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168 Cards in this Set

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Fetal heart will normally display no variability
Less than 32 weeks gestation
Baseline fetal heart rate is
Fetal bradycardia defined as
FHT less than 120 for 15 sec or more
Fetal tachycardia defined as
FHT greater than 160, above 181 is severe
Variability is defined as
change in beat to beat rate (it's a good thing)
Short-term variability is qualitatively what? What is required to observe it?
changes from one R wave to next R wave; fetal scalp electrode
Long-term variability is
Changes occuring over 1 minute
Good variability suggests what?
Adequate oxygenation
Decreased FHT variability is associated with
CNS or cardiac abnormalities
Sinusoidal pattern is associated with _____ and defined as ____
severe fetal anemia

stable baseline (120-160) with amplitude of 5-15 bpm with 2-5 cycles/min
FHT accelerations are defined as
increase in FHR of 15 beats above baseline for 15 sec
What do FHT accelerations demonstrate?
mature neurocardiac tract; reassuring of fetal well being
Normal FHT pattern during labor is
Acceleration during contraction due to squeezing of baby, with a return to baseline
Decelerations are slowing of FHR and are what 3 types?
Early decels are associated with
head compression
variable decels are associated with
cord compression (not good)
Late decels are associated with
uteroplacental insufficiency
Early decel patterns ...
mirror contractions; pt should be checked as head is probably descending; no tx necessary
Variable decel patterns ...
sharp decrease in FHT occuring ANY TIME as a rapid fall and return
Persistent deep variable decels can cause ____ because of ____. What should be done?
fetal hypoxia

cord compression

check the pt, may try maternal position change or amnioinfusion
Late decel patterns ...
are a symmetrical decrease in FHT beginning at peak or after peak of contraction and returns to baseline when contraction is over
Causes of late decels/uteroplacental insufficiency include
post dates
placental abruption
maternal HTN
maternal DM
maternal anemia
maternal sepsis
Tx of late decels includes
Check pt
Maternal O2
Turn mother to LEFT SIDE
IV fluid bolus
Stop pitocin
Positional tx of late decel is
turning mother to LEFT side
Most common cause of perinatal M&M
preterm labor
Complications of preterm labor include
intravascular hemorrhage
necrotizing enterocolitis
Long-term complicatoins of preterm labor include
bronchopulmonary dysplasia
developmental abnormalities
Preterm labor is defined as
regular uterine contractoins with cervical effacement and dilation/descent between 20 and 37 weeks gestation
Tx of preterm labor is most effective ..
early in the course of preterm labor
Factors associated with preterm labor risks
incompetent cervix
excessive uterine enlargement (ie multiples)
uterine distortion (fibroids)
placental abnormalities
substance abuse
Signs/Sxs of PTL include
menstrual-like cramps
low dull back ache
abdnominal pressure/cramping
pelvic pressure
change in vaginal discharge (blood mucous)
uterine contractions
Evaluation of PTl consists of
External fetal monitor
palpate abdomen
Cervical exam with consistent examiner
Labs used in the evaluation of preterm labor include
UA with culture, CBC, GBS culture, GC, Chlamydia, wet prep
Imaging used in the dx of preterm labor includes
U/S for gestational age, AFI (amniotic fluid index), placental location
Other things to do when presented with possible PTL include
review records for indicators of PTL, gestational age, complicatoins

focused hx and PE
Management goal of PTL is ____ and include what steps?
delay labor as long as possible

IV hydration and access
GBS prophylaxis
Steroids such as _____ should be given in PTL to
betamethasone, dexmethasone, decadron

inhibit something to produce surfactant (not past 34 wks)
An important consideratoin in managing PTL is to give ____ such as what?
GBS prophylaxis

ampicillin, clindamycin, erythromycin, penicillin
Tocolytics used in PTl management include
terbutaline, brethine (B-agonist)
nifedipine (Ca channel blocker)
Prostaglanding synthesis inhibitors (indomethacin)
Main AEs of MgSO4 include
respiratory depression
loss of reflexes
pulmonary edema
What should always be had on hand when giving MgSO4?
a amp of calcium gluconate to reverse it
Dose of MgSO4
4 gm loading and run at 2 gm/hr
Important AE of indomethacin/PG inhibitors
premature closer of ductus arteriosis, esp after 34 wks, decrease in amniotic fluid
No tx is needed for PTL after
36 weeks d/t fetal lung maturity
It is best to deliver a preterm infant ...
at hospital with a NICU ... consider transfer if not adequately equipped
Contraindications to tocolytic therapy include
Advanced labor (if dilated 5cm, too late to stop)

