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49 Cards in this Set

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LBO cause
large bowel obstruction
either mechanical interruption of the flow of intestinal contents
or the dilation of the colon in the absence of an anatomic lesion
mechanical LBO
60% malignancies, 20% diverticular disease. 5% colonic volvulus
Tumor cause-graduate onset, narrow colonic lumen
Diverticulitis- inflammation of colonic wall become fibrotic and thickened, leading to luminal narrowing
Colonic Vovulus-twist colons. (older)
Acute pseudo obstruction ( anatomic lesion) - ogilvie syndrome
s/s=LBO, but without evidence of distal colonic obstruction(b/c lack of peristalsis)
reason not clear. m/b decreased parasympathetic tone or excessive sympathetic output
colon maybe dilated
hx of obstipation, nausea, vomiting and crampy abdominal pain.
abrupt onset makes an acute obstructive event ( volvulus)
constipation, change in the caliber of stools- carcinoma, w/ weight loss
Right sided colonic lesion can grow quite large before obstruction occurs
sigmoid colon and rectal tumors cause colonic obstruction
pneumaturia, mucinuria may occur when fistulization of sigmoid colon to the BL.
LBO pe
abdominal distention
sound normal -quiet, hyperresonant ( sound hollow)
tenderness in abdomen
guaiac postitive stool may be seen
rectal ow lower sigmoidal mass maybe palpated
colorectal carcinoma
cecal volvulus
ogilvie symdrome
sigmoid volvulus
diverticulitis pathology`
=inflammation of one or more diverticula
reson not clear,, fecal material or undigested food particles may collect in a diverticulum causing obstruction
obstruction may result in distension of the diverticula secondary to mucous secretion and overgrowth of normal colonic bacteria
Diverticulitis Hx
depends on location
left lower quadrant pain is the most common presenting complaint 70%
Crampy pain and may be associated with a change in bowel habits
nausea, vomiting .constipation ,diarrhea, falstulence, bloating
Diverticulitis Hx
At right colon may be mistaken for acute appendicitis
Diverticulitis in transverse colon may mimic PUD, pancreatitis
retroperitoneal involvement may present similar to renal disease
wome, lower quadrant pain may be difficult to distinguish from gynecological precess
sever is accompanied by anorexia, nause, and comiting
constipation r oftern reported
diverticulitis Pe
simple one, tender ab
LLQ tenderness is most common
diverticulitis PE
tender palpable mass
peritonitis d/t free perforation- rebound tenderness
bowel sound can be diminished and absent
diverticulitis TX
lifelong high-fiver diet
colonoscopy should be done after resolution of an initial episode to exclude other diagnoses
infectious enterocolitis pathophysiology
Diarrhea may be classified as
osmotic-d/t diminished absorption
inflammatory- mucosal lining of the intestine is inflamed
secretory-increased secretory activity
motile-caused by intestinal motility disorders
Gastroenteritis Hx1
diarrhea that lasts longer than a month requires consideration of different spectrum of etiologic factor than diarreha that lasts less than 1-2 weeks
fever-invasive organism \
vomiting-implies bowel involvement, without diarrhea-noninfectious caused
pain-cramps may be caused by an electrolyte balance
hydration and nutritional stutus
hydarton: diminished skin turgor, acute weight loss, resting hypotension, dry mucus membranes, decreased frequency of urination. change in mental status.
children, absence of tears, poor capillary refill, sunken eyes
Nutritional: muscle wasting, and signs of neural dysfunction d/t nutritional depletion, observed in patients
gastroenteritis therapy
rehydrate orally or intravenously
treat symptoms (fevers, pain...)
treat certain specitfic cased with empiric antibiotic therapy(food-supportive treatment)
malabsorption syndromes
absorption of single nutrient componenet maybe impaired as in lactose intolerance
diffuse disorder( celiac disease or crohn's disease) , all nutrients is impaired
Malabsorption Hx
Diarrhea, watery, reflecting the osmotic load received by the intestine
Steatorrhea, stool float on top of the water
weight loss and fatigue
flatulence and abdominal distention( bacterial fermaentation of unabsorbed food release gas)
Edema( protein malabsorption cause peripheral edema)
anemia-microcytic (iron def) or macrocytic(Vb12)
Bleeding disorder (Vk)
metabolic disorders (Vd)
Malabsorption PE
General : prthostatic hypotention, fatigue, weight loss, subcutaneous fat
Abdominal- distended bowel sound hyperactive
cheilosis, glossitis, ulcer of mouth
peripheral edema
malabsorption work up
CBC ( Vb12 or iron def)
Coags- prothrombin time may be prolonged
celiac disease (wheat sensation)
Celiac sprue ( gluten sensitive enteropathy), digestive tract interferes with the digestion and absorption of food nutrients
people cant tolerate gliadin, alcohol soluble fraction of gluten( wheat, rye ...)
