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55 Cards in this Set

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the Italian Peninsula

Mountainous, Mediterranean climate - snow in north, more tropical other places (palm trees). Good harbors but not many. A lot of rivers but no good navigable rivers. Low lying land - swampy - had a lot of bugs which led to diseases ( malaria)

Who were the early settlers?

¤The Latins

¤The Greeks

¤The Etruscans

The Latins

Settled along the Tiber River - west central plains - built villages that grew bigger and became Rome the city

The Greeks

Leftover greeks from their ancestors who colonized on the Italian peninsula. Became a part of the Roman Empire. Big influence on Roman culture

What are the seven hills of Rome?








Who were Romulus and Remus

Babies of the Greek god Mars. They were dumped / abandoned. they were raised by a wolf, then a farmer. Once they were grown up, they decided to start a town. They fight over leadership. Romulus kills Remus. Names his city Rome

Rome was divided into what three groups?





Aristocrats/ nobles - gained control of government because they had all the power and wealth


The rest of the Roman people besides slaves- can't become a consul or dictator


Plebians who become rich - the same or more wealth than patricians but no power

Three groups of citizens who helped govern Rome


• assembly of centuries

assembly of tribes


Controlled public funds ( decides where it goes), political appointments ( being appointed to a job), had to be elected, determined foreign policy - most powerful and most important

Assembly of centuries

Rich men & wealthy farmers made up this group - elected to this position, chose who to elect to higher positions, declared war and peace

Assembly of tribes

35 tribes/states sent people to represent them (representatives), legislative branch - made laws - also selected the tribunes

What are magistrates

Officials who ran the government day to day

The four kinds of major magistrates were:

☆ consuls

☆ praetors

☆ censors



Day to day running of government, army commanders. Have veto power over each other


Judges - says yes or no to laws


People who keep track of the population, register for voting etc... (census "population")


Had absolute power for 6 months, only had a dictator if they needed one (something bad happens) nominated by the assembly of centuries

Who were the tribunes?

A way to include more plebeians in government, chosen by assembly of tribes - only 10 members, fairly powerful - can veto magistrates or dictator

What "veto power"

Ways to stop laws / actions from happening. Consuls and tribunes had it ( can stop wars, dictators etc) " I forbid"

What were the Twelve Tables?

Roman written laws - kids had to memorize these

The Role of the Family

Where you get your morals and values, learn about religion, where you get your education. All unmarried kids lived there, daughters move into her husband's family. Dad has absolute authority. Elderly lived with their kids, and they could sell kids. Women were honored and respected. They ate liquimen


Starts with animism-everything around us has spirits -dad carried out religious ceremonies. Then moved on to Roman gods and goddesses - went to temples to worship


Pushed kids to have good habits, good citizenship, and good morals. Follow Roman etiquette and ideals. All this was taught by dad - also taught farming. Mom taught how to read, write, and do math. All kids had to memorize the Twelve Tables

What's the difference between a republic and a democracy?

In a republic, they choose a representative. In a democracy, EVERYONE votes on an issue


Every guy was required to serve in the military, men fought for no pay. Legion was the most important group - 4,500-6000 men in each legion. Every soldier in a legion had to be a Roman citizen. Had to serve to years in military to become a leader or get a higher rank


Hamilcar's son. Hamilcar's teaches Hannibal to hate the Romans. Commander after Hamilcar dies. Starts to plot to destroy Rome. Takes 37 elephants, traveled to Rome. Had 12 elephants after passing alps. People taken over by Romans joined with Hannibal, ended up with 50,000 troops and only started with 40,000

First Punic War

General for Carthage was Hamilcar around 200 b.c.. This war was the result of Carthage's suspicion of Rome gaining power. Carthage thought Rome had no Navy, Rome had stolen 1 of Carthage's ships. Carthage gathered snakes and catapulted them onto Roman ships. Eventually Carthage loses to Rome and Carthage has to pay money to Rome

Second Punic War

Hannibal shows up with elephants. The elephants were not effective, but Hannibal still won every battle. Romans get Scipio- their best general - to lead Roman forces against Hannibal. Scipio couldn't beat him, but find Hannibal's weak spot - attacking Carthage to get Hannibal to return to Carthage. Hannibal rushes to Carthage, but it's too late. Scipio defeats Carthage. Hannibal kills himself. Hannibal never lost a single battle, but lost the war

Third Punic War

Romans kill all of the Carthage people so that they never have to fight again. By 146 BC Carthage was completely wiped out and became a Roman territory (northern Africa)

Rome's expansion led to a number of problems as they became a great Mediterranean power


