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430 Cards in this Set

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The most common DX among NEW CASES of CANCER for MEN in US is LUNG CANCER? T or F
FALSE ; Prostate Cancer
The most common DX among NEW CASES of CANCER for WOMEN in US is Cevical CANCER? T or F
FALSE ; "Breast Cancer" in US
IN THE US most common cause of Death from Cancer in both men & women is LUNG CANCER ? T or F
30 Yr old r side pelvic pain , spotting, missed period, Pregnancy test +, Sexual active, what is DX? What should be done?
UlTRASOUND : to rule out ECTOPIC PREGNANCY,RUN an STD Culture to rule out PID
45 African American male, problems urinating at night, he has to get up every 2 hours, dimished strem, hesitsncy, feels uncomfortable,Urine is -, cultures for gonorrhea & chlamydia are -. PSA is pending, what kinds of western dx: would you consider?
d.age greater then 65
EXCEPT: b.xx chromosome
d. never been pregnant
EXCEPT : Women under age 25
d.Familiail polyps
EXCEPT: c.age 50 +
what is the most common cause of death in young children?
Trauma & accident
what is the most common cause of all cancer deaths in children ages 1-14?
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
What does BRCA stand for ?
Breast Cancer Gene
Cheesy, itchy discharge?
Microscopic swimming critters?
Gardenerella & other anerobes
Bacterial Vaginosis
Clue cells are associated with what?
Bacterial Vaginosis
Hypae seen on KOH Prep?
Causes of Vaginitis include?
Candidiasis,Trichomonads,Bacterial Vaginosis
d. chocolate cysts
EXCEPT: d. chocolate cysts-(endometrial disease)
EXCEPT: c.gonorrhea,chlamydia
d. cervical stenosis
Except: b. ovulation
Except: d.Mittelschmerz
define Mittelschmerz?
pain in the area of the ovary that is felt at the time of ovulation (usually midway through the menstrual cycle)
T or F
d. absence of ferning
EXCEPT: d. absence of ferning
Except: d. Spermatocele
Condition of: undescended testicle;
surgical procedure that removes all or part of the vas deferens (usually as a means of sterilization)
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that REPAIRS the Vas Deferens ?
Varicose veins of the scrotum almost always occur on which side?
EXCEPT: d.hydrocele (least likely to cause pain)
D. Testicle
e. All the above
e. All the above
in early stages
EXCEPT:d. Prostate Cancer is always symptomatic in early stages
d. All The Above
d. All The Above
d. nocturia more then 2-3x per night
EXCEPT: a. pelvic pain or dysuria
Pyelonephritis is more common in patients with incompetency of vesicoureteral junction? T or F
Peritonial dialysis blood is pumped outside of the body to a machine for extraction of wastes. T or F
dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream
inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis caused by bacterial infection
Renal Artery stenosis
a partial occlusion of one or both renal arteries and their major branches; a major cause of abrupt onset hypertension.
Is Renal Artery Stenosis is the single most common cause of Hypertension:?
FALSE; <5%
d.all the above
d.all the above
e. All the above
e. All the above
D. passing a kD stone, extremely painful
EXCEPT:c. Staghorn calculi occur only in reindeers or adult elk
polycystic ovarian disease
continual estrogen made, low progesterone, low FSH, high testosterone, insulin resistance
polycystic Kidney disease
kidney disease characterized by enlarged kidneys containing many cysts, often cause renal failure
T or F
UREMIC FROST is a classical sign of ?
c. End stage renal failure
inflammation of glomerular capillaries. Primary-kidney is the predominant organ involved e.g. post streptococcal
Chronic Glomerulonephritis?
can be silent, more common then acute renal failure, diabetic & hypertensive represent 50% of cases. usually associated in OLDER patients
NP comes in History: Edema, Proteinuria > 3 gms a day, low serum albumin, hyperlipidimia. He is dyspneic with some rales in his lungs.what is his most likely DX?
Tubular system there is a selective reabsorption of nutrients leaving the rest to be excreted in the urine.
Only one well functioning kD is necessary to survive
The NEPHRON includes: ?
Glomerulus, proximal collecting tubule, loop of henle, distal collecting tubule
the lungs take longer to correct PH abnormalities in the blood then the KD's. T or F?
FALSE; KD takes longer then the Lung
Normal Kidney function includes?
a.maintains osmolarity and blood pH
Abnormal findings of Kidney function...
Excretion of protein, Sugar, etc
Aldosterone from the adrenal cortex causes reabsorption of what?
Reabsorption of NA and H2O & Excretion of K in response to LBP.
pheochromocytoma- from the medullary type cells of adrenals
What catecholamine-hypersecreting tumor, a secondary cause of HTN, results in headache, diaphoresis, anxiety, tachycardia, and palpitations?
Anterior pituitary
Synthesizes and releases many vital hormones, includng FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, prolactin, endorphins, and growth hormone (FLAT PEG). It is under hormonal control of the hypothalamus.
Posterior Pituitary
Stores and releases hormones, oxytocin and ADH, synthesized by the hypothalamus. Release of these hormones is triggered by an action potential originating in the hypothalamus.
ADH from the POSTERIOR pituitary stimulates the kDs to reabsorb water from the distal tubule
True: not the Anterior Pituitary
Hemoglobin|Hamtocrit|White cell count |Platelet count |MCV, MCH, MCHC|ALT|AST|Alkaline phosphatase|T. Bilirubin|Direct Bilirubin|Gamma GT Other tests: |Protime|PTT|Total Protein|Albumin|Globulin|A/G ration 0,0|0,0,0,0,0,0
Renal tests-
Serum creatinine|BUN- blood Urea Nitrogen |Estimated GRF- Glomerular filtration rate Serum calcium|Serum phosphorus|Electrolytes|Na(Sodium)|K (potassium)|CL(Chloride)|HCO(Bicarbonate)|Uric acid 0,0|0,0,0,0,0,0
Thyroid tests-
T4|T3|TSH|Thyroid antibodies 0,0|0,0,0,0,0,0
Diastolic 80
Pre- Hypertension
Is hypertension & diabetes the biggest cause of chronic renal failure?
