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100 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Carpet Baggers
Northerners who went south after the civil war
• took advantage of Reconstruction
Boss Tweed
Corrupt NYC Boss
George Pullman
invented sleeping Railway car
Tenant Farmers
Former slaves
Ulysses S. Grant
Union General during the civil war and 18th president of U.S
13th amendment
free slaves
14th amendment
made all people born in the U.S citizens
15th amendment
gave African American men the right to vote
Radical Republicans
Wanted to punish the South for starting the civil war
Southerners who took advantage of the south during reconstruction
Ku Klux Klan
used intimidation to prevent freed slaves from exercising their rights
Poll Tax
Pay a tax every time you vote
Literacy tests
pass a reading test to vote
Grandfather Clause
if you or your grandfather voted in the election of 1867 then you were exempt from poll tax or literacy tests
Chief Joseph
leader of New Perce tribe said “I will fight no more” accepted life in the reservation
Homestead Act
Gave 160- acres of land to anyone who farmed it for 5 years
Dawes Act
tried to make Native Americans farmers
Black Codes
laws passed in the south to keep freed slaves from becoming full member of the society
Closing the Frontier
April 12
New Immigrants
from Poland. Czechoslovakia. Italy. Greece
Old Immigrants
from Great Britain. Scotland. Germany
Battle of Little Big Horn
Last native American victory over the U.S government
Rutherford B. Hayes
19th president
Sherman Anti Trust Act
Outlawed monopolies
One company almost all or all of a business
John D. Rockefeller
became wealthy in oil
People who expose corruption in big businesses and government
George Armstrong Custer
Lost to Sioux at the battle of little big horn
Joseph Glidden
Invented barbed wire
Yellow Journalism
Sensational Journalism
Results of the Spanish American war
U.S received Puerto Rico
Robber Barens
Individuals who form big business that took advantage of situations and formed trusts monopolies
William Randolph Hearst
Publisher of NY Journal
American Imperialism
U.S spread its influence to China
Chinese exclusion act
didn’t permit Chinese immigration to U.S
Lessez faire capitalism
based upon supply and demand in a free market economy
Immigrants V.S Labor Unions
labor viewed immigrants as taking away jobs
Orville and Wilber Wright
invented airplane
Andrew Johnson
Vice president to Lincoln
Grover Cleveland
22nd and 24th president
Andrew Carnegie
wealth from steel
Pendleton Act
allowed the government to appoint people to jobs based on a test (Civil Service)
James Garfield
20th president
tax on foreign goods
Business owned by one person
Business owned by two or more people
Urban Life: Disease
Thomas Edison: invented
light bulb
Populists: Wanted income tax
direct elections of Senators
Factory conditions: unsafe
poor ventilation
Haymarket Riot: someone threw a bomb into a crowded meeting
killing Union members and policemen
Problems affecting Plains farmers: Cold winter
Hot Summers
Business made up of millions of share holders
name given to plains farmers who made their homes from sod
Sitting Bull
Sioux medicine man defeated Custer
Crazy Horse
Sioux chief defeated Custer
Teddy Roosevelt’s regiment in the Spanish American war
court order to d or not to something
Fredrick Olmstead law
Designed central park NYC
J.P Morgan
Most influential banker of the 19th century
Thomas Dewey
Defeated Spanish at the battle of Manila in the Spanish American war
William McKinley
25th president during Spanish American war
Jane Adams
established hull house in Chicago to help the poor
Cornelius Vanderbelt
Made his wealth un Railroads NY central
Uriah Stephens
Began knights of labor
American Federation of labor
Only made up of skilled workers
Terrance Powderly
Most influential leader of the Knights of Labor
Knights of Labor
America’s first labor union
Samuel Gompers
Began American federation of labor
Eugene V. Debs
Head of the brotherhood of Railroad workers
Jacob Riis
Wrote “How the other half lives” l
Charles Goodyear
Vulcanized Rubber
Urban Life
Thomas Edison
Gustavus Swift
Refrigerated railway car
Alexander Graham Bell
Invented telephone
Social Darwinism
Applied Darwin’s theory of Survival of the fittest to Society
Grange Movement
Organization of Farmers who worked together to improve their economic life.
a wealthy person who gives away jis money to worthy causes
Factory conditions
unsafe, poor ventilation, windowless, monotonous
Haymarket Riot
someone threw a bomb into a crowded meeting
Great Plains
flat land between Mississippi river and Rocky mountains
Indian Wars 1860 – 1890
Wars between plain settlers and native Americans
San Juan Hill
Teddy Roosevelt and Roush Riders victory in the Spanish American war
Same board of directors control many companies
Clayton Anti Trust Act
Outlawed trusts
Farmers who shared a portion of their crops s payment for using the land
Chester A. Arthur
21st president
Freedman’s Bureau
Set up after the civil war to help former slaves adjust to freedom
Theodore Roosevelt
Leader of the Rough riders in the Spanish American war
Ida Tarbul
A muck breaker
George Westinghouse
invented the airbrake for Trains
Problems affecting Plains farmers
Cold winter. Hot Summers. Thick sod. Violent weather. lack of trees and grasshoppers
Big business and farmers
took advantage of farmers and especially railroads
Open door Policy
anyone can trade with China
Big Stick Policy
Teddy Roosevelt’s Policy concerning Latin America
Panama Canal
Built by Roosevelt connecting the Atlantic and pacific oceans
Temperance movement
wanted to stop the sale and production of alcohol
Booker T. Washington
established the Tuskegee University to teach practical skills to African Americans
George Washington Carver
Invented Peanut butter and worked in developing uses fir peanuts