Mature fetus (determine with amniocentesis)

Anomalous fetus

intrauterine infection

large amount of vaginal bleeding
Test that only helps you determine if a pt is NOT in PTL
fetal fibrinectin test
Steroids help fetal lung maturity by
inducing proteins that regulate Type II pneumocyte cells that produce surfactant
Dose of steroids used in PTL
Betamethasone 12.5 mg IM q12 hrs x 2

Decadron 6.25 mg IM q 6 hrs x 4
Best method for PTL delivery
Uterine fibroids defined as
benign smooth muscle tumor of the uterus

(aka leiomyomata, uterine myoma)
Uterine fibroids are the ____ common solid pelvic tumor in women and the leading cause of ______

peak occurence of fibroid sis
40-45 years of age
pregnancy in relation to fibroids seems to ...
protect against their development
After menopause, fibroids ...
decrease in size
Fibroids contain what receptor types?
estradiol and progesterone, which regulate size
Fibroid locations include
submucosal (beneath endometrium)

intramural (in muscular layer)

subserosal (beneath uterine serosa)
Most symptomatic fibroids are
Signs and sxs of fibroids are associated with ____ and include
size, number and location


all 3
Most fibroids are
1/3 women with fibroid-related bleeding describe it as
"menorrhagia, metorrhagia, menometorrhagia"
1/3 women describe fibroid-related pain as
pelvic pain, pressure, urinary frequency and urgency, LBP, rectal sxs
Fibroids may cause infertility due to
compresion of fallopian tubes

endometrial function

recurrent pregnancy loss
PE for fibroids consists of
palpate an enlarge midline pelvic mass

may be irregular in shape

may be in adnexal region
Dx of fibroids is done by
pathologic dx (bx and send to path)

pelvic u/s


hysteroscopy (not good alone)
Bleeding from a fibroid ...
must be worked up separately as it may not be related!
Causes of bleeding other than fibroids include
uterine ca
anovulation (most common cause)
hyperplasia of uterine lining
lining too thing
Bleeding sxs of fibroids is qualified as
menorrhage with menses lasting 7 or more days causing heavy anemia and changes in quality of life
Tx of fibroids is based upon _____
Asymptomatic tx of fibroids is
expectant management -- follow the size with u/s, observe if no rapid growth detected
Symptomatic pain/bleeding of fibroids is treated

GnRH agonists
GnRH agonists treat fibroids by _____, and are limited to what regimen?
producing a hypoestrogen state that shrinks the size of fibroids

No more than 6 months due to osteoporsis; fibroid will enlarge again once tx d/c
Other tx options of fibroids include
myomectomy (removal of fibroid) in pts who wish to conceive

uterine artery embolization (not good)

endometrial ablation (controls bleeding by destroying endometrium)

myolysis (electrical current with needles into fibroid to coagulate)
Endometriosis is defined as
presence of endometrial-like glands and stroma outside of uterus
Endometriosis is a dz dependent upon
Factors associated with reduced ____ increase risk for endometriosis and include

decreased body fat, exercise-induced menstrual problems, smoking
Endometriosis is a ____ dx requiring

glands and stroma present
clinical sxs of endometriosis include
asymptomatic (usually not)

pain, bleeding, and infertility
Minor/uncommon complaints of endometriosis include
dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, tenesmus, dyschezia, dysuria
Pe is of limited value in endometriosis dx but typically demonstrates
nodularity or tenderness in cul-de-sac, parametrial thickness, adnexal mass, thick uterosacral ligaments
Dx of endometriosis is done by
bx of lesions during laparoscopy
Endometrial lesion appearance can be described as
gun power appearance, red, blue, raised glossy blobs, fibrous adhesions, chocolate cyst
Lesions of endometriosis respond to
normal menstrual cycle
Tx of endometriosis is directed toward
patient goals and fertility desires
Function of danazol in tx of endometriosis
creates a chronic anovulatory state by decreasing midcycle LH/FSH surge
Dose of danazol requires to reach anovulatory state
600-800 mg/day
AEs of danazol include
increased free levels of hormones, esp testosterone, resulting in IRREVERSIBLE androgenic effects (ie deepened voice)
Long term use of progesterone in tx of endometriosis can lead to
reversible osteopenia
Progesterone can cause ____ when used to tx endometriosis
endometrial atrophy
Oral contraceptive dosage to tx endometriosis is accomplished by
continuous use for 3-4 mos and cycle after 4th pack (only prevents spotting)
GnRH analogs used to tx endometriosis work by ____ and take ____ to work
down regulating pituitary gland resulting in decreased gonadotropins