Roman expansion: Government

As Rome became so big, they had to adapt to ruling more people. Foreign affairs etc

Roman expansion: Provinces

Areas that have been taken over, they didn't know what to do with the people and the land

Roman expansion: agriculture

Introducing new things but putting farmers out of work - the farmers move to the city and have new products - cities, shipping, and commerce go up due to former farmers

Roman expansion: Commerce

More places to sell and get things from

Roman expansion: Social change

Loyal to country deteriorates, slavery increases, higher unemployment, people are judged for wealth not character, multicultural (Rome)

Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

Brothers (10 years apart) - huge reformers in ancient Rome - progressive, wanted to make life better for the plebeians / lower class. Tried to expose corrupt/crooked senators. Tiberius (older one) tried to pass laws making the land conquered by Rome be given to the poor. Made wealthy patricians angry. Riot in Senate - beat Tiberius to death with a table leg. Gaius takes public funds and uses them to buy grain for the poor. Pushes to have power taken from nobles and given to equities. He was also murdered at a riot

Sulla and Marius

Amazing generals who accidentally destroyed Rome. Started off as friends


General, destroyed the empire. Reformer, plebian, military hero, commands 3-4 legions -filled w/ payed soldiers, the soldiers get to take anything from the conquered lands. Leads his troops to drive sulla out. Troops were very loyal


General, destroyed the empire. Patrician, convinces Romans to appoint him dictator. Rome didn't want a dictator

Conflict and outcome relating to sulla and Marius

Marius drives sulla out, so sulla strengthens his legions. Sulla comes back 7 years later and told his guys to come back with marius's head. Told his soldiers to kill as many soldiers of Marius's that they could and bring their heads back. Sulla becomes a military dictator of Rome. Turns Rome into a dictatorship

Who made up the first triumvirate

3 of sulla's top generals - pompeii, crassus, and caesar

The first triumvirate

Rule of 3 - when sulla died, the 1st triumvirate came to power

What happened after the first triumvirate took over?

Caesars daughter Julia is married to Pompeii.

Crassus and Julia die. Caesar and pompeii's links are weakened.

Pompeii knows that caesar is getting power hungry, so he leaves rather than be killed.

Pompeii is killed by caesar. No one messes with Julius Caesar. People who talk about revolting aren't killed by caesar, but they get their hands cut off. By age 45, Caesar has been declared dictator for life. Was a good speaker, looked out for the poor

Who made up the Second Triumvirate?

Octavian, Mark Antony, Lepidus

How did Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus (second triumvirate) take control?

Caesar chose Octavian to take over after him. Octavian doesn't know much about leading but Mark Antony does it, so he helps


Julius Caesar's nephew who Cesar chose

- scholarly, quiet

- became Caesar Augustus when he won and becomes leader

Antony and Cleopatra

Friend of Julius Caesar who is more warlike than Octavian, goes to help out Octavian. Antony and Cleopatra had met when she was with Caesar. She wants Anthony to respect Egypt and their power. Gets barge and goes to Rome - very fancy clothes and jewelry to impress people. Want Mark Antony to think this is normal. Mark Antony stays with her - Octavian sister, Octavia, is married to Mark Antony - Mark Antony is away for years. Cleopatra has kids so the Romans are scared that Antony would leave part of his kingdom to Cleopatra. Leave everything in his will to his kids. Romans are angry - Octavian gets troops and goes after Antony. Antony and Cleopatra get more army gathered and the two forces have a massive Navy battle. Cleopatra gets scared and leaves. Antony has to decide whether to go after her or fight - goes after her. Troops have no leader so Octavian defeats them. Antony can't find his wife and lost this chance at ruling the world. Kills himself. Cleopatra found out. Asks for poisonous snakes (asps) - lets it bite her - so now Cleopatra is dead. So now Octavian controlled the whole empire - changes his name to Caesar Augustus. Roman "Republic" is gone by this point. Rome has been deteriorating for a

What is the outcome of the Antony and Cleopatra incident

Wants to hunt down and kill Caesar assassinated - Octavian and Mark Antony kickout Lepidus. Octavian takes Rome / Europe / Middle East (North). Antony gets North Africa / Middle East (south)

The Pax Romana

Pax= peace

A time of Roman peace when stuff was going well for Rome - good leaders

The Pax Romana: "all roads lead to Rome"

They thought Rome was the middle of everything - built roads so that there was always a road that led back to the city - for defense - can get troops to colonies

The Pax Romana: Roman Government

Starts as chaos, becomes Roman Republic, turns into a dictatorship

The Pax Romana: Roman law

Wrote laws down - borrowed by other countries (concept of law & punishment & being written) U.S. is sort of modeled off Roman law system