Complications w/ poorly controlled HBP: |
Coronary Artery disease|
What rx meds.can cause Hypertension?
NSAIDS|Salt/ excess sodium|Cocaine , amphetamines, alcohol, birth control, cortisone, testosterone, licorice (gan cao), OTC ephedra
Labs for hypertension-
Urinalysis|Serum creatinine|Electrolytes|Uric acid |Fasting blood glucose|Lipid profile|CBC
Colon Screening- |Fecal occult blood- yearly|Digital rectal exam|Flexible sigmoidoscopy- |Every 5 years|Colonoscopy- every 10 years |Barium enema|
Start at age 50 Risk factors- family history , personal history, benign polyps, inflammatory bowel disease
Breast cancer screening
Cervical cancer screening
PAP SMEAR- should be done 1-3 years after age 21 if the patient has had 3 -papa after age 30. Then every 3 years. After sexual activity begins |HPV testing: because it is a risk factor.
Post menopausal bleeding - always red flag!
Must always be referred ; evaluated for Endometrial cancer ; biopsy ; ultrasound of uterine lining
Prostate cancer screening
Annual prostate exam |
Biomarkers for Cancer include?
Hepatic cancer- alpha fetoprotein|
Which is true about breast infection?
Infection in nonlactating breast is rare & should be screened for inflammatory carcinoma.
Breast cancer is less common under 35?
True ; these though can be more common ; fibrocystic breasts, fibroadenoma, increased density of breasts making mammography more difficult.
Changes in cervical mucus at the time of ovulation.|
Spinnbarkeit-stringy discharge|
Anovulation |(irregular & skipped periods) |is caused by what?
Usual findings of PID can include what?
Chandelier sign - cervical & adnexal tenderness|
Vaginal discharge under microscope can help diagnose?
Candidiasis- |Budding hyphae|
HPV infection in female genital area can sometimes include types: 16 & 18 which specifically associated with cervical cancer.
Polycystic ovarian disease is a cause of infertility
Polycystic ovarian disease usually is associated with irregular periods.
Prolapsed pelvic organs in elderly women who are not candidates for surgery ate often treated with a ?
German for middle pain
Post menopausal vaginal bleeding is red flag. Vaginal bleeding thatvoccurs 6 months or more following cessation of menstrual function. Painless bleeding, single episode of spotting or profuse bleeding for days or month
May be endometrial carcinoma
Medical D&C - Dilate & Curtage
For endometrial hyperplasia ( scrap the walls to sluff the endometrium )
Secondary dysmennorhea is menstrual pain caused by unphysical disease
Example: endometriosis, PID, less common; submucous myomas, IUD, cervical stenosis
Aberrant growth of endometrial tissue outside of uterus, usually in pelvis and ovaries. Occurs in 6-10% of fertile women and 40-50% of infertile women. Tender nodules in cul-de-sac. Constant aching pain beginning 2-7 days before menses and getting worse until bleeding slacks off. Complications: infertility, adhesions, scarring, pelvic cysts, chocolate cysts, ruptured cysts
Tx: endometriosis
Oral contraceptives, NSAIDS pain medication surgery , clomephene|
PID- pelvic inflammatory disease includes salpigitis ( inflammation of tubes) |and endometriosis
Uterine adnexal or cervical tenderness|Absence of competing diagnosis , polymicrobial infection in upper genital tract. Is also ass. With gonorrhea,clamydia, several other bacteria . Most common in nulliparousvsexually active women w multiple partners.
Vaginitis - vaginal irritation , pruritis, pain, unusual discharge. Post menopausal women wherbestrogen levels lower and vagina is less lubricated
Causes: candidiasis- fungal, trichomonas- Protozoa , bacterial vaginosa, condyloma ACUMINATA- HPV virus
Vaginal candidasis
Sx: Vag itching, cottage cheese discharge, vulvovaginal erythema
Trichomonas vaginitis
Flagellated Protozoa transmitted sexually , |Frothy malordorous "yellow-green discharge" , pruritic
Bacterial vaginosis
Greyish disharge, fishy smell|
Condyloma Acuminata is causes by HPV , sexually tranitted disease
Cervical cancer is associated with high risk types: 16, 18, 31, 45 Current vaccine 2008 has type 6, 11, 16, 18
Cervicitis - inflammation of cervix
Cervical polyps is usually benign can be seen v exam , easily removed, common cause of spotting after intercourse or mild irregular spotting
Fetal DES exposure 1947-1971 caused? |
1/3 exposed had uterine cervical and vaginal abnormalities. Including clear cell carcinoma.
Pap smears are highly effective for successful in detection of early changes in cervical cells. ||If severe dysphasia may be carcinoma in situ.
PCOS- polycystic ovarian disease |Excess male hormone , ovulate about 2-3 months
Ovaries theca cells produce androstenedion & testosterone .
Dyspareunia- |painful intercourse
Vulvovaginitis, vaginal atrophy, endometriosis, vaginismus, vulvodynia
Always check sperm count in male first , 40% in male it is infertility.
Sperm count for the male: |Volume: 1.5-5mL concentrate|20 million sperm per milliliter |Motility 60% and normal forms 35%
Menopause: |elevation FSH & LH|80% hot flushes, night sweats|Decreased vaginal lubrication ; thinned vaginal mucosa . W or w/out dyspareunia.