3-6 weeks
AEs of GnRH analogs used in the tx of endometriosis include
menopausal sxs treatable with estrogen

decreased bone density (advise Ca use and BSD checks; consider bisPO4)
GnRH analog use is limited to _____ with a _____ "holiday"
6 months

1 yr
Useful pain meds in tx of endometriosis
NSAIDs (preferred)
All treatments of endometriosis are used to
delayed hysterectomy
_____ is better for infertility when tx endometriosis
surgical tx
conservative surgical tx of endometriosis
done with laser, excision, cauterization of lesions visible and in safe location

includes presacral neuroectomy or uterosacral ligament transection
Definitive surgical tx of endometriosis includs
hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy
Definition of ectopic pregnancy
implantation of the blastocyst ANYWHERE other than the endometrial lining (even the cervix)
95% of ectopic implantations occur
in the tube
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include
Previous ectopic
Previous tubal surgery
DES exposure
Increased age (>30)
Multiple induced abortions
Progesterone-only pill
IUD, sterilization
Transmigration of ovum
Most common site of tubal ectopic implantatoin
second most common site of tubal ectopic
Tubal abortion is common in ectopics of the
tubal rupture is common in ectopics of the ____ with resultant _____

clinical presentation of ectopic pregnancy triad is
amenorrhea, pain, vaginal bleeding
Other indications of ectopic pregnancy in relation to its symtomatic triad include
+ pregnancy test with amenorrhea

low abdominal pain that is unilateral, sharp, stabbing, tearing

vaginal spotting/bleeding

GI symptoms such as N/V/D due to blood in peritoneum


profuse vaginal bleeding
PE results of ectopic pregnancy include
Vital signs consistent with hypovolemic shock, or may be nl. Should NOT HAVE ELEVATED TEMPERATURE in tubal pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding: large, small, or none

uterine enlargement

cervical motion tenderness d/t movement of tube

pelvic mass (may or may not feel d/t pt guarding; will be tender if peritoneal blood present)
Labs used in dx of ectopic pregnancy
CBC for baseline


Progesterone level

Blood group, type, and screen
beta quant HCG is ordered in suspected ectopic to get baseline and should be repeated in ____, looking for _____
48 hours

doubling as in normal pregnancy
Normal IUP progesterone levels are _____. <15 may be _____ and < 5 is probably _____
20 or higher


nonviable pregnancy
What should ALWAYS be done in the workup of a pregnancy pt?
blood group, type, and screen
U/S is used in ectopic pregnancy to
look for an IUP
What must be known prior to doing an u/s for suspected ectopic?
HCG level
Abnominal u/s needs to have an HCG level of ______ to be able to visualize anything such as _______

gestational sac
FHT in uterus
Although it is better, vaginal ultrasound requires an HCG level of _____ and the clinician should search for __________
at least 1500 and can see IUP earlier than abdominal

fetal pole within gestational sac, FHT
What should also be looke for on u/s in suspected ectopic?
adnexal mass
The use of u/s in a possible ectopic is used merely to
r/o IUP
DDx of ectopic pregnancy

abortion of IUP

rupture of corpus luteum

ovarian torsion


GI disorder
Features to ddx salpingitis from ectopic
salpingitis has NO MISSED PERIOR or BLEEDING, bilateral pain. Temp greater than 38C

neg pregnancy test
Sxs of IUP abortion include
low, cramping midline pain.

