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39 Cards in this Set

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marxist theory of history

in all time periods there has been a constant class struggle between the bourgeousie and the proletariat

great man theory of history

in all time periods there is one or a few "great" men who take control/lead the other men who do not influence others, that lead history in a certain direction

ex: MLK, Hitler, Gandhi, Stalin

Machiavellian theory of history

the idea that the ends justify the means, any way to get ahead is a good way to get ahead. Throughout history leaders have been cruel and manipulative to get ahead.

political history

focuses on the elites of society: leaders, mayors, governors, senators, kings, emperors. A focus on the influential people in history.

social history

focuses on the lives of average, every day people. Like sociology in the past.

economic history

focus on how people and countries earn a living, where people fit in in the economy of a country, taxes, tariffs. Karl Marx says economic history is the most important study of history.

military history

focuses on battles, military strategy, military leaders

cultural intellectual history

focuses on the history of ideas, art, music and philosophy


the 18th century, the age of enlightenment also called the age of reason. rebelling against the ideas of the middle ages and the early modern period which said everything was faith based, question everything until you can prove it.

enlightenment philosophes

Denis Diderot, Adam Smith, John Locke, Jean Jacque Rousseau, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, David Huge, David Ricardo

Denis Diderot

editor and contributor to the Grand Encyclopedia, which was created in the late 1700s and opened up new information for everyone, greatest minds contributed to their areas of expertise

Adam Smith

wrote The Wealth of Nations, where he talks about what each nation needs to do to reach their maximum wealth output, follow own nation's economic self interest, government needs to follow the idea of laissez-faire

John Locke

Tabula Rasa (clean slate), believed that everyone is born neutral with a clean slate, no inherent evil or good. We don't need sinfulness washed away or prayed away, what influences how people act is the influence of society, nature vs nurture argues for nurture.

Jean Jacque Rousseau

beaurocrat, argues that everyone is completely free aka you don't owe other people anything and they don't owe you anything. He wanders in the woods for 10 years and writes My Confessions.

Ancient Regime

not ancient, the old regime. The French government during the 1600s.

Divine Right monarch/Absolute monarch

the belief that the King's power is bestowed upon him by God

Estate system

a social class system, a firm system with no social mobility that resembles the Caste system. 3 classes, 1st estate, 2nd estate and 3rd estate.

1st estate

Gentlemen clergy, they make up 1% of the population. They pay no taxes, do no manual labor, live in big homes kept up by others, and they get 1 vote as a class. Anyone in the roman catholic church, very highly respected.

2nd estate

nobility or aristocrats, make up about 2% of the population. anyone with a title. they also pay no taxes, have several estates, full staffs, do no manual or intellectual labor, and receive 1 vote as a class.

3rd estate

2 sub-estates of commoners: the bourgeousie (10%) anyone who was middle class like doctors, lawyers, teachers, merchants, accountants, skilled craftsmen, those who carried the tax burden for the entire country. The other was the peasants (87%) farmers, very poor people, uneducated, sometimes called "potato heads", didn't vote, barely knew what country they were in, their whole lives were fixated around getting into heaven, no awareness of whats going on

system of deference

keeps classes in order, you have to treat your social betters as such, you can treat people of lower classes with without respect, can face punishment/public humiliation if you defied the system

conspicuous consumption

being purposefully wasteful or extravagant just to show off your wealth

calling of estate general

the king calls in members of each of the estates and asks what they think they should do, the 1st and 2nd estates say to raise taxes so the king does that instead of listening to the 3rd estate who said to cut expenses and sell property. in 1788/1789 the worst harvest occurs, the peasants start starving and wander the countryside which leads to rioting and revolution.

bastille day

July 14th 1789, the peasants storm the bastille and release all of the prisoners. Starts the French revolution and is celebrated in modern times.

national assembly

formed by the bourgeousie in the wake of the revolution, they get rid of the system of deference and call themselves citizens of the New France instead of subjects of the king. They make a declaration saying why they have the right to break away from the dominion of the king

the declaration of the rights of man and citizen

all men are born free and equal in rights, the french version of the declaration of independence


slogan associated with the French revolution. means that everyone deserves liberty, equality and everyone is brothers.


1791-1795, radical political party formed out of anger (far left), contributed to the reign of terror

Maximillian de Robespierre

head judge of committee of public safety, comes from working class background, becomes lawyer then judge, poster boy of revolution because he went from nothing to something. ended up being accused of being against the revolution and was beheaded with his assistant St. Just

reign of terror

arrests 100,000 and kills 40,000 people because they were thought to be against the revolution. guilty until proven innocent, used guillotine to do it quicker instead of hanging

liberty trees

planted trees to show that you were for the revolution, tied jacobin ribbon around them or used the french flag

the directory

1795-1799 led by 3 directors, calm stable age after the Jacobin

gilded youth/royalists

after the directory, rise of gilded youth aka monarchists that wanted a king in power, weren't alive yet when the king was ruling so they never actually experienced life under the king

Napoleon Bonaparte

issued a coo against the directory and ruled from 1799-1814. his rule is considered France's golden age. he conquers all of Europe and creates a french Empire. he brings religion back to France, and makes ammends with the Pope which lead to the Pope declaring that disobeying Napoleon is grounds for eternal damnation.

Code Napoleon

Napoleonic Law Code, existed in every country that he conquered. Favors the rich over the poor, man over woman, old over young, french over nonfrench, and employer over employee. Used to keep things the way they were. Woman were at a serious disadvantage because of this.


based on merit instead of class, an army based on merit. this encourages people to join the army and modernizes the army by getting rid of gentlemanly traditions

Scorched Earth Policy

Russian citizens burn the land, shelter and food and retreat East into Russia which leaves Napoleon's troops in bad condition & they retreat. Only half of the troops return, this leads to Napoleon's first exile to Elba from 1812-1814

Duke of Wellington

commands the British army during the time of the Napoleonic rule

Battle of Waterloo

Napoleon loses and goes into exile in St. Helena, Africa where he dies in 1821