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39 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Reformation
Religious Revolution in Western Europe.
16th century
Began as reform movement in Catholic Church- resulted in another branch of Christianity
Reading, learning, thinking for oneself.
Studying antiquity, reading classics.
Rejects supernatural
One of most famous Humanist- Translated the original greek bible into latin- Vulgate Bible
Humanist- main leader of the protestant reformation
Against wealth and corruption in Catholic Church
Salvation via faith.
Pardons for sin- Sold by John Tetzel who works for the pope trying to raise money for new church in Rome (St. Peter's Bascilica)
the act of paying for sacrements and consequently papal positions
95 Theses
written by Martin Luther- complaints against the catholic church
where 95 Treteses was posted on church doors- also where Luther lectured on the bible- salvation comes through faith alone.
Frederick the Wise
German Prince who hides Martin Luther
Elector of Saxony
Charles V
Holy Roman Emporer- ruler of Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Spain, Americas, much of Italy
Summoned Luther to trial at Worms
Luther's famous quote
"Here I stand for I can do no other"
Luther's marriage
he was a monk, so was like a slap in the face to church, wen't against his pledge
Katharina von Bora
wife of Martin Luther, was a run away Nun
Criticisms Luther had of the Catholic Church
selling of indulgences
He also believed you could not get to heaven by doing good works
Belief that wine turns into blood of Christ during communion- Lutheran Doctrine
What is a papal bull?
Papal document- order
John Calvin
Virtual Ruler of Geneva (Calvinism)
Wrote Institues of the Christian Religion
Followers: France- Huguenots, Scotland- Presbyterians, Netherlands- Dutch Reformed Church, England- Puritans, American- Pilgrims
belief of Calvin- people are predestined, chosen by God to get into heaven
Ruled by John Calvin
Act of Supremecy
Key legal piece of English Reformation
Repudiates papal power- says the pope no longer has authority or influence over england
Makes Henry head of Church of England
Dissolution of the Monostaries
henry dissolves monasteries in england and takes their wealth
Act of Succession
says that Catherine was never the Queen
if no males born to Anne, then throne was to go to Elizabeth
All subjects required to take this oath supporting this act
Sir Thomas Moore
refused to take an oath supporting the Act of Succession
Philip II
King of Spain, married to Mary Queen of Scotts
probably is the one who saves Elizabeth I from the tower
Mary Queen of Scotts
Queen of England, first out of 3 kids. Catholic, married to King of spain which people did not like
Turns the country back to catholocism.
Who said - "I have no desire to make windows into mens souls"
in regards to religious toleration
Tilbury Speech
Just before spanish armada
"I know i have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king!"
How was the Spanish Armada defeated?
largely due to a freak storm, somewhat due to english ships, "fire ships:" lead by Robert Dudley
James IV of Scotland = James ! of England
after the death of Elizabeth, her nephew James- son of MQS takes the throne peacefully
"Paris is worth a Mass"
Henry IV of France- originally Henry of Navarre- marries Margot (daughter of Catherine De Medici)
Peace of Westphalia
peace treaty which ended the 30 years war- said that all German states were free to choose between either Calvinism, Catholocism or Lutheran
Amerigo Vespucci
sailed on behalf of Spain, publicized the new world
1st circumnavigation of the Globe
involved in civil war in philipines, killed
only his ships return
Columbian Exchange
between the 'Old world (europe and africa) and New World (Americas)
spread of diseases, food, goods
Middle Passage
route slaves took from Atlantic to the new world
Why does Columbus sail?
to make profit from goods off the silk road-
water route to the East
How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs?
religious/physiological belief in God
consequences of the Columbian Exchange
Catastrophic Native Depopulation
Europe healthier
defeated the Incas