celiac pathology
when ingest gliadin, the mucosa of intestines is damaged by immunologically mediated inflammatory response
absence of intestinal villi and lengthening of intestinal crypts characterize mucosal lesions
destruction of the absorptive suface of the intestine leads to a maldigestive and malabsorption syndrome
celiac epidemiology
first 8-12 months, and second in the third to fourth decades
untreated in childhood diminished in adolescence, symptoms oftern reappear in early adulthood.
celiac Hx
steatorrhea (delivery of excessive dietray fat to large bowel)
celiac GI sx
Flatulence, borborygmus ( bacteria)
severe abdominal pain- uncomplicated celiac sprue
Celiac Hx
Weight loss
weakness and fatigue
osteopenia and osteoporosis ( Ca Vd)
Extraintestinal celiac Hx
Neurologic sx: motor weakness, sensory loss
Skin disorders -skin lesions
Celia PE
protuberant and tympanic ab d/t fluid and gas
ascites detected in patients with severe hypoproteinemia
weight loss, muscle wasting or loose skin folds
orthostatic hypotension
peripheral edema
dermatitis herpetiformis
cheiosis and glossitis
evidence of peripheral neuropathy
chvostek signcelia
celiac work up
serologysensitive and specifi antibodies
celiac therapy
remove gluten from diet
Ulcerative colitis
inflammatory disorder to the colon
life long illness
rectum is involved
it extends proximally form anal verge in an uninterrupted pattern
Uc pathology
serum and mucosal autoantibodies against intestinal epithelial cells
loss of tolerance against indigenous enteric flora
smoking and appendectomies
diet ( too much milk)
uniform inflammatory reaction limited to the colon
Uc Hx
rectal bleeding
ab cramp
weight loss
inflammation of synovila membran line joints
tender red nodule under skin
tenderness in the lower left quadrant, fever, tachycardia, weight loss, signicficnat ab tenderness
Uc work up
eleated sedimentation rate
hypo albuminemia
Uc therapy
anti inflammatory
TNF inhibitor
Crohn Disease (CD) patho
presentation: ab pain, diarrhea, intestinal fistulization
unpredictable flares and remission characterize long term course of disease
chronic inflammatory process-low grade fever and prolonged diarrhea,w/ ab pain, weight loss
RLQ, periumbilical pain, intermittne diarrhea.
suggestive of intestinal obstruction
temperature, weight, nutritional status, ab tenderness, mass.
Tachycardia pal mucosa(acute anemia)
bowel sounds
skin and oral mucosa
perpheral arthritis
CD therapy
Ab cramps-bentyl
colon SB inflammtion-sulfasalazine( antibotic)
short cause- steroid therapy
Surgical therapy for Cd
surgical correction
for perinal fistuale
supply nutritional needs by dripping nutrients into a vein
short term- active inflammation an severe manutrition
long term -extensive intest9nal resection
Acute appendicites
obstruction leads to distension of appendix, accumulated intraluminal fluid. ineffective lymphatic and venous drainage allows bacteral invasion of the appendiceal wall
most common cause luminal obstruction are fecaliths and lymphoid follicle hyperplasia
Acute appendicitis Epidemiology
7% in Us
Appy Hx
hx of anorexia and periumbilical pain followed by nausea, rlq pian
Duration of symptoms is less than 48 hrs
Appy Pe
RLQ tenderness
rebound tenderness, pain on percussion , rigidity and guarding
mantrels Criteria
Migration of pain to the RLQ=1A
nausea an vomiting =1
tenderness in RLQ=2
rebound pain =1
elevated temperature=1
shift of WBC to the left=1
appy work up
ectopic pregnancy in women,
obtain a qualitative beta (beta hCG) measurement in all cases