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41 Cards in this Set

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Belief that energy is radiated discontinually in irregulary packets
belief that space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer and both are interwoven
Eliminating God and hence Christian morality; had liberated human beings and made it possible to create a high kind of being
"Life Force"
Bergson's view of reality, saying it couldn't be divieded into analyzable parts
Unsettling experiences that are blotted from conscious awareness but continute to influence behavior
nation, people, or race
Pius IX
Rope was against modern ideas issued a papal encyclical called the Syllabus of Errors
Pope that permitted the teaching of evolution as a hypothesis should be realistic
Accepted the material world as real and felt that literature should be realistic
A movement when a group of french artists rejected the studios and museums and went to the countryside to paint nature directly
post impressionism
emphasized on light and color but revolutionized it by paying more attention to structure and reform.
Expression of less refined and more genuine feelings of music
Peter Stolypin
Served as the tzar's chief advisor from 1906 until his assasination in 1911
Europeans intense scramble for overseas territory
Great Trek
Migration road
A territory north of Transvall that cecil rhodes took control of
"Open door"
A policy in which one country would not restrict the commerce of the other cournties in its sphere of influence
The reight of Mutsuhito
Herbet Spencer
Most prominent exponent of social darwinism
Ernst Renan
Wrote of Jesus as a man
Abstrant expressionist who led flight from visual reality
Igor Stravinsky
Composer or the revolutionary Rite of Spring
Descendants of Dutch emigrants to southern Africa
Cecil Rhodes
Diamond merchant who tried to overthrow the government of the South African Republic
James Cook
British captain who first explored australia
Last dynastic house of China, overthrown in 1912
Anti foreight movement in the turn of the century China
Era when Japan became a modern nation
Max Planck's discovery of the "quana" energy
brought Newtonian physics into serious question
Nietzshe's superman would
eliminate the Christian or slave mentality
Albert Einstein
Developed a theory in which neither time nor space exists independent of human experience
Sigmund Freud believed that the way to solve the conflicts of psychologically disturbed patients was to
trace repression back to its childhood origins
Exponents of social darwinism in the late 19th century called for
international struggle to establish what peoples are fittest to survive
The German concept of the Volk
procaimed german culterue as the worlds highest
led the belief taht jews were out to destrory the aryan race
represented the direction social darwinsim took in that country
the growing challenges to the christian churches from schience and modern thought resulted in
a portrait of Jesus as a non-divine person by Ernst Renan in his life of Jesus as man
Zola's literary naturalism was deeply influenced by
darwin's theory or the struggle for survival
Dostoevsky's life experiences led him to believe that
through suffering man soul is purified
The early feminist movement was known for
achievments in nursiing by nightingale and sieveking
The 1st recorded martyr to the cause of women's fuffarge was
Emily Davison
Theodor Herzl's Jewish State concluded that
The creation of a jewish nation in Palestine was both feasible and advisable
Europeans justified 19 century imperialism as
all or none of the above