Average age is 51 years old |Premature menopause defined as <40 years old
"infection of Kidney" ascending bacterial infectionof urine due from bladder to KD. Inflammation of parenchyma. Acute sx: dysuria, fever, chills, CVA tenderness, n/v, headache.
Symptoms of Pyelonephritis
Dysuria, fever, chills, costovertebral angle tenderness, nausea & vomiting, headache (need medication make sure it is TX properly)
Bladder infection
Benign prostatic Hyperplasiaor Hypertrophy- enlargement of prostate gland. SX include: Hesitancy, diminished urinary stream, dribbling, incomplete, nocturia,---- complete urinary obstruction which req. catheterization.
BPH appears to be related to Increased what?
INCREASED DHT - Dehydrotestosterone|"Bad Testosterone" causes baldness
BPH Diagnosis ?
DRE- Digital Rectal Exam (size, texture, presense of nodules)|LABS: Urine analysis.serum (Cr) Creatinine|PSA: Prostate Specific Antigen, |Ultrasound|Biopsy
Alpha blockers- Relax bladder|5 alpha reductase inhibitors- shrink prostate|Surgery: TURP: Transurethral resection of the prostate|side effect retrograde ejaculation|Supra pubic proste resection
BPH is not CANCER; PSA can be elevated w/both usually higher in cancer, enlarged w both yet cancer is more stony texture. BPH symptoms include: hesitancy, diminished stream, dribbling urination, nocturia, dribbling urination, complete urinary obstruction requiring catheter. 0,0|1,1,1,2,0,7/26/10 5:48 PM
what is the most common surgey for BPH
Trans Urethral Prostaectomy
Bacterial Prostatitis symptoms? (not common)
SX:Suprapubic pain, dysuria, fever, chills,|TX: Sometimes requires intravenous antibiotic initally followed by oaral antibiotics.
Non-Bacterial Prostatitis ? (more common)
SX:Suprapubic pain, dysuria, fever, chills,(not as bad as bacterial). unknown causeTX: Doxycycline or Septra antibiotics. May be successfully treated with TCM & herbs
Non-Specific Urethritis
burning of Urine as it passes through the Urethra|No penile discharge|negative culture STD, Urinary disease|TX:Doxycycline or Tetracycline|(TEST FOR ALL STD"S)
TEST FOR ALL STDs public health issue|copious greenish discharge, need antibiotic treatment.
Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in American men Tor F ?
true can be asymptomatic, yet may have "bony back pain"|rise in PSA levels
PSA ELEVATION, BAsed on # of Positive Biopsies|TX: Radical prostateectomy, radiation (can shrink cancer), Survelliance, cryosurgery, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, orchiectomy.
what is a normal PSA range?
PSA of 4; PSA range of 20 is too high
If patient complains of PAIN The Hernia must be ....
EXAMINED by a an experienced physician, 0,0|1,1,1,2,0,7/26/10 5:48 PM
MEDICAL EMERGENCY : Painful scrotal mass
incarcerated bowel, |Acute testicular torsion|incarcerated appendix of testis|fatty necrosis|epididymitis|orchitis
Very painful infection of epidymitis|may be associated with trauma, catheterizationof bladder, post-vasectomy|
Bacterial infection of the testiccle|
REFER OUT: Red flag Condition of EMS
bag of water , fluid filled cystic lesion in the scrotum, Asymptomatic, no TX necessary unless SX.
a small fluid filled cystic structure, upper part of Scrotum, benign & separate from the testicle, very common, |not necessarily need tX
Varicose veins of SCROTUM, feels like a bag of worms, present generally on left side normally above the testis, asymptomatic,
Erecticle Dysfunction (ED)
impotence inability to acheive and maintain an erection|psychological factors include: stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems.Medical factors include: diabetes, atrerioscelerosis, neurological dysfunction,endocrine disorders, hypogonadism, chronic illness, drugs/alcohol, deteriorating physical condition.
Treatment of Erectile dysfunction?
ED meds, general medical exam to pinpoint medicinal causes, Testosterone if blood levels are low, couple therapy, vacuum devices, penile prosthesis.
Male Sterilization, cutting & sealing the VAs deferens, out patient procedure, local anesthesia, (get a sperm check 1 month after).
congenital condition of tightening of the prepuce around the glans penis so that the foreskin cannot be retracted
Peyronies's Disease
Curved & painful ERECTIONS, Due to Dense Fibrous Plaque formation on Penile shaft
persistent erection that wont go down for + 4 hours, ER referel may require surgical intervention.
Cancer of testicle
risk factor undescended testicle , usually asymtomatic
Cancer of Penis
-Non-healing sore or nodule on the penis, mor often near head of Penis. most common type is Squamous cell carcinoma. causes unknown.
Vesicoureteral reflux
Is competence - leads to reflux of urine from bladder into ureters, increasing uretral and renal pelvis pressure. Functional obstruction. Higher incidence of bladder infections
Prostatitis vs. Urethritis
Prostatitis is suprapubic pain, dysuria, fever chills.urine analysis & culture are positive. Where non specific urethritis is burning of urine as it passes through the urethra, no penile disharge. Both are usually treated with antibiotics.
Diabetes mellitis diagnosis is fasting blood sugar of 126 or greater. On 2 or more occasions .
126 or greater
Pre diabetic fasting level of 100 to 125 is borderline .