unilateral tubal pain

tissue at cervical os
sxs of corpus luteal/follicular cyst rupture
negative pregnancy test
sxs of ovarian torsion
no missed period
no bleeding
no pelvic mass on exam or CMT
pain waxes and wanes
neg pregnancy test
sxs of appendicitis
begins at umbilicus and moves to McBurney point
no missed period
no bleeding, pelvic mass, CMT
neg preg test
sxs of GI disorder
neg preg test
surgical tx of ectopic pregnancy includes
laparoscopy / laparotomy
preferred surgical tx method for an UNRUPTURED tube in ectopic pregnancy
Post-op care of ectopic tx includes
CBC, replace blood prn
FOLLOW HCG to 0, may take up to 4 weeks
Rho Gam PRN
Medical tx of ectopic pregnancy includes
Methotrexate is an
antimetabolite that binds dihydrofolic acid reductase to inhibit DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis
Methotrexate tx for ectopic preg may be considered if gestation is ______, tubal mass is _____, and absence of _____
< 6 weeks

< 3.5 cm

Pt requirements for methotrexate therapy of ectopic pregnancy is
hemodynamically stable

normal CBC

nl liver and renal function

reliable pt

abstinence from intercourse until HCG = 0

no EtOH
Single-dose therapy of methotrexate is
50mg/m^2 IM once
HCG monitoring in methotrexate therapy is done at days
HCG may _____ on first and second days, then _____ down to ____ by _____
14-21 days
Labor is defined as
cervical dilation with uterine contractions
first stage of labor
onset of labor to full cervical dilatoin (10cm)
first phase of 1st stage of labor
latent phase, 0-3 or 4 cm, may last 20 hrs in primiparous or 14 in multiparous
2nd phase of 1st stage of labor
active phase

rapid change in dilation from 3/4 cm to 10cm

lasts 4-6 hours

primips dilate 1cm/hr

multips dilate 1.5cm/hr
second state of labor
full dilation to delivery

cardinal movements

lasts about 2 hrs
third stage of labor
baby delivery to placental delivery

last 30 minutes or more
fourth stage of labor
post-partum plus 2 hours after placental delivery

most likely time for PP hemorrhage or uterine atony

monitor closely
what can effect the duration of the latent phase and 2nd stage of labor?
sedatoin, epidurals, unripe cervix, persistent occiput posterior
Typical pt CC of labor
uterine contractions

membrane rupture

Initial evaluation of labor should include
prenatal records

focused hx

limited PE
During the eval of labor, prenatal records should be scrutinized for
gestational age
group B strep status
Focused hx in labor includes
nature/frequency of contractions

membrane status


fetal movements
components of the limited PE in labor include
observation/palpation of uterine contractions


Leopold's manuever (check fetal position)

vaginal exam (effacement)

cervical position, consistency, dilation, station
Station is defined as
relation of presenting part to ischial spines
Station of 0 indicates
biparietal diameter has negotiated the pelvic inlet and vaginal delivery may continue
Management of the laboring patient includes
maternal vitals q 30 min

NPO except ice chips

IV for hydration/access

Foley prn


External fetal monitor
Labs for the patient in labor include
CBC, blood type/screen, U/A
the U/A in the laboring patient should be checked for
glucose and protein
External fetal monitor is used in the labor pt to check
fetal tolerance of labor
Pelvic exams during labor should be
minimized, and done by the same examiner
Contractions should be monitored for what pattern for labor?
contractions q 2 minutes for 60sec
Force of contractions are measured with ____ and usually _____ for labor
internal monitor

50-60 mmHg or 180 MVU
To avoid damage to the perineum during delivery, what should be done?
slow and controlled delivery of the fetal head
If meconium is present at delivery, suctoin should be applied to
the pharynx
Hands should be placed where and what traction direction should be applied to deliver the anterior shoulders?
chin and vertex

downward pressure
Overall steps for second stage of pregnancy include
begin pushing
molding of fetal head
slow and controlled head delivery
nose/mouth bulb suctioned
check for nuchal cord
upward tractoin
downard traction
expulsion of body
suction mouth/nose again
clamp and cut cord
baby to warmer
obtain cord blood
repair epesiotomy/lacerations
What event indicates third stage of labor?
gush of blood with cord lenghtening
To deliver the placenta, the physician
applies suprapubic pressure and gentle traction on the cord
Pulling on the cord can lead to
inversion of uterus or cord tearing
After placental deliver, the cord/placenta should be checked for
2 arteries, 1 vein

ensure intact placenta delivered
Final step in third stage management is
check vagina, cervix, rectum for tears/lacerations
Management of the fourth stage of labor includes
Observation for PP hemorrhage and uterine atony

V.S. q 15 minutes

Fundal/bleeding checks q15 min

Remain NPO and keep IV access
The fundus should be where in fourth stage?
level of umbilicus