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98 Cards in this Set

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religion, centralized or decentralized government, social situations, intellectual traditions (type of rationalization)
primary traditions
people that make changes in history: philosophers, artisans, religious leaders, bureaucrats
creative minorities
natural resources play a major role in type of society (nomads, conquerors, etc.)
resource endowments
What makes a civilization?
urban, distinct religion, political and military structure, bureaucracy, social structure, and writing system
an empire (not regional) with city-states governed by monarch-warlord and chief; composed of nobles (king, no orderly transition when he dies), clients (free ppl dependent on nobility), commoners (free ppl doing mundane tasks), and slaves (ppl taken in battle, no freedom); polytheistic religion-gods are out to get you; schools set up to learn cuneiform
style of writing using pictures of objects and signs, created by Sumerians
conquers Sumer and makes two big contributions to government traditions: 1.going to conquer his neighbors (conquest) out of fear they will get taken over by other city-states 2. shifts them from individual city-states to an empire, which ends tradition of battle for warlord and starts dynastic tradition (once he dies, his son takes over)
Sargon the Great
conquers Akkadians and leads first Babylonian empire; make his kingdom secure, unified Mesopotamia, changes religious system and puts one god over other gods (beginning of monotheism), and creates a law to live by
law of the land; has civil (how to legally get along with others) and criminal (consequences for breaking the law) aspects; dictates legal life of people
Hammurabi's code
Indo-European people (many languages) in Turkey area governed by Hattusilis I who sets up empire in central Turkey and moves into Mediterranean coastal area. Succeeded by grandson Mursili I who was killed in a power struggle. Have a conflict with Egypt which causes them to create an alliance with them. Major contribution is introduction of iron into war and agriculture (weapons and tools)
Turk, but not part of other coallition, on his own, rallies other nomadic tribes that have been left out, based on religion; tries to tell people his cause is God, attracts many followers, and becomes main government force
Osman Gazzi
emperor; he who rules; "he with authority"
Once next sultan has taken power, all of his brothers must be killed, gives stability and prevents a rebellion
Law of Fratricide
sultan's council; elites from around empire; anything that goes wrong is lamed on them
prime minister, right hand man, involved with jobs in empire, lots of power
Grand Vizier
provincial governor appointed by sultan, carries out duties of state throughout empire, given land grants if loyal
land grant for service; reward
levy; young men turned over to sultan, mainly christian boys, trained muslim for high positions
elite fighting force that fights for sultan- body guards
sultan responsible for expansion into Europe, biggest contribution is capture of Constantinople-capital, use cannon and gunpowder to blow up enemies, ensures loyalty of people with conquest and rebuilding
Mehmed II
sultan that focuses on religious authority and pushes into other area once Istanbul is captured, changes from marriage of sultan which causes lots of competition to no marriage for sultan at all
Selim I
sultan who had lots of imperial expansion, many diplomatic connections-deal with French and alliance with Germany, and rephrases Sharia to make sure government does not vary from region to region. Ottoman empire is as strong as it gets when he is in power
Suleiman the Magnificent
unequal treaties imposed on Ottomans, loses much of power
Reasons for Decline of Ottomans
brothers of sultans begin to up rise, ottoman empire loses its unity, janissaries allowed to have family-lost braveness of soldiers and their fighting edge, habsburgs begin to fight back
religious and secular ruler that unifies Persia, claims to be relative of Ali, works heavily to convert sunnis to sheites, conquest of Iraq
Shah Ismail
most prosperour shah because Europeans are willing to work with Persians, major trading center, reinvest money into buildings and infastructure
Shah Abbas
tries to unite tribes in afganistan, established as emperor, successors move south to Pakistan
Babur ("the tiger"
subdues all of India and brings it under his rule, centralizes authority on himself, in india he: adopts persian language, reforms tax code, and centralizes bureaucracy
Indus valley civilization, displaced by Aryans
Harappan society
Indo-European ethnic group from southeastern Turkey with written language sanskrit, not commercial and comes to use Indus River valley to raise flocks, better weapons, fundamentally tribal (led by a raja, prince), veda religion (oral tradition)
written language of Aryans, not entirely uniform
(sacred knowledge) Aryan religion, oral traditions passed down over generations
(sacred universal power) all things have their origin and also their end; no beginning and no end, continuous cycle
Brahmans have high social status and individual worshipers can have more direct contact with the gods, showing their devotion to them without the aid of priests as intermediaries
religion that considers all life sacred and tries to live without destroying other life
religion that believes the four noble truths and the eightfold path toward liberation which will free one from the cycle of birth and death and enter nirvana, a state of blissful nothingness and freedom from reincarnation
reincarnation; continual process of rebirth
Indian system of dividing society into hereditary groups that limited interaction with each other, especially marriage to each other
prescribed social role and moral duty; moral law
sum of good and bad deeds
freedom from samstra; release from the wheel of life
individual's reality/energy; your soul has always been
seeking freedom from samstra, strong firm of not killing/physical violence (ahimsa), self-denial
vardhaman mahavira
Buddha, prince, high caste, creates Buddhism religion fulfilling vision at his birth, kept in palace his whole life to avoid seeing poor and suffering
Siddhartha Gautama
Four Noble Truths
Life is filled with pain and sorrow, This is caused by desire, Release from existence will end suffering, Release can be attained by following the Eightfold Path