Treated w diet , excersize, weightloss
Diabetic Labs test
FBS: Fasting blood sugar |RBS: Random blood sugar|Serum (greater then 200) |Urine ketones| Monitor: HgbA1C|(normal range is 4-6%)|Microalbumin|Secondary tests: |2 hr (2hPP) gtt
Type 1:
diabetes |Juvenille, insulin dependent,
Type 2:
mature onset, non- insulin dependent
Complications: of DIABETES
Increased cardiovascular disease, end organ damage affecting small vessels of eyes, heart, brain, kidneys, lower extremities.It can reduce life span in patients under the age of 40 by 10-20 years.
Home glucose monitor
Measures blood glucose not plasma glucose. Plasma glucose of 126 or greater.
Severe prolonged hypoglycemia is more then damaging in the acute setting .
Severe prolonged hyperglycemia is damaging over time.
Managing diabetes
HgbA1C test 2-4x per year|
Microalbumin test: less than 30 MGM/ 24 hours ||Serum creatinine male0.6-1.2 mg/dl; female 0.5-1.1 mg/dl||GFR
Diabetic foot exam : |Peripheral pulse |Skin integrity|Sensation|Ankle reflex
All foot ulcers should be referred to a podiatrist or MD
DEXA a specialize xray detect osteoporosis||A t-score below -2.5 is a diagnostic of osteoporosis
Nephritis syndrome includes:
Chronic end stage renal failure includes:
Uremic frost|
T or F 50% of chronic renal failure is caused by:
Diabetes or hypertension T
Possible causes of Acute renal failure.
Acute Glomerulonephritis,|
Normal kidney function:
Maintains plasma PH, Osmolatity, adjusts electrolyte balance, regulates BP by renign- angiotensin system, excretes nitrogen wastes.
Basic unit of KD is a
|glomerular filtration rate
90-100 ml/min
Only 1 well functioning KD is necessary for normal life.
ADH is secreted by Posterior Pituitary and stimulates the KD to reabsorb water in the distal tubule.
Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex and causes the KD to retain sodium & water , increase secretion of potassium.
blood-filtering unit in the renal cortex of the kidney
small network of capillaries encased in the upper end of a nephron; where the filtration of blood takes place
hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus
Nephrotic Syndrome
a syndrome characterized by edema and large amounts of protein in the urine and usually increased blood cholesterol
Kidney Stone
preciptiation of minerals from urine, Ca, Phos, Carbonate, and Uric acid, painful to pass through ureter, caused by dehydration, pH imbalance, excess calcium, frequent urinary tract infections, retention
method used to shatter and pass/aspirate renal calculi
dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream
peritoneal dialysis
method of removing impurities using the peritoneum as the filter; a catheter inserted in the peritoneal cavity delivers cleansing fluid (dialysate) that is washed in and out in cycles
pooling of urine in dilated areas of the renal pelvis and calices of one or both kidneys caused by an obstructed outflow of urine
inflammation of the renal pelvis and the kidney. one of the most common types of kidney disease. may be result of a lower urinary tract infection that moved up to the kidney by way of the ureters. may be large quantities of white blood cells and bacteria in the urine. blood in urine may be present. can occur with any untreated or persistent case of cystitis
DX: red cell casts in urine
Gamma GT|ALT|AST|Hemoglobin
Except hemoglobin
The following tests are diagnostic of hepatobiliary obstructive disease except?
Alkaline phosphatase- yes|
A cause for alkaline phosphatase is ?
Obstructed bile ducts & |bone disease
T or F elevated indirect bilirubin means liver has not processed it for ellimination , because either too much bilirubin liver is immature to do job . ||Example neonatal jaundice or hemolytic anemia
Protime is a protein made by liver and used as a test (INR) to measure blood anticoagulation enough, or not before next dose of coumadine. (warfarin)
Alpha fetoproteinbis elevated in amniotic fluid if the fetus has an abnormality of neural tube & in non-pregnant adult blood if liver carcinoma is detected.
CEA : originally a screening test for colon cancer.can be falsely elevatedin patients w/ a smoking history.
Now used to follow up colon cancer, patients w/ concern for possible recurrence of colon cancer.
White on an x-Ray
Bones. Calcium stones. The lining of calcified aorta
Pancreatitis is suspected, what tests are ordered?
Amylase. Lipase.
What bacteria is associated with a duodenal ulcer?
H. Pylori titer (helocobacter pylori)
what gives stool its color ?
Total Bilirubin is?
Conjugated + Unconjugated Bilirubin
inflammation of the Gallbladder
a GB with a Stone
a stone in the common bile duct
Ascending cholangitis
a medical ems
Acute Pancreatitis
The most common symptoms and signs include:||Severe epigastric pain radiating to the back|Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite|Fever/chills|Hemodynamic instability, including shock
Obstructive jaundice Etiology:
Murphey's sign is seen in
Acute cholecystitis
Adenoma of LIVER
Benign tumor of the liver
Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Also referred as Laennec's cirrhosis|"Signs and symptoms":
Prehepatic Jaundice
"dark urine & light colored stools"
Hepatitis A & E only are transmited via
Fecal Oaral
Incubation for Hepatitis A?
2 weeks -2 months
Hepatitis D is important to know:
Can potentially cause FULIMENT HEPATITIS, with a rapid death
Hepatitis B & C can lead to:
chronicity, and liver cancer
Biliary Cirrhosis is a disease that effects:
Hepatocellular parts of liver Primarily
Hepatic Encephalopathy is caused by:
Liver disease which results in an increase in |SERUM AMMONIUM
Liver flap: is a tremor of the wrist when the wrist is Extended (dorsiflexion), sometimes said to resemble a bird flapping its wings
30 yr old vegan w heavy menses, fatigue. Hgb 9.0, Hct 30, MCV 70 MCH 20. Diagnosis? Cause? What other tests might you order to confirm?
