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37 Cards in this Set

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Government that exerts almost total control over the citizens of the state


Local council of workers and soldiers, which were the core of the new communist party


Forced Labor camps established by Stolin


The last Czar of Russia


A violent group of radical revolutionaries lead by Vladimir Lenin

CentralPurge Commission

Stalin tried members of the communist party for treason.


Mussolini organized a group of bullies to beat up political oppositions


is a political philosophy that says the state or nation is above the rights of the individual.

it is an extreme Nationalistic philosophy

MeinKampf (defin.)

A book where Hitler outlined his philosophy

Iconography (definition)

the use of symbols to build participation of the German citizens


A radical group called the National Social German Workers Party



Blood,Will, and Soil

Nazi slogan that shows this groups priorities


Hates Jews

SpanishCivil War

Spanish war between the Nationalist on the right and the Republicans on the left

VersaillesTreaty -- peace terms (how were they harsh?)

1) Their army was reduced

2) unreasonable Reparations

3) lost valuable territory


a German unit of air-force and army volunteers


Germany annexed Austria


Outlawed the use of war by any Nation


A guiding principle of the Nazi Government and provided German justification for the German territorial expansion into eastern Europe


Town that Germany bombed in 1937 killing about 300 civilians ( bombing cause controversy for Germany)

GreaterGerman Reich

include all ethnic Germans and all lands that Germany had lost after WW1

Republicans/ Nationalists

Republicans (on the left) said "this was a struggle between tyranny and freedom"

Nationalist (on the right) said " communist against christian civilizations"

How Bolshevism differs from classic Marxism

The Bolsheviks supported the idea of professional dictatorship of and elite to accelerate transition to pure socialism

thetwo reasons why the situation grew worse in Russia (under Nicholas II)

1) WW1 devastated the fragile economy

2) A Russian peasant and mystical religious figure named Rasputin had gained influence over the Czar's wife

the first totalitarian state established after WW1
Soviet Union
the lessons learned from the Soviet Union, Italy, and the Nazis

Totalitarianism is often maintained by force and violence

the tenants of National Socialism (as spelled out in Mein Kampf)

1) Communism should be destroyed and Democracy is a failure

2)Germany must rearm and appose the Treaty of Versailles

3)The Aryans are the master race

4) The Jews are the Enemy of the German people

the reasons for the rise of Nazism

1) Germany had a long tradition of Authoritarian Government

2) Treaty of Versailles

3) Economic Chaos

4) Hitler offered a chance of success

5)Hitler was a master Orator (speaker)

the explanation for the persecution of the Jews
1) Hitler was Anti-Semitic (hated Jews)

2)Germany thought Jews where linked with Marxism

3)Germany feared change, and The Jews were seen as Challenging Traditional Cultcher

why the Jews didn’t leave Germany when Hitler came to power

1) It was there home

2) No where else to go

3) Didn't believe Hitler

why Nazism triumphed in Germany

1) Democracy was Forced on the Germans

2) Democracy must be desired by the people to be successful

the biggest ”boost” to the Nazis (concerns Hitler)

The treaty of Versailles caused resentment

the first aggression after WW1
Japan invaded China
the overall causes of WW2 (including the immediate cause)

1) Failure of post war treaties

2) Fascist and Military Aggression

3)Spanish Civil War

4) Annexation of Austria

5) Germany wanted to expand

6)Germany initiates Forces

Immediate Cause:

Germans and Soviets made a pact to divide Poland.

Then Germany invaded Poland

what made the invasion of Czechoslovakia possible (policy by the West)
the two countries that made a secret pact to divide Poland

Germany and the Soviet Union