Semitic-speaking people with an urban and commercial empire consisting of traders and craftsman; not interested in conquest, but establish Carthage-a refueling/refilling spot; started process of monosolovic alphabet
Canaanites (Phoenicians)
Semitic-speaking people that are very aggressive and conquer a huge region due to their powerful military and cruelty which is known throughout the world. They bring new military technology (battering reams, tunnel under walls, lance) and are the first to have professional soldiers and wear uniforms (unity)
organized huge conquered region into an empire
Tiglath-Pileser III
people in western turkey that were not into war, but were huge traders and were the first to systematically coin gold and silver
main king of Chaldea (neo-Babylonian empire) that engages in mass public works schemes such as the hanging gardens and bridges across the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Nebuchadnezzar II
king of Persians who unified Indo-European people, takes over much of west Asia because he can, not for need of resources and treat the conquered people very well
Cyrus the Great
son of Cyrus and king of Persia that created satrapies (chunks of territory) governed by satraps appointed by king to try to build good will towards empire. He also creates a road that stretches across his empire
satrapies or chunks of territory are ruled by satraps that are appointed by the king
Persian Administrative System
religious thinker and preacher that created a new religious system
monotheistic religion with one God that cared about his people and wanted a relationship with them; emphasized good vs. evil; apocalyptic; influenced many religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
father of Jewish people, lived in Palestine or the land of Canaan, had two main sons Isaac (christianity) and Ishmail (islam), Isaac's son Jacob is the father of the 12 tribes which are the building block for the Hebrew people who move to egypt
leads Hebrew people out of Egypt and back to Palestine, receives law from God which becomes foundation for religions, and brings people closer to the idea of one God supreme over all
idea of one God and only one God is supreme over all; one universal God, creator of all things, concerned with individual humans and their conduct and sin
Ethical monotheism
kind of Hebrews who centralizes and unifies the 12 tribes of israel
king after saul who creates an empire, reunifies 12 tribes, establishes a bureaucracy, and tries to pull people together through public works
David's son and next king who builds a temple, centralizes priesthood, and establishes contacts all over the world
after Soloman dies, Israel splits into two kingdoms 1.Israel-north, 10 tribes stay and establish Sumeria 2.Judah-south, 2 tribes keep Jerusalem and Soloman's line as king
Division of Hebrew People
Babylonians capture Judah and sent survivors into exile in Babylonia
Babylonian Captivity
Greek old testament, converted Greeks convert Hebrew scriptures to Greek
leader of rebellion against Greeks
Judas Maccabeus
rebellion of Jewish people against oppressive Greeks, losing at first, but win after Romans join them
Maccabean Revolt
Greek leader who tries to undermine and destroy Jewish tradition and turn them to Greeks
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
nomadic people small in number that were extremely loyal and fierce warriors known for their fighting traditions and toughness
orphan involved in commerce who married a wealthy widow, received revelations from God, and created the Islamic religion
temple in Mecca containing a black stone thought to be God's dwelling place
a wealthy widower that marries Muhammad and is the first to convert to Islam
sacred book of Islam; recitation of message gabriel brought to Muhammad, compiled shortly after Muhammad's death
the basic tenets of the Islamic faith, which include reciting a profession of faith, prayer five times daily, fasting and prayer during Ramadan, a pilgrimage to Mecca, and alms to the poor
Five Pillars of Islam
submission to the will of God
the Law of Allah; taking Koran and making it into a legal system
caught up in world
exodus (fleeing) of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina and wins many converts
pilgrimage tradition to commemorate Muhammad's flight
community of believers, loyalty to Muslims trumps, gets people to believe there is something bigger than oneself
struggle in the path of God; holy war; individual struggle against sin, must be an outward struggle
successor to Muhammad; the representative of God or deputy of the Prophet
tax collector for caliph, holds peole together, succeeds Abu Bakr
supporters of Ali; must be related to Muhammad to be caliph
don't support Ali; follow "normative example" to be caliph
sunnis, oppose Ali, are undermined by the Abbasid caliphate; blood descent from Ali;
Umayyad caliphate
person that manages the government affairs, emphasizes how powerful caliph is
undermined the ummiad empire, not a conquering empire, caliphs rule by divine right, set in Baghdad, try to keep peace, try to centralize bureaucratic state, permanent armies, use power to expand faith, very far economically
abbasid dynasty
administrative unit reponsive to caliph, collect taxes, maintain peace, etc.; Arab governors who were given overall responsibility for good order, maintenance of the armed forces, and tax collection
judges throughout the region and empire
advisor to caliph that has some power; caliph's chief assistant
unit of government; military role of bringing together a multi-ethnic army through faith
eventually the empire becomes too big and ethnic ruptures arise so other nations, especially the Turks, conquer their territory
Decline of the Abbasids
revealed: what God told gabriel to tell Muhammad such as Quran, Sharia, and Hadith
rational: math, science, astronomy, medicine, etc.
mystical (sufism): focus more on spiritual position with God
Formation of Islamic Knowledge
sayings of Muhammad
islamic scholars whom sunnis trust to interpret the Quran and the Sunna
schools and universities opened to train young elite
Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal: born of conquest, military puts empire together and leader treats state as an extension of themselves, patronage is way of keeping together civilization and buy people off so they are loyal
Military Patronage States