migrants, most inhabit woodlands, brightly colored
What family do cardinals belong? describe some characteristics of them?
Cardinalidae, heavy and thick bills, eats seeds, inhabits early successional scrubs and forest edges