Serum iron, transferein test; dx: iron xu anemia , microsutic anemia
50 yr old tune up presents with mild anemia " it runs in his family" Hgb 12 low,| Hct 36 low, MCV 76 low, MCH normal. Diagnosis
Dx: thallesemia trait, |
5 yr old African American , recurrent abdominal pain, Hgb 9 diagnosis?
Sickle cell anemia
45 female , fever, productive cough , Right posterior crackles & rales on right posterior. WBC 15,000 (high), neutrophils 90% (normal), lympth 15% (low). What do you suspect?
Pneumonia; chest xray, bacterial culture, gram stain.
10 year old new areas of bruising on trunk area. Multiple tiny pin points red spots on skin, he has no recent history of trauma or contact sports. Hgb 14, WBC 5,000 low, platelets 56,000. Diagnosis?
Thrombocytopenia or leukemia refer him to hematology
50 female fatigue, postmenopausal, no vaginal bleeding or black tarry stools. Her stool screen is negative
30 yr old vegan w heavy menses, fatigue. Hgb 9.0, Hct 30, MCV 70 MCH 20. Diagnosis? Cause? What other tests might you order to confirm?
Serum iron, transferein test; dx: iron xu anemia , microsutic anemia
50 yr old tune up presents with mild anemia " it runs in his family" Hgb 12 low,| Hct 36 low, MCV 76 low, MCH normal. Diagnosis
Dx: thallesemia trait, |
5 yr old African American , recurrent abdominal pain, Hgb 9 diagnosis?
Sickle cell anemia
45 female , fever, productive cough , Right posterior crackles & rales on right posterior. WBC 15,000 (high), neutrophils 90% (normal), lympth 15% (low). What do you suspect?
Pneumonia; chest xray, bacterial culture, gram stain.
10 year old new areas of bruising on trunk area. Multiple tiny pin points red spots on skin, he has no recent history of trauma or contact sports. Hgb 14, WBC 5,000 low, platelets 56,000. Diagnosis?
Thrombocytopenia or leukemia refer him to hematology
50 female fatigue, postmenopausal, no vaginal bleeding or black tarry stools. Her stool screen is negative
TV or tidal volume is?
The amount of gas EXCHANGED in a typical breath, in and out. .
Tachypnea is ?
Rapid breathing .
Hyperventilation is ?
Greater respiratory effort then normal both in and out . .
Apnea is ?
Not breathing or a period of not breathing . .
Orthopnea is ?
Shortness of breath when recumbent| (lying down position) .
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
S.o.b after lying down for a whileb, gradual buildbuo rather than immediate. .
Epistaxis is a?
Nose bleed .
Vomiting up blood .
Hemoptysis means to?
Cough up blood Know this for the state boards. Mitral stenosis can cause hemoptysis. .
What are the 2 main components of asthma ?
Bronchospasm , inflammation or edema of the airways. .
"status asthmaticus" ?
Asthma is UNSTABLE ! Requires hospitalization for control. (prolonged asthma attack) .
What are some western treatments for asthma!?
Bronchodilators for spasm and inhaled or oaral steroids for inflammation. .
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) consists of?
Emphysema, chronic bronchitis or combinations of both . .
A pink puffer according to the book is?
Someone w/ Emphysema .
A blue bloater is primarily someone with?
Chronic bronchitis .
Honey combed appearance of the lung is ?
Interstitial lung disease| .
TCM Is more effective for the prevention of asthma attacks rather then actual treatment in acute phases? True or false
True. =
Spirometry measures the the breath more specifically it measures ?
Pfts measure lung function specifically (volume) and speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. Important tool: assessing asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis and COPD.
(FRC) Functional residual capacity
Is the Volume of gas in the lung when at rest .
(RV) residual Volume
Amount of gas left in the lungs with maximum exhalation
(TLC) Total Lung Capacity
Means the volume of gas in the lungs at the END of maximum INSPIRATION
(TV) tidal volume
Amount of gas exchanged in a typical breath in and out.
(ERV) expiration reserve volume ?
The extra air that can be expelled after a normal breath is completed
(IC) Inspiratory Capacity ?
Means how much gas can be brought into the lungs when starting from abresting state and taking as big of breath as possible .
Males average tidal volume is ?
500 cc
(FVC) Forced Vital Capacity |
is the volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after full inspiration measured in litres. It is considered one of the PRIMARY indicators of lung function
(FEV1) is forced expiratory volume in 1 second is the max volume of air that can forcibly be blow out of fvc maneuver
In obstructive diseases: the FEV1 is DIMINISHED because of increased airway resistance to expiratory flow and the FVC may be decreased .
Are lungs dependent on the central nervous system to activate the breathing process?
Yes ||the CNS provides stimulus to diaphragm and the muscles of chest wAll to expand the lungs .
Diffusion is ?
Movement of O2 and CO2 through the capillary and alveolar membranes.
A normal lung Is ELASTIC and provides very little resistance to negative pressure but a diseased lung is NOT Complient
Examples of negative pressure are?
Iron lung - negative pressure|CPR- positive pressure|
Dyspenea is caused by?
