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40 Cards in this Set

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Harvest Festival in Great Britain thates involves singing hyms, praying and decorating churches in celebration of a successful harvest.
Also known as the Katyn forrest massacres was a execution of polish prisoners ordered by the soviet union in the 1940's. The Estimated number of persons executed range from 15,00 to 21,000. The people range from officers to regular citizens who were captured during this time. Mass graves were used to dump the bodies. German authorities uncovered the mass graves after stationing there for 2 years.
Was a German Nazi concentration Camp. It was located in southern poland. During the Nuremberg trials the camps comandent testified that nearly 3 million people died at the camp. Later the number was adjusted to about 1.1 million people. About 90 percent of the inhabitants were Jews from all over Europe. Most of the Deaths were caused by the Gas Chambers, but others occured due to medical experiments, systematic starvation and forced labor.
( Body of Religious writings that is reffered to in the Jewish and Muslim religion)
Is the capital and the largest city in Bosnia. In 1941 the Nazi's surronded the city of approximately 10,500 Jews. The jews along with some Romany and orthodox serbians were oppressed by the croation government and transported to concentration camps
Docterine of Seperate spheres
It was a 19th century docterine that suggested that there are two domains of life: the public and the Domestic. And that the male will assume the public sphere (finances, and legal matters) and the female will assume the role of the domestic sphere (running the house and the ordering of the servants)
Bloomsbury Group
Were a collection of loving friends and relatives who lived in London in the first half of the 20th century. They produced works that greatly influenced: Literature, aesthetics, criticism, economics, feminism, and sexuality.
Woolf's "nugget of pure truth"
Is one of Woolf's aesthetic principles; she explains it through her description of the narrator or lack there off. She believes in a certain incandescent form of art in which everything personal burns away, and leaving something like the nugget of pure truth, that the masses can relate to.She explains that one can not hope to tell the truth, he or she can only explain how they came to their own opinion.
Oxbridge vs. Fernham
Oxbridge (a fictional all male institution that suggests Oxford and Cambridge) vs. Fernham( an all women school) is used to compare the well funded male institution to the poorly funded female university
Professor von x
professor that wrote a book about women being inferior, and the source of a lot of the narrator's argument in " A room of ones own".
Androgynous Brain
Having both the male and female reasoning present.
Sibling Rivalry
Frued saw this as an extension of the oedipus complex, saying that female siblings were in competition for the fathers attention and male siblings were in competition for the mothers attention.
Oedipal Complex
Refers to a stage in Psychosexual development in childhood were the children of both sexes regard the father as an adversary or competitor in competition for exclusive love of their mother.
Interpretation of Dreams
Is a book written by sigmund Freud in the in 1899 that first introduced his idea of the Ego, and presented his theory of the unconscious, pretaining to dream interpretation.
Id, Ego, Superego
Three components of the human mind introduced by Freud in the early 20th century.
Id- serves as the center for all unknown pleasures, and in direct opposition of the superego
Ego-mediates the id and superego in order to find a balance between primative wants and morals
Superego- stands in opposition of desires, implies cultural regulations
Neurosos and Psychosis
Neurossis- causes distress and physical symptoms that may include anxiety

Psychosis- describis a loss of contact with reality.A severe mental disorder that may include hallucinations and delusional beliefs.
Death wish- Thanatos
Is a postulated death drive that compels people to engage in risky behavior that could lead to their own death (sky diving)
Civilizations and its Dicontents
A book written by Sigmund Freud in 1929, that stated his views on freedom and civilizations demand for conformity. He discusses Eros, or the death drive, and the the Super ego in this book.
League of Nations
was an international organization created as a result of the treaty of versailles. The Leagues goals included disarmament and war prevention through collective defensive strategies. Had 42 founding members.
refers to land on both sides of the river of Rhine in the west part of germany. Was significant during world war I, when the area was de-militarized following the reaction of the Weimar Republic's policy.
Alsace Lorraine
Was an annexed part of Alsace and Larraine sectioned off by the German Empire during the Franco -prussian war
a general movement in the 19th century that tried to reconcile historical christianity with the advancements of modern science
Benito Mussilini
Prime minister and dictator of Italy. From 1922-1943 he built a fascists regime that valued nationalism, militarism, and anti communism.
try to forge a national unity, usually on racial, religious ,and cultural traits. No individual interests
V.I Lenin
he was Russian revolutionary, and a communist politician. He was the leader of the october revolution.
Leon Trotsky
Russian communists revolutionary and one of the main leaders in the establishment of the USSR
Joseph Stalin
He was the general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union. Under stalins leadership the soviet union played an immportant role in defeating Nazi germany in the second world war.
New Economic Policy
Official reconstruction economic policy for the USSR from 1921-1928. It was established by lenin and replaced the communist policies that existed before the civil war
Labour Party
was founded in the 1900 after many reform bills, later absorbed by the liberal party, it was a organization in hopes of providint the services for the working class
Sinn Fein
Political party dedicated to Irish Republicanism
Weimer Republic
is the republic that governed germany from 1919-1933
Mein Kampf
a book by Adolf hitler, a autobiography and a description of his ideals (nationalists socialist political ideology)
Gustav Stresemann
German founder and statesman, became the leader of the national liberal party, and then the founder of the German People's party
Locarno Agreements
were seven agreements were the western european allied powers and the eastern European and central allied powers wished to restore normalization to the defeated Germany.
Dawes Plan
was a strategy presented by US banker Charles Dawes who found outlined the German Economy and figured out a plan to afford them a series of reperations that would help their economy
Hoover Moratorium
was a public statemtent by Herbert Hoover that stated in order to deal with the very serious collapse of foreign eurpean economies we will have to halt all reparations being given to Germany from France and even all debts being paid to the US by allies. A one-year halt
Reichstag fire
burning of Germany's parliment building right after the Nazi germany accession to power
Nuremberg Laws
were laws passed in Nazi germany used to racially discriminate against the Jews
a night of destruction for jews, name came from all the glass being broken, the night led to the assassination of a german diplomat in paris
were the most progressive and wealthy stratum. engaged in capitalist farming activities.