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72 Cards in this Set

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Congress of Vienna
balance of power based on the principles of legitimacy and compensation
Troppau Protocal
principal of invtervention
Chartists of 1848
the secret ballot, abolition of property qualifications for members of parliament, payment for parliamentary service and equal electoral districts.
Carisbad decrees
stifle unrest in german universities
Spain, Portugal, and Italy
they all failed because the armies of france and austria intervened
Greek Revolution
great powers intervene to protect their national interests.
independence from the dutch republic
revolutions of 1848
students, workers, and middle class
german customs union
Thomas Malthus
population increases faster than means of subsistence
ancient greek style characterized by order and reason,clarity and restraint and balance and moderation. originated in 1798 in germany.
Frederick william IV
refusing to pick up a crown from the gutter.
Corn laws
split the whig and tory parties into liberal and conservative factions.
Benjamin Disraeli
Congress of berlin, purchasing the suez canal, British imperialism and naming queen victoria the empress of india.
Count Camillo de cavour
brain of italian unification
seven weeks war
contest for control of german affairs
reform bill
enfranchised most urban workers
Victorian Compromise
redistributed seats eliminated the so called rotten boroughs and divided power between the gentry and industrialist.
Hungarian Revolution
led by Louis kossuth against Austrian and Croatian troops eventually failed when russia joined
The origin of Species
Natural selection
Sigmund Freud
Repression, Ego(or rational mind), The superego(the repressor or conscience), and the Id (or basic animal drives.)
hatred of government, violent revolution
abolition of private property
governments should not interfere in the workings of the economy.
Karl Marx
class struggle between the propertied classes or bourgeosie and the propertyless working class or proletariat.
congress of berlin
England backed Austria, deny Russia access to the Mediterranean.
Russia (tsar Alexander II) Austria (Emperor Franz Joseph) and Germany(Kaiser Wilhelm I)
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia by the Serbian terrorists
Schlieffen Plan
Germany in world war I going through neutral Belgium
Hegel, thesis, synthesis, antithesis
Claude St. Simon
society run by a technocracy or managerial elite.
Franco-Prussian War
loss for France of Alsace-Lorraine.
a professional military, military-industrial complex.
Russo-Japanese War
altered the power balance in the Pacific
2nd Moroccan Crisis
demonstrated that England and France were much more closely allied that most people believed.
Jeremy Bentham
utilitarian self-interest
Utopian Socialists
failed to offer realistic solutions for society's problems
June days
uprising of workers in France, led to deaths of more than 10,000 persons at the hands of Gen. Eugene Cavignac
fusion of patriotism with a consciousness of nationality
Louis Napoleon
helped the pope recover his throne
Crimean war
Russias defeat by the combined armies of England, France,Turkey, and Piedmont-Sardinia.
Otto Von Bismarck
Chancellor of Prussia(1862-1890)
Immanuel Kant
believed that truth transcends both reason (noumena) and sense perception (phenomena)
Das Kapital
Karl Marx, law of surplus value.
Triple Entente
Franco-Russian accord completed in 1894, the entente cordiale (1904) between France and Britain and finally the anglo-Russian pact of 1907
Suez Canal
strategic importance to great britian
Boulanger incident
love affair with married women came to tragic end, Boulanger committed suicide.
Boer war
German Kaiser's telegram to president Kruger encouraging Dutch
Causes of WWI
nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and the system of alliances
supreme law of the state is self-preservation
thousand red shirts
led by Giueseppe Garribaldi
William Gladstone
Home rule for Ireland
Parliament Bill
destroyed the power of the house of Lords
artistic style which emphasized that man was a product of his environment shaped by heredity
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
divine providence, respect for law and tradition, hierarchy in economic, social and political institutions and the relation of moral worth to human behavior.
Robert Owen
socialist communities, New lanark, Scotland.
Clauswitz "politics by other means"
freedom, individualism, imagination, idealization of nature and the natural goodness of man
consequence of the seven weeks war that created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary.
"white man's burden"
combined imperialism and social darwinism.
Waloon Amendment
created the third republic
failure of German diplomacy
attributable to the resignation of Bismark, the failure to renew friendship treaties with Russia, the death of Queen Victoria and the German naval buildup
use the general strike to paralyze and topple the existing government.
Eugene Delacroix
theme of human freedom.
Balkan Wars
returned things to the status quo antebellum.
Balkan Crisis
Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia
Moroccan Crisis
dispute ended at the Algeciras conference.
John Stewart Mill
believed that society can and should regulate the distribution of wealth for all.
Berlin to Bagdad railway
aimed at accessing middle eastern oil supplies
Dreyfus affair
example anti-semitism.
Dreyfus affair
example anti-semitism