Anxiety, panic, asthma, croup, bronchitis, ankylosis sponylitis, parenchymal disease like pneumonia
Air way obstruction
Asthma, croup, foreign body, infection, tumor, copd,
Lung disease as in pneumonia interstitial fibrosis, ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
Pulmonary Vascular
As in pulmonary embolus, pulmonary hypertension
Plural disease
As in pneumothorax, pleural effusion
Neuromuscular or chest wall diseases
Myasthenia gravis , kyphoscoliosis, guillain-Barre syndrome , ascending paralysis
Cardiovascular problems such as
Ventricular failure, mitral stenosis, cardiomyopathy or severe anemia
Hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, ketoacidosis
Anxiety etc
(CHF) congestive heart failure / pulmonary edema
Due to pump failure of heart
Blood tinged sputum w cough may indicate infection neoplasms or a mechanical damage w/ severe coughing
Chest pain - pleuritis, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, pulmonary embolism, sub diaphragmatic abscess, lupus, connective tissue, heart disease , mediastinal , rupturing thoracic aneurysm.|
Autoimmune lupus: causes pericarditis
Asthma ; bronchospasm induced by contraction of the smooth muscle within airway walls. Contraction of smooth muscle, increased secretions, mucosal edema, difficulty w inspiration & expiration. Decreased forced expiratiry flow rates.|
Increased (FRV) & and (RV) residual volume often doubles.
What are the 4 classic symptoms of ASTHMA?
Cough.dyspnea.wheezing. chest tightness. Can also be w tachypnea, tachycardia, anxiety
Asthma western TX:|Bronchodilators, what do they do ?
Adrenaline like drugs that mimic sympathetic nervous system .EXAMPLE:|Albuterol, medihaler, Epinephrine Anticholinergivs like "ipratropium" atropine like
COPD physical experience ?
Type A: pink puffers emphysema , rapid breathing, barrel chest or increased ap diameter , possible dorsal kyphosis, clubbing fingers, hyperpnea , but no cyanosis. Type B: blue bloaters, chronic bronchitis dominent is often obese w swollen appearance , cyanotic ( from shunting )mild dyspnea. This can cause pulmonary hypertension & r heart failure.
COPD: western tx:?
bronchodilators and or anticholinergics sometimes seperately sometimes together. corticosteroids for short term bronchospasm , rarely surgery.
Acutebacterial infection w drooling, dysphagia,swelling above glottis... Can progress & be life threatening.
Acute viral infection w barking cough, hoarseness, persistent stridor, benign common in childhood.
Acute & serious bacterial infection involving trachea
Foreign body aspiration
Can present with wheezing on one side of the lung
A disease : bronchus that is abnormally widening, frequent pneumonias, paraxymal coughing expectoration of mucopurelent matter.
Aspiration pneumonia
Toddlers who eat peanuts, overdose drunks semi conscious,no cough reflex, post stroke patients.
TB: mycobacterium tuberculosis BACTERIAL||
Slow growing in control, infectious when productive cough, positive acid fast test of sputum, early detection - (ppd/ mantoux) Some countries immunize TB with BCG
Patient with a newly positive skin test TB patient needs:
Chest xray, all contacts tested, start on medication- public health issue
A positive skin test does not necessarily mean that the patient has active contagious disease.
Which is a fungal disease called desert fever or valley fever is found in south west us like construction sites and archeological digs
Cryptococcosis, aspergillosis, mucormycosis and pneumocytosis can cause a serious infection in which groups.
HIV positive, severe diabetics, transplant patients
Diagnostic test for cystic fibrosis ?
Sweat test
Cystic fibrosis
Involves lung & pancreas , genetic, thick mucous secretions plug airways ducts, clear water secretions,
There are several findings in sarcoidosis can be confused with tuberculosis such as hilar adenopathy, large central lympth nodes on chest xray |,fever, malaise, dyspnea, multiple organ disease.
Interstitial Lung disease involves primarily:
The area around and between the alveoli
What drugs have occasional lung disease side effects :
Macrodantin,|Methotrexate,|Cyclophosphamide(cytoxan) |Bleomycin|Dilantin||
PulMonary embolus disease process:
Dyspnea.hypoxemia. Clots in pelvis or lower legs , sudden severe chest pain , common among patients w cancer, polycythemia, smokers with hormones, long flights, immobilized post op lower extremity casts Dx: CT angiogram
Cor Pulmonale
R ventricular hypertrophy & R heart failure due to lung disease or pulmonary vascular disease
Tension pneumothorax the trachea is ?
Trachea is Pointed towards the normal lung
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 sec.
FEV1 the volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled from the lungs in the 1st second. This is used to evaluate pulmonary rusk of patient who is going to surgery.
Total tidal volume
Lab values- Arterial blood gas-
Oxygen ( PaO2) 80-100 mm Hg|
TB Test
PPD Test
Chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause in which small nodules or tubercles develop in LUNGS, lymph nodes,SKIN,EYES and other organs.
Boerhaves Syndrome
Esophageal tear; pneumomediastenum
Pulmonary edema
fluid trapped in the lungs
How is sleep apnea treated?
ADULT RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME, inadequate exchange of oxygen characterized by hypoxemia even with 100% oxygen; decrease pulmonary compliance; dyspena; pulmonary edema; dense infiltrates; no previous pulmonary problems; lowered PO2; need PEEP
accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity
inflammation of the peritoneum (membrane lining the abdominal cavity and surrounding the organs within it)
Bradycardia-> 60 b/m
Tetralogy of fallot
A confluence of 4 different anomalies: 1) VSD 2) overrriding aorta 3)R : ventricular hypertrophy 4) Pulmonary Stenosis
ASD (atrial septal defect) foramen ovale(infant heart)
Opening in Atrial Septum .
VSD ( ventricular septal defect)
Opening in the venriular Septum .
Transposition of the great vessels
Aorta & pulmonary artery switched positions .
Coarctation of the Aorta
Hypertension in upper extremities and low blood pressure in lower extremities. Child w/hypertension, pulses in upper body; femoral pulse not present . The right arm blood pressure may be very high 0,0|1,1,1,0,0,5/29/10 11:44 PM
Patent ductus arteriosis
Condition in which there is a connection from the pulmonary artery to the aorta in the fetus . Is a non closure of the duct after birth causing cyanosis and requiring surgery . 0,0|1,1,1,0,0,5/29/10 11:44 PM
PVD peripheral vascular disease also known as PAD peripheral arterial disease ;
Reduce peripheral Pulses|Can cause gangrene changes of extremities 0,0|0,0,0,0,0,0
Are diastolic murmurs considered pathological?
Yes, diasolic murmurs are pathological .
Is raynaud's phenomenon reversible constriction of the digitalis arteries?
Yes .
Most common cause of hypertension is ;
Idiopathic .
3rd degree heart block must be treated by a pacemaker ? True or false ?
True .
Tennessee mimics which position
S4 .
True or false most people die of heart disease not cancer ?
True .
Where doe the electrical impulse of the heart normally arise ?
SA Node (sinoatrial node) .
What is true of pig valves?
Pig valves don't last as long as mechanical valves. Resemble the human valve. Requires open heart surgery. 0,0|0,0,0,0,0,0
What are the ideal values for total cholesterol?
200 or less .
What are the ideal values for HDL ?
40 or less HDL .
What are the ideal values for total LDL?
LDL should be 150 or lower .
What are the ideal values for tryglycerides?
140 or less trigycerides .
What does DVT stand for ?
Deep vein thrombosis .
What are the 3 main causes of chest pain ?
Angina. MI myocardial infarction. Heartburn. .
What is endocarditis ?
A bacterial infection of heart valve, "vegetations" of bacteria that grows on irregular surfaces like damaged valves. most common cause is strep/ staph/ enterococcus . .
Cardiac Tamponade ( a medical emergency )
Heart is unable to fill w/blood during diastole reduced cardiac output. Main physical finding is : "PULSUS PARADOXICUS" or a marked decline in systolic BP .
What is Pericarditis?
Inflammation infectionnof pericardial sac : triad of chest pain, atypical EKG friction rub on auscultation ; can cause a cardiac tamponade, or chronic constrictive pericarditis .
Aortic stenosis
Pulmonary Artery
Which is the only artery in the body that carries unoxygenated blood? .
(PMI) Point of Maximum impulse is located in which intercostal space?
5th intercostal space in the anterior axillary line. .
Heart murmurs?
Grade 1 barely audible |Grade 4 has a palpable thrill|Grade 6 is amost loud enough to be heard w stethoscope |Diastolic murmurs are considered abnormal .
Sign of heart failure is ?
"ejection fracture" is less than 55% Normal is greater then 55% .
Preload: is volume of blood that returns to right atrium
Afterload: is pressure against which the heart has to pump .
Cardiac output
Cardiac output = |stroke volume x heart rate .
Base of heart is closer to head
Apex of heart is closer to diaphragm .
is Coronary artery bypass an open heart surgery ?
Atherogenesis is another name for what?
ACS stands for what ?
sudden symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the heart indicating unstable angina or myocardial infarction
uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmias, such as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
coronary artery disease
coronary artery disease
a condition affecting arteries of the heart that reduces the flow of blood and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium-most often caused by atherosclerosis
Sinus Rythm
slight shift in pulse not life threatening
ventricular febrilation
is a sign of diastoyle or death
Ischemic pattern
A 3rd degree heart block requires what?
Gallop is more then 2 heart sounds?
Summation gallop is more then 4 Heart sounds?
Aortic Stenosis is an immediate referrel and SX include?
systolic ejection murmur; syncope and angina with exercise; hemolytic anemia
Diastolic MurMur
Associated with water slapping sound or slapping pulse sound. abnormal sound heard during relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle
Aortic regurgitation
Stream of blood regurgitates back through incompetent aortic valve into LV during diastole. LV dilation and hypertrophy due to increase LV stroke volume. Rapid ejection of large stroke volume into poorly filled aorta, then rapid runoff in diastole as part of blood pushed back into LV
mitral Stenosis
Name the valve abnormality based on the following criteria: • Diastolic murmur, increased right ventricular pressure, left atrial pressure, and atrial to ventricular pressure gradient; decreased left ventricular filling pressure
mitral valve prolapse
associated with Click sound
Rheumatic fever can be caused by?
A Beta hemolytic Strep , can cause serious valve disease
ASD- atrial septum defect:
VSD-ventricular septal defect
ventricular septal defect
Inflammation of the pericardium, which may result in "cardiac tamponade", pericardial effusion and pericardial murmur or pericardial friction rib.
Tetralogy of Fallot
a congenital heart defect producing cyanosis
any disease or weakening of heart muscle that diminishes cardiac function
Sub-acute bacterial endocarditis; vegetations of Bacteria on Heart valve
Pulsus Paradoxicus
a marked decline in Systolic BP associated with Cardiac tamponade
DVT-Deep venous thrombosis
Deep venous thrombosis, common cause of Pulmonary Embolism
a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater)
systolic 140mg + or diastolic is 90mg or more two or more times, prehypertension systolic 120-139 & diastolic 80-89, narrowed blood vessels are common problem, headache, blurred vision, dizzy, nose bleeds leads to stroke, heart attack, heart & kidney failure, healthy diet, low salt, limit caffeine, managing stress & sleep - cardiovascular disorders
"infection of Kidney" ascending bacterial infectionof urine due from bladder to KD. Inflammation of parenchyma.
Symptoms of Pyelonephritis
Dysuria, fever, chills, costovertebral angle tenderness, nausea & vomiting, headache (need mediaction make sure it is TX properly)
Bladder infection
Benign prostatic Hyperplasiaor Hypertrophy- enlargement of prostate gland. SX include: Hesitancy, diminished urinary stream, dribbling, incomplete, nocturia,---- complete urinary obstruction which req. catheterization.
BPH appears to be related to Increased what?
INCREASED DHT - Dehydrotestosterone
BPH Diagnosis ?
DRE- Digital Rectal Exam (size, texture, presense of nodules)
Alpha blockers- Relax bladder
BPH is not CANCER; PSA can be elevated w/both usually higher in cancer, enlarged w both yet cancer is more stony texture.
what is the most common surgey for BPH
Trans Urethral Prostaectomy
Bacterial Prostatitis symptoms? (not common)
SX:Suprapubic pain, dysuria, fever, chills,
Non-Bacterial Prostatitis ? (more common)
SX:Suprapubic pain, dysuria, fever, chills,(not as bad as bacterial). unknown causeTX: Doxycycline or Septra antibiotics. May be successfully treated with TCM & herbs
Non-Specific Urethritis
burning of Urine as it passes through the Urethra
TEST FOR ALL STDs public health issue
Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in American men Tor F ?
true can be asymptomatic, yet may have "bony back pain"
PSA ELEVATION, BAsed on # of Positive Biopsies
what is a normal PSA range?
PSA of 4; PSA range of 20 is too high
If patient complains of PAIN The Hernia must be ....
EXAMINED by a an experienced physician,
MEDICAL EMERGENCY : Painful scrotal mass
incarcerated bowel,
Very painful infection of epidymitis
Bacterial infection of the testiccle
REFER OUT: Red flag Condition of EMS
bag of water , fluid filled cystic lesion in the scrotum, Asymptomatic, no TX necessary unless SX.
a small fluid filled cystic structure, upper part of Scrotum, benign & separate from the testicle, very common,
Varicose veins of SCROTUM, feels like a bag of worms, present generally on left side normally above the testis, asymptomatic,
Erecticle Dysfunction (ED)
impotence inability to acheive and maintain an erection
Treatment of Erectile dysfunction?
ED meds, general medical exam to pinpoint medicinal causes, Testosterone if blood levels are low, couple therapy, vacuum devices, penile prosthesis.
Male Sterilization, cutting & sealing the VAs deferens, out patient procedure, local anesthesia, (get a sperm check 1 month after.
congenital condition of tightening of the prepuce around the glans penis so that the foreskin cannot be retracted
Peyronies's Disease
Curved & painful ERECTIONS, Due to Dense Fibrous Plaque formation on Penile shaft
persistent erection that wont go down for + 4 hours, ER referel may require surgical intervention.
Cancer of testicle
risk factor undescended testicle , usually asymtomatic
Cancer of Penis
-Non-healing sore or nodule on the penis, mor often near head of Penis. most common type is Squamous cell carcinoma. causes unknown.
what gives stool its color ?
Total Bilirubin is?
Conjugated + Unconjugated Bilirubin
inflammation of the Gallbladder
a GB with a Stone
a stone in the common bile duct
Ascending cholangitis
a medical ems
Acute Pancreatitis
The most common symptoms and signs include:
Obstructive jaundice Etiology:
Murphey's sign is seen in
Acute cholecystitis
Adenoma of LIVER
Benign tumor of the liver
Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Also referred as Laennec's cirrhosis
Prehepatic Jaundice
"dark urine & light colored stools"
Hepatitis A & E only are transmited via
Fecal Oaral
Incubation for Hepatitis A?
2 weeks -2 months
Hepatitis D is important to know:
Can potentially cause FULIMENT HEPATITIS, with a rapid death
Hepatitis B & C can lead to:
chronicity, and liver cancer
Biliary Cirrhosis is a disease that effects:
Hepatocellular parts of liver Primarily
Hepatic Encephalopathy is caused by:
Liver disease which results in an increase in
Liver flap: is a tremor of the wrist when the wrist is Extended (dorsiflexion), sometimes said to resemble a bird flapping its wings
Nephron includes:
Glomerulus, proximal collecting tubule, loop of henle,distal collecting tubule
only one well functioning KD is necessary to survive
Tubular system
there is selective reabsorptionof nutrients leaving the rest to be excreted in the urine
Kidneys take longer then the Lungs to correct PH abnormalities in the blood.
ADH is from the Posterior Pituitary stimulates KD's to reabsorb water from the distal tubules
Aldosterone from the adrenal cortex causes reabsorption of NA & H2O and excretion of K in response to LOW BP
Carcinoid Tumors in GI Tract produce:
Flushing,diarrhea,abdominal cramping by secreting serotonin
Pheochromocytoma from the medullary type cells of the adrenal secrete catecholamines( metanephrines) that raises blood pressure
Normal Kidney Function?
Maintains osmolarity, blood ph, balances electrolytes in blood, eliminates nitrogen wastes.
abnormal kideney function
excretes protein
Nephron includes:
Glomerulus, proximal collecting tubule, loop of henle,distal collecting tubule
only one well functioning KD is necessary to survive
Tubular system
there is selective reabsorptionof nutrients leaving the rest to be excreted in the urine
Kidneys take longer then the Lungs to correct PH abnormalities in the blood.
ADH is from the Posterior Pituitary stimulates KD's to reabsorb water from the distal tubules
Aldosterone from the adrenal cortex causes reabsorption of NA & H2O and excretion of K in response to LOW BP
Carcinoid Tumors in GI Tract produce:
Flushing,diarrhea,abdominal cramping by secreting serotonin
Pheochromocytoma from the medullary type cells of the adrenal secrete catecholamines( metanephrines) that raises blood pressure
Normal Kidney Function?
Maintains osmolarity, blood ph, balances electrolytes in blood, eliminates nitrogen wastes.
abnormal kideney function
excretes protein