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42 Cards in this Set

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Archduke Ferdinand
Hungarian Prince. Archbishop of Austria – Hungary from 1889-1914. Assassinated in in June 1914. Significance was that his assassination led to Austria- Hungary declaring war on Seria after demands not met
Common Market
Established through the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Italy, France, Belgium, West Germany, Luxenbourg, and the Netherlands. Brought down terriffs among the six trading partners and united more than 200 million consumres. The significance of it was that it brought economic prosperity to a recovering Europe after WW2.
Leader of the Soviet Union from 1985-1991. He instituted reforms, which in turn contributed to the collapse of Communist rule in the Soviet Bloc and the USSR. He also introduced glasnost, which advocated for freedom of speech towards the people, and helped stimulate the economy.
Keynesian Economics
Macroeconmic theory based on the ideas of John Keynes. It was originally published in The General Theory of Employment in 1936. Preached that the constant circulation of money helped stimulate the economy, and in times of economic stress, the government should step in to help assist in “rebooting” the economy. It’s significance was that it was the primary assistent in ending the great depression.
Mohandas Ghandi
– Lived from 1869-1948. He was a political and ideological leader of the Indian Independence movement. He advocated for a civil disobedience movement rather than violence. Inspired harmless movements across the nation. Assassinated in January 1948.
Prague Spring
A period of social reform occurring in Czechoslovakia from January 1968- August 1968. In the reforms, the leader Dubcek created political freedom throughout the communist ruled nation by creating political parties, uncensoring political publications, and allowing creating secret ballots. Significance was that it: created dissallusionment throughout Europe and the United States. Deepened the Cold War
A polish labor union founded in 1980 by Lech Walesa and Anna Walentynowicz that contested Communist Party programs. It was eventually outlawd, however, the poltical party still thrived and eventually helped lead to the downfall of communism
A drug introduced in 1957 and lasted until 1961. Its use was to help cure coughs, colds, and morning sickness. However, it caused immense birth defects among children. Its significance was that it led to the requirement for much stricter testing before drugs are put on the market and helped start the disability rights movement.
Triple Entente
An alliance between the nations of France, Russia, and the United States. The alliance was initially formed in 1907. They eventually formed one side of World War 1, with assistance form countries such as Italy, and the United States. They were arranged with as a result from competition from the Triple Alliance.
Vatican II
A Catholic Council held from 1962-1965. Modernized some aspects of church teachings including excepting Jewish individuals, democracizing many church procedures, and promoting mutual cooperation between faiths. Significance was that it westernized religion to be more tolerant and accepting.
Weimar Government
The parliamentary republic established in February 1919. It was the first time that Germany was not a monarchial system of government. The democratic government lasted until 1934 when Hitler took power. Numerous problems include inflation, political extremeist on both left and right, and hostility from the victors of WW1. Set up problems leading to WW2
A concentration camp located in Poland that opened in March 1942. The second of three Auschwitz camps, Birkenau was famous for the immense amount of gas chambers that occurred within the camp. Largest amount of Jews killed. Significant in that upon discovery, it helped reveals the torments of Hitler’s concentration camps, and showed how so many Jews went missing.
Ethnic Cleansing
The mass murder of people according to ethnicity or nationality, beginning with post-World War 1 elimination of minorities in eastern and Central Europe and continuing with rape and murder that resulted from the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Milosevic*
A painting by Pablo Picasso in 1937 that depicts the bombing of Guernica which resulted in ~500 deaths. The painting depicts the tradegy of war and the suffering it inflicts on individuals
Lech Walesa
One of the founders of the movement known as Solidarity. He was president of Poland from 1990 -1995. He helped transition Poland from privatization to free market economy. Furthermore, he helped Poland join NATO and interact with the Western world.
Italian Politician who led nationalist Italy from 1925-1943. He was one of the founders of the Authortarian faschist movement. Used mass propaganda to get support. Gained rule through the March on Rome. Allied with Germany to create the Axis powers, b/c he believed that Germany would for sure win the fight. Significance was that he was one of the motivators for hitler.
Rape of Nanking
A massacre that occurred during the time of Japan expansion in 1937. During this period, hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens were murdered, with many women and girls being raped. Significance was that this antagonized Japan with the rest of the Western powers, effectively creating tension and conflict.
Spanish Civil War
A Spanish uprising that occurred from 1936-1939. The movement, led by Spanish citizen army office Francisco Franco, ln the war, the Spanish citizens received aid from Germany and Italy who were testing new weapons. Nationalists won, republic lost. Set stage for WW2 Axis.
Theory of Relativity
A theory developed by Albert Einstein from 1900-1910. It explained that time was not absolute and that depending on speed and motion, time could change. Revolutionized science and explained many unknown concepts
Truman Doctrine
The united states policy to limit communism after world war 2by countering political crises with economic and military aid. It was set up in 1947 and preached that they would save anyone from Soviet rule. Significant in that it set up cold war.
Vichy Government
The government of france from 1940-1944. It was created after Germany took over France in 1940, and occupied only Southern france. The territory mainly followed German standards and discriminated against all the same people as Germany. Once the allies came to France, Germany took over and ended Vichy governemtn.
Welfare State
A system comprising of government sponsored programs aimed to bring economic democracy by providing health care, family allowances, and pensions for veterans and retired workers. These policies were enacted on both side of the cold war after WW2. Big in that it helped restore economic stability and welfare to people after WW2.
Berlin Airlift
Occurred in 1949. During the conflict, Soviets blocked off railroads. Members of the allies shipped in food and supplies to West Berlin. Eventually Soviets gave up. One of first instances of Cold War / showed Soviets that Allies were legit.
A philosophy first established by Jean-Paul Sartre in the late 1940’s. He believed that one created their spiritual existence through action and choice. They believed that people should live their lives passionalately and sincerely. You make your life fulfilling. Significant b/c it not only characterized peoples lifestyles but also inspired people to live their lives thinking about all choices
One of the largest cities in Japan. It became famous in August 1949 when the US dropped a nuclear bomb during their war. During this era, approximately 130,000 people died. Showed the danger of nuclear weapons, and convinced the Western world to avoid the use of these deadly things.
Marshall Plan
A post worldwar 2 program funded by the United States to get Europe back on its feet economically and thereby reduce the appeal of Communism. It was significant b/c it helped return prosperity to Europe and convinced many nations to not turn communist. It occurred b/w 1947-1951.
Neville Chamberlain
The prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1937-1940. He signed the Munich Agreement in 1939 attempting to avoid war with Germany. He led England through the first 8 months of war, however, since the liberal party would not side with him, he eventually resigned. Significant b/c he set up UKs stance in the war and helped popularity from all UK for WW2
Rosalind Franklin
– One of the initial founders of DNA in 1951. Along with Watson and Crick, she helped determine the structure of DNA. However, she never received credit for her work until after her death in 1958.
Spanish Flu
An epidemic that occurred from 1918-1919. The flu spread across the world killing approximately 50 million people. Many working class people died. One of the factors of Great Depression
The Yugoslavian general from 1961-1964. Characterized as a communist covernment separated from USSR control, Tito created enemies with the USSR. They served as a model for other communist countries such as India and Indonesia. Significiant b/c they showed that being a member of USSr was not necessary for success and b/c Russia used Yugoslavia as representative for treachery of all non USSR areas.
Military submarines operated by Germany during WW1 and WW2. The submarines were mainly used as a supply blockade, cutting off British trade routes. Helped destroy much allie shipping
War Guilt Clause
Part of the Treaty of Versailles released in 1919 that assigned blame for World War 1 on Germany. It made Germany fall into economic turmoil and feel like outcasts in the community of nations. Although they only had to pay what they could, it fueled antagonism throughout Germany, setting up Hitlers reign
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram sent from Germany to Mexico in 1917 that urged Mexico to attack the United States. The telegram promised Mexico money and weapons. However, the telegram was intercepted by Great Britain. This instance was significant b/c it gave the US a reason to enter the war, along with the sinking of the lucitania
Black Hand
A terrorist group founded by the Serbian government in 1911. The supposed instigators behind the murder of Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Viewed as one of the catalysts for World War 1
A policy that preached for the openness and release of information to the general public. Included in the policy, the censorship of material was stopped and the release of poor conditions was shown to the public. It was started under Gorbachev and is one of the main factors equivalent with the downfall of the USSR.
Ho Chi Minh
the President of Vietnam from 1945-1969. Was the leader of independence movement against France. After the war, they established a communist reign in North Vietnam. After losing many people to the south, he attacked Vietnam. He led the Vietcong during the Vietnam War and served as figure head leader after his reign.
Mein Kamfp
A book written by the Austrian Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. It was written whilst Hitler was detained after a failed coup in 1925. In the book, Hitler blames the failure of society on Jewish individuals and disdains Communist rule. Furthremore, Hitler antagonizes the Weimar Republic and announced that he wanted to destroy the parliamentary system. The significance of this novel was that he gained popularity throughout Germany, not only having financial success, but also political success.
Nuremburg Laws
Legislation enacted by the Nazis in 1935 that deprived Jewish Germans of their citizenship. It also prohibited marriage b/w Jews and Germans, as well as using propaganda for abortioin and birth-control. It prepared Germany for more deadly legislation in the future.
Schieffen Plan
In preparation from an attack from France, UK, and Russia, Schlieffen Plan made in 1905 devised plan to counter Entente attack. Involved quick defeat of France. Enacted plan for WW1
leader of USSR from 1922-1953. After the death of Lenin, Stalin took over control. He created a more industrialized economy and central government. Furthermore, Stalin purged all competition in order to become the sole leader. He created a totalitarian government, in which he control every aspect of individals lives.
Communist leader from December 1922-1924. Led the October Revolution of 1917, and worked to create a socialist economic system. Significance was that he was one of the major spreaders of Marxism, and helped create a government for Stalin to rule.
Warsaw Treaty
A military alliance by Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslavic Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the USSR from 1951-1991. The treaty which was a mutual defense treaty promised to protect each other in the case of war. The significance was that it divided Europe and showed the boundaries